上海英科中心 | 山水秀建筑事务所
阅读:4017 2021-11-03


In recent years, enterprises setting up offices in countrysidehas become a distinctive character of rural revitalization in FengxianDistrict. As the rural base for the headquarter of a listed company, the IntcoCenter is an innovative case of this trend. The site is located in aconservation forest on the south bank of the Huangpu River in FengxianDistrict. The original building was a five-bay double-storey building with an Chinesehip-and-gable roof, which was built in the 1990s and was no longer in use dueto long years of disrepair. Tributaries of the Huangpu River flow through thenorth and west sides of the site, which is surrounded by lush forests.

丨基地北侧与西侧均有浦江支流流过,周围林木茂盛  丨▼©梁山



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Intco Recycling Resources is a high-tech manufacturer engaged in plastic reuse.Through circulation of the industry chain, it combines plastic recycling withfashionable consumer goods to produce recycled creative cultural products suchas eco-friendly picture frames. The client commissioned us to design a smallheadquarter on the site to serve as a corporate culture gallery and high-levelmeeting space.


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 丨基座上的新型合院 丨▼©梁山

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The design concept is a localized combination of two starting points: traditionalresidence and corporate culture. The first step was water management. Weadjusted the shoreline of the northern tributary and introduced the river waterto the site after purification. The water is gathered in a platform, on top ofwhich a new form-type of courtyard building was erected.

 丨河水引入场地,形成聚水的基座  丨▼©梁山

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 丨聚水的基座  丨▼©梁山

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Jiaoquan House, the traditional architectural form in rural Fengxian district, is a typeof courtyard house surrounded by four single-story gable roof volumes, which onceprevailed in Shanghai since the Qing Dynasty. Different from the courtyards innorthern China, Jiaoquan House uses the "Wall- Door Room" (passinghall) in the middle as the entrance, and its " courtyard heart" is purelyenclosed by the four-sided building and eaves. Our new courtyard form-type alsouses four units to enclose the atrium. While continuing this spatial form, wetry to inject new vitality into this form-type through structural spaceorganization.

丨轴侧示意图  丨▼

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This courtyard building is composed the translucent walls as the outer ring, fourvolume units as the middle ring, and a central courtyard as the inner ring. Atthe corner, four columns branch out to support the outer ring of four cabletrusses covered by triangular kinetic skin. The mirror-faced alumina bladeswith rolled-up chamfer flicker with wind, like leaves trembling in the breeze. Naturalwind permeates into the inner courtyard through the kinetic screens which alsomirror the surrounding woods and sky and create a vague and subtle image of thecourtyard.


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In the middle ring, the four units are placed on four platforms and arranged likea windmill in the plan, which resembles four ships docking on the waterfrontend-to-end. Each unit is supported by two tree-like columns at both ends connectedby a pair of beams for the roof structure, and the first floor slab is suspendedby the columns hung from the beams. The suspension structure realizes freespace at the ground floor, which perfectly meets the needs of various public activitiessuch as exhibitions and gatherings. The asymmetrical plan of exterior walls ineach unit gives different status to the two columns supporting it: one is inthe indoor full-height void, combined with vertical circulation facilities suchas stairs or lifting platforms, and the other is outdoor and becomes a “artificialtree” in the small courtyard. In each unit, three-quarters of the externalwalls are designed as floor-to-ceiling windows to provide transparency on the groundfloor, while the first floor are more enclosed to house more private officesand meeting rooms.

丨轴侧爆炸示意  丨▼


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手绘节点  丨▼©祝晓峰

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 丨柱子与通高空间  丨▼©苏圣亮

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The inner courtyard is shaped by two pair of staggered shear walls with one pair onthe ground floor in south-north direction and another on the first floor in east-westdirection. Enclosed by the walls is the heart of the courtyard, while outsideis a ring of corridor. These staggered shear walls not only supports thecorridors at both sides (the corridor facing the central courtyard, and thecorridor facing the units), but also provides horizontal supports for the units’structures through bridges. All vertical MEP pipelines are installed in theauxiliary space outside the wall, which gives purity and homogeneity to theindoor space of the units.

在建筑的外圈、中圈和内圈之间建立了双向的渗透性  丨▼©苏圣亮

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 丨建筑一层自由流动的空间  丨▼©苏圣亮

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Through the arrangement of structural system and materials, we established a two-waypermeability between the outer ring, the middle ring and the inner ring. Theraised courtyard walls welcome people, the floor-to-ceiling windows between unitsincorporate landscape, the openings at the bottom of exterior walls introduceswater and breeze, and the skylight between the inner and outer ring absorbsnatural light: In this triple-layered courtyard, the outside-inside flow allowspeople to enjoy breeze, running water and sky light, making it a specialexperience like being in a man-made grove. At the same time, the smallcourtyards in the middle ring and the translucent kinetic skin offer glimpse of exhibitions,activities andthe images of central courtyard, which represents Intco’s corporateculture of regeneration and recycling.


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As the basic form-type of the traditional settlement in south Yangtze River Delta,the courtyard houses carries rich regional cultural characteristics and wisdomof life. We believe that with the injection of contemporary technology andfunctions, courtyard buildings will breed new connotations through continuousrenewal.


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丨总平面图  丨▼

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丨一层平面图  丨▼

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丨二层平面图  丨▼

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丨屋顶平面图  丨▼

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丨立面图  丨▼

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丨剖面图  丨▼

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丨节点图  丨▼

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丨风动幕墙节点  丨▼




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设计单位│山水秀建筑事务所 Scenic Architecture Office + 出品建筑事务所Doarchi



建筑面积│686 m2












Office│Scenic Architecture Office + Doarchi

Location│Yuli Village,Zhuangxing Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai

Program│exhibition, office,conference

GFA│686 m²


DesignPrinciple│ZHU Xiaofeng, DING Penghua

DesignTeam│LUYao, TANG Jiajia, DU Xue, LIU Zhiyuan, LIANG Jiaquan

Client│Shanghai Hangzhou BayEconomic and Technological Development Co., Ltd.

StructureConsultant│MIAOJianbo, CHEN Tong

FacadeConsultant│ShanghaiHanart Facade Specialist CO.,ltd

StructureSystem│Y-shapedsteel column & beam suspension structure

MainMaterials│auminakinetic curtain wall,graniteslab, blue-grey aluminum board, low-iron insulated Low-E glass, dark grayaluminum-magnesium-manganese standing seam roof system

Photographer│ SU Shengliang, LIANGShan

Video│ LIANGShan

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