越南太阳湾花园酒店及度假村 | 恩蒂埃集团
阅读:3281 2021-09-19


我们很自豪地宣布,由 NDA 设计的 Sunbay Park Hotel & Resort 完成了一个巨大的里程碑,Sunbay Park 三个塔楼之一的 C 楼封顶了。

We are proud to announce that the NDA designed Sunbay Park Hotel & Resort has celebrated a huge milestone with the topping ceremony of Building C, one of three of Sunbay Park.

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(图源自网络 Picture from internet)

Sunbay Park Hotel & Resort 将成为藩朗市未来的标志性建筑。Sunbay 也将成为越南东南部旅游和投资的灯塔,点缀在城市的每张海报,每张照片上--向世界展示藩朗市即将迎接光明的未来。

Sunbay Park Hotel & Resort is a future icon of Phan Rang city. Destined to be adorned on every poster and picture of the city, Sunbay will be a beacon for tourism and investment in Southeast Vietnam, announcing to the world that its future is bright.

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Sunbay 高 270 米,拥有 3102 间客房,规模非常庞大。

At 270 metres tall with 3102 rooms, Sunbay will be massive in size and scale. 

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NDA 创造的不仅仅是精妙绝伦的建筑,还为当地人和游客提供策划了精心的体验,包括世界一流的餐饮、会议、娱乐和住宿设施等。

But it’s not just an architectural feat that NDA is creating, it’s also the curated experience that we give both locals and tourists, with world class dining, conference, entertainment and lodging facilities.

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(图源自谷歌地图 Picture from Google Maps)

宁顺省的目标是到 2025 年将年游客量从目前的 170 万增加到 350 万。

Ninh Thuan province has ambitious aims of doubling annual visitors, from the current 1.7 million to 3.5 million by 2025. 

实现这一崇高目标需要大量的社会经济投资,而 NDA 的任务是创建旗舰 Sunbay 项目来为此目标助力。

Significant socio-economic investment will be required to realise this lofty goal, and NDA was tasked with creating the flagship Sunbay project.  

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随着高耸入云的塔楼建成, 很明显NDA创建的是一个吸引游客、丰富当地社区的标志性建筑。

As construction continues and the towers soar into the sky, it’s clear that NDA has created a pioneering landmark that will attracts tourists, empower locals, and enrichen the community.

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Ancient Champa culture, nature, and sustainability were all inspirations for NDA’s vision of Sunbay. Using these key features as a base whilst using modern architectural techniques, we were able to not only highlight local culture but envision it into the modern era.

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We maximized nature’s power to help our design, like giving buildings rounded edges to allow wind to flow freely through the buildings, or creating window panels with ethnic patterns to allow the sunlight to create incredible shadow designs, or setting the three buildings at perfect angles so each room gets a sea view.

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Sunbay Park 还获得越南绿色建筑莲花认证金证书,因为我们在设计和建造的过程中使用环保的当地材料、合理利用水资源和应用先进的管理技术。

We were also awarded a Gold Lotus Certification for Sunbay Park's environmentally friendly practices: using local materials, water management and application of advanced management techniques during the design process. 

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Sunbay Park 是面向未来的。该项目本身将提供 3600 个工作岗位,随着开发商建立一所酒店学校,培训当地人为旅游业服务,满足本地区游客对高端酒店住宿的需求。潘朗市会成为一个更有魅力的旅游目的地,当地的发展也会越来越好

Sunbay Park’s ambition to be an engine of growth goes deep into the future. The project itself will be providing 3600 jobs, and with the developer establishing a hospitality school, locals will be able to further enhance their prospects as Phan Rang becomes an increasingly attractive tourist destination.

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这只是该市雄心勃勃的开发计划的第一阶段,旨在打造可持续发展的城市核心。Sunbay 将引领越南未来的飞跃。

This is just the first phase of an ambitious development of the city’s new downtown to create a sustainable urban core, with Sunbay leading the leap into the future.

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