新加坡裕廊湖公园漂浮湿地 | 安博戴水道
阅读:8715 2021-09-15



Singapore water agency, Public Utilities Board (PUB) has recently unveiled the biggest artificial floating wetland - ABC Waters at Jurong Lake. PUB’s Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC) Programme was launched in 2006. The aim is to improve the quality of water and life by harnessing the full potential of Singapore’s waterbodies. By integrating drains, canals, and reservoirs with the surrounding environment in a holistic way, ABC Waters Project targets to create beautiful and clean streams, rivers, and lakes with postcard-pretty community spaces for all to enjoy.

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安博戴水道完成的裕廊湖公园群(Jurong Lake Gardens)的中第一个完成项目——裕廊湖湖畔花园项目是新加坡第三个国家级花园,如今已经成为新加坡市民最受欢迎的公园之一。本次人工漂浮湿地位于裕廊公园内,占地3,850平方米,是新加坡公用事业局ABC水资源治理计划的最新建成项目。设计旨在最大限度地利用裕廊湖水体,创造不同于陆地的景观空间体验,设计通过宽敞的景观长廊和木栈道为游客提供更加广阔的视野,并且可以近距离观察湿地风景和野生动物。

The 3,850m² floating wetland is the latest addition to PUB’s ABC Waters programme, which was also carried out at Jurong Lake Gardens (another one of our proud projects). This man-made floating wetland aims to maximise the use of water bodies and create different experience compared from the land. The pictures que view point also creates aspacious viewing promenade and boardwalks for visitors to observe the scenery and wildlife in the wetlands.


公园内有丰富的市民活动,游客和居民可以通过裕廊湖公园的Passion Wave报名参与,  享受皮划艇和龙舟等水上活动。


Visitors can view water activities such as kayaking and dragonboat where those activities can be enjoyed through Passion Wave @ Jurong Gardens operatedby People’s Association.

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近年来,裕廊湖公园已经成为一个休闲娱乐和社区聚会的绝佳场所。此次漂浮湿地设计,安博戴水道景观设计师与工程合作伙伴 Worley Parsons 合作,为游客创造一种独特的体验空间,游客可以在暴风雨事件前后体验湖泊的不同水位情况下的景观 ,同时近距离观赏动植物,倾听虫鸣鸟叫,更加真切的感受湖泊的生物多样性。


Over the years, Jurong Lake has been transformed into a venue forrecreational and community bonding. Our landscape designers worked together with our engineering partner, Worley Parsons create a unique visitors experience where visitors can experience water fluctuation of the lake before and after stormwater events while exploring a variety of biodiversity visually andaurally. 

It serves to improve the water quality of the reservoir and as anatural habitat for wildlife. The greenery landscape complements the design of the boardwalk, where visitors can take a walk to enjoy the scenic views of the lake and admire flora and fauna thriving on the floating wetlands.

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The visitors can stroll through the different shades of blue panelslined along the gateway which symbolises water according to PUB. The spacious viewing floating promenade and boardwalk for visitors to observe the scenery and wildlife.


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The red pavilion not only serves as a rest and relax point, but also social media picturesque spot for the unique design.

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