Haskoll 新闻 | 赫斯科受邀出席“中英城市可持续发展圆桌交流会”
阅读:17654 2024-05-22


"China-UK Urban Sustainability Roundtable Discussion"


On May 14, 2024, the "China-UK Urban Sustainability Roundtable Discussion" jointly organised by the British Embassy in China and the China National Institute of Standardization, was successfully held in Beijing. The event convened over 60 representatives from 27 leading enterprises and authoritative institutions specialising in urban sustainability from both countries. Mr. Henry Yang, Managing Director of Haskoll China, was honoured to be invited to attend this distinguished meeting.


"China-UK Urban Sustainability Roundtable Discussion"


The primary objective of this conference is to strengthen the collaborative achievements between China and the UK in the realm of international standardization for urban sustainability. It aims to facilitate the exchange of extensive experiences in urban practices from both countries, furthering the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda. Moreover, the conference endeavours to explore bilateral cooperation intentions concerning research, application, and service provision related to urban sustainability standards.

会上,英国驻华大使馆商业贸易部商务参赞 Miles French 先生及标准院李爱仙副院长分别致辞。随后,中英两国与会机构互相分享先进理念和前沿技术,围绕双方共同关注的可持续城市规划与设计、绿色建筑、智慧社区、金融支持等领域展开问答和交流,共同探讨相关标准需求和展望合作方向。
During the conference, Mr. Miles French, Commercial Counsellor of the Department for International Trade at the British Embassy in China, and Vice President Li Aixian from the CNIS delivered speeches. Subsequently, representatives from both China and the UK shared advanced concepts and cutting-edge technologies, engaging in interactive Q&A sessions and discussions focusing on sustainable urban planning and design, green architecture, smart communities, financial support, and other areas of mutual interest. Together, they explored pertinent standard requirements and discussed prospects for future cooperation.


" Introduction of British Delegates at the Conference "

此次英方13家参会领军企业分别为:Arup奥雅纳、BRE英国建筑研究院、BSI英国标准协会、Buro Happold标赫、Carbon Trust英国碳信托、CIOB英国皇家特许建造学会、Foster+Partners福斯特、Haskoll赫斯科、RIBA英国皇家建筑师学会、RICS英国皇家特许测量师学会、Savills第一太平戴维斯、Zaha Hadid扎哈·哈迪德、ZEDfactory零碳工场。这些企业都是过去数十年,甚至上百年间,在探索英国自己的“高质量发展”过程中,逐步建立的、最具专业性、代表性的顾问企业。这些企业在标准制定、城市规划、国土空间规划、城市更新改造、绿色建筑、物业资产管理与运营以及英国引以为傲的文化、创意领域,拥有丰富的经验。

The 13 leading british companies attending the conference are as follows: Arup、BRE、BSI、Buro Happold、Carbon Trust、CIOB、Foster+Partners、Haskoll、RIBA、RICS、Savills、Zaha Hadid ZEDfactory. The British companies represented by the delegation are the most professional and representative consulting companies that have gradually been established in the process of exploring the "high-quality development" of the UK over the past few decades, or even hundreds of years. These companies have rich experience in standard-setting, urban planning, land space planning, urban renewal and transformation, green building, property asset management and operation, as well as the cultural and creative fields that the UK is proud of.

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