UNStudio is Hiring! 我们正在招贤纳士!
阅读:12429 2024-07-13


As an international architectural firm, UNStudio is active in the broadest fields of architecture. Our project portfolio covers every aspect of architecture, ranging from small to large scale projects, research and theory. The atmosphere within our offices is international, multidisciplinary, design-oriented and ambitious, but also open, non-hierarchical, team-based and friendly, with attention to personal well-being, knowledge development and career planning.

We are currently looking for the following profiles to join our Shanghai office
  • 资深商务拓展经理Senior Business Development Manager 

  • 资深建筑师Senior Architect

  • 有技术经验的建筑师Experienced Technical Architects

  • 具可持续发展经验的专家Experienced Sustainability Specialist

  • 具经验的建筑设计师Experienced Architectural Designers

联系方式 Contact: 

工作条件依据中国相关法律。福利制度依据UNStudio内部标准。请将求职信、简历、作品集(PDF格式,不超过10M)以电子邮件的形式发送到 FeelyPan hr.asia@unstudio.com

Working conditions are according to Chinese legislation. Benefits are following UNStudio Standards. Applications consisting of a short motivation letter, C.V. and portfolio can be sent digitally (PDF, max.10mb) to Feely Pan at hr.asia@unstudio.com.

期待您的加入 When you work at UNStudio:

  • 您将参与备受瞩目的,具有挑战性的全球项目

  • 您将置身于创新的、活力的、专业的和学术的工作环境

  • 您的经验受到高度重视,但您的创新和积极进取精神尤为重要

  • 您将在一个由各层级建筑师组成的、雄心勃勃,富有团队合作精神和社会责任感的国际团队中工作

  • 您将通过学习和探索进行设计,并在工作中不断积累知识。

  • you have the opportunity to work on high profile, challenging global projects

  • you are part of a creative, fresh, professional and academic working environment

  • your experience is highly valued, but your innovative and entrepreneurial attitude is prized highest

  • you work in an international team that is highly ambitious, collegial and self-motivated, made up of recently-graduated architects, experienced senior architects, and every level in-between

  • you design through knowledge and discovery, and continually learn on the job

Job Openings | 开放职位

For detailed description, please check Career page: 

资深建筑师 Senior Architect 


  • 至少10年国内外大型知名项目工作经验

  • 出色的项目管理和团队领导能力

  • 具备与客户、承包商、顾问广泛协调的经验

  • 杰出的美学感知能力和出色的设计能力

  • 具备出色的专业技术能力,能够通过创新思维提供建筑解决方案

  • 深入了解中国当地材料和施工方法

Skills and Requirements:

  • Minimum 10 years of experience working on international, high-profile, and large-scale projects in China and internationally

  • Effective project management and team leadership abilities

  • Extensive coordination experience with clients, contractors, and consultants

  • Excellent aesthetic sensibilities and design skills

  • Extremely technical with the ability to resolve architectural solutions through innovative thinking

  • Excellent knowledge of the latest material and construction methods

有技术经验的建筑师 Experienced technical architects 


  • 4-8年以上全方位建筑师经验,在设计开发、施工图设计、施工管理等方面具有广泛的国际经验

  • 具有通过创新思维解决相关建筑技术问题的能力,(可递交和监管施工和工作图纸/细部图纸)

  • 具有制作立面、建筑和室内装饰的经验,交互界面方面的经验必不可少

  • 具备出色的产品、材料和施工方法的专业知识,尤其是在亚洲地区


  • 4-8 years of experience as an All-Around Architect, with extensive international experience during design development, construction documentation, and construction administration stages

  • Technical problem solver with the ability to work out architectural solutions through innovative thinking (documented through construction and shop drawings/details)

  • Experience in producing façade, architectural, interior finish and interface details is a must

  • Knowledge of products, materials and typical construction methods, especially in Asia

具有可持续发展经验的专家 Experienced Sustainability Specialist 


  • 建筑学、可持续环境设计或相关领域的学位

  • 至少5年以上在国际知名设计公司的可持续设计经验。有更多经验的候选人将被考虑为高级职位

  • 在以下认证中具备资格,并了解其他标准(LEED、WELL AP、LBC、BREEM等)

  • 证明能够将人本中心和综合可持续设计策略、被动和主动设计解决方案以及净零目标融入项目的早期到施工阶段

  • 在可持续性、综合系统设计、施工方法论和材料应用方面具有丰富知识

  • 具备行业知识并了解最新趋势,包括但不限于可持续材料、技术和最佳实践

Skills and Requirements: 

  • Degree in Architecture, Sustainable and Environmental Design or related field

  • At least 5 years or above of sustainable design experience in a top-tier international design firm. Candidates with more experience will be considered for an advanced position.

  • Accredited in one of the following certifications and knowledge of other standards (LEED, WELL AP, LBC, BREEM etc).

  • Proven ability to incorporate human centric and integrated sustainable design strategies, passive and active design solutions, and net zero goals into projects from early to construction stages

  • Strong knowledge in sustainability, integrated systems design, construction methodology, and material application

  • Has industry knowledge and keeps informed of the latest trends, including but not limited to sustainable materials, technologies, and best practices

具有经验的建筑设计师 Experienced Architectural Designers


  • 建筑相关专业本科以上学历

  • 至少4-6年国际或国内知名大中型项目设计经验

  • 杰出的审美能力和设计能力,热衷于设计和创新

  • 扎实的专业知识,知晓如何建立一个概念并将其发展成一个设计,至少到DD阶段

  • 具有三维立体和几何思维,具有如何合理化并构建复杂几何体的技术思维

Skills and Requirements: 

  • Professional Bachelors or Master degree in Architecture, or the equivalent

  • Minimum 4-6 years of experience in designing high profile, built medium to large-scale projects internationally and/or in China

  • Strong aesthetic sensibilities and design skills, with an unwavering passion for design and innovation

  • Solid knowledge of how to establish a concept and develop it into a design through at least DD stage

  • 3D and geometric thinker, with technical awareness on how to rationalize and build complex geometry

资深商务拓展经理 Senior Business Development Manager 


  • 国际贸易、房地产、设计、传媒或相关专业本科或硕士以上学历

  • 在中国和亚太区的建筑设计国际化事务所、创意产业、房地产或项目发展方面有10年以上的相关国际化商务经验

  • 在中国和亚太区拥有巳建立而广泛的客户网络

  • 出色的英语沟通书写能力

Skills and Requirements: 

  • Bachelors / Masters / MBA degree in International Business, Real Estate, Design, Communications or equivalent

  • 10+ years proven international experience in Business Development for an international design firm in real estate, architecture, or other creative industries, with experience in the China and Asia markets

  • Extensive and established client network in the China and Asia region

  • Excellent command of written & oral English

Projects | 精选过往项目

Huawei TKL Flagship Store
Photo by Huawei

Seoul Twin Eye

Hiwell Amber Centre

Lyric Theater Complex Hongkong


Booking.com City Campus 

Photo by Hufton+Crow


Eclipse Campus Photo by H.G. Esch

ARCHINA 所有平台上发布的项目、招聘、资讯等内容,部分由第三方提供或系统自动收录。资料版权属于第三方,若信息不实或涉及版权问题,需要版权方和第三方沟通,ARCHINA 将配合对接,并在确认无误后删除涉及版权问题的信息,相应的法律责任均由资料提供方承担。
BIG上海公司招聘一名资深项目经理以及一名资深建筑师 。
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