苏州青苔中日工业设计村更新设计 | MLAplus
阅读:5579 2022-03-26



InternationalCompetition of Suzhou Qingtai Sino- Japanese Industrial Design Culture Village,with Suzhou Qingtai Village as the object of implementation, requires to createa design-themed Sino-Japanese design industry complex within the area of morethan 500 mu (including water areas) which integrates business, tourism, cultureand production, and is equipped with the permanent venue of the InternationalDesign Awards, master studios, designer apartments, as well as commercialfacilities including Sino-Japanese commercial streets and characteristichotels.




Qingtai Creation Loop: 

utilizing space as a means forempowering 

and creating scenarios



QingtaiVillage, in Suzhou's Xiangcheng district, is close to the bustling historiccity yet still surrounded by wilderness. With aquatic fishery startingdevelopment since the Qing Dynasty, thefishing village has gradually developed into an industrial village surroundedby natural wetlands through agricultural cooperation and industrialtransformation. The quiet water town and industrial production have created amixed but simple sense of place in the conflict - the factories and villagesinterlaced, the space scattered, and the life and production scenesintertwined.

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△  青台村现状CurrentSituation of Qingtai Village


line+ and MLA+teamed up to propose the concept of “creation loop” in the design scheme, that is, to integrate industryand space through a closed loop. The idea of “loop” is our immediate decisionwhen faced with the complex design requirements, and it is also our consistentphilosophy.


△  造物会坊:国际设计奖永久会址

Permanent Venue of International Design Awards


造物环 整合中日的设计力量与设计资源, 构建工业设计全流程闭环,从创造、生产、推广、销售到体验反馈,配备别具一格的村落环境,提供推广平台,匹配供需关系,实现多元交互的造物链条,共同定义生活与设计的共生关系。

The "Creation Loop" integrates the design power and design resources of China and Japan to build a closed loop of the whole process of industrial design, from creation, production, promotion, sales to experience and feedback, equipped with a unique village environment, providing a promotion platform, matching supply and demand, realizing the chain of multiple interactions, and jointly defining the symbiotic relationship between life and design.

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△  造物闭环 Creation loop



In the existingarchitectural texture, the industrial village is surrounded by water on allsides, and the large-scale factory area in the middle of the site extends toboth sides along the intersection of the cross street. The traditional familyfactories are distributed in units and groups, forming independent factoryunits with 3-5 single buildings enclosed or arranged in ranks.


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Current distribution of the factories on the site



We opted toappropriately keep the small-scale residential dwellings along the river in thesouth, the large-span structure of the industries, the spatial structure of thecross street, and the ecological landscape base in the design of the newindustrial town. While updating the site texture, spatial structure, locationfunctions and ecological landscape, we also pay attention to the preservationand continuation of the urban context and original texture.


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Texture comparison before and after

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△ 工匠书坊:产业设计图书馆

Industrialdesign library



“Water” is another important component of the site, andthe spatial pattern of “streets formed by water” is a traditional feature of Jiangnantowns. Following the layout of the existing water network and road network, wechoose the multi-center linear water network system that best matches theoverall planning concept and with the highest practicability. In the way ofdecentralized water use, several water systems meet to form a central area, andthen divert to form a network water space.


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△ 水网生成Water network generation

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△ 经比较多种水网布局,最终确定多中心散落式

By comparing various waternetwork layouts, the multi-center divergent type is determined



Waters of differentscales create different water landscape expressions, which are scattered butinterrelated in the scene. Wharfs, row boats, waterside lounge bridges andplank roads present diversified sightseeing along the water and along the park.


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△ 丰富的水景类型Diversity waterfeatures

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△水岸客坊:设计酒店Design Hotel



In our design, theindustrial village is not a pan-entertainment amusement park, but a newindustrial village featuring real industrial content, in-depth tour experienceand living which is developed from the perspective of urban renewal andintegrates the urban temperament of Suzhou into the street scene. In thefuture, Qingtai Village will be the first place to explore the industrialdesign industry, a developer of new Chinese and Japanese life styles, anadvocate of innovative urban life, and a creator of urban inspiration thatpromotes design exchanges and development between China and Japan.


△  视频介绍 Video





Compound Function Loop: 

break up, refine, reorganize


The design firstbreaks up the over ten properties such as commercial, office, and leisurefacilities into a circular arrangement with the core purpose to eliminate the“subjective” space experience brought by homogeneous functional groups, and atthe same time, the original centralized catering/commercial facilities areextended to expand the service area with an aim to create a “daily life”walking path.



At the same time,the function loop is a circular function experience belt with radially-extendingbeyond the main street, rather than a basic linear pedestrian street. Theinitially scattered functions are naturally united to generate a new spatialconnection under the structure of the "function loop." Different fromthe scale of conventional streets, we take the courtyard group as a new unit towiden the vertical experience thickness and continue the original site texture.With porous and open permeability, the "complex function loop"generated by the nesting of many courtyards enhances the tour experience.


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△复合功能环 Multiple function loop



As for the form ofthe courtyard group, we use the principle of typology to generate four unitprototypes by extracting the commonalities of appeals and then reconstructingthem: the neighborhood model of shops in the front and workshops in the back,the business model of the more-dynamic downstairs and the quieter upstairs, thevertically-extending business model and the working model sharing supportingfacilities along the street.

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△  四种单元原型 Fourunit prototypes

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△单元组团内外街景 Street view



The unit grouping islargely the preservation and reconstruction of the original buildings. Newfunctional volumes are placed vertically to achieve density variation andfunction intensification. The multi-layer superposition of three-dimensionalspaces is used to express the transparency of history and modernity. A newspatial pattern in which old and new textures are layered and juxtaposed isformed ultimately.


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Three-dimensional Traffic Loop: 

daily and non-daily



In the design of thecirculation, we have considered the two groups in the community - permanentresidents and tourists. The resident groups include the designers of thestudios in the park, store clerks, and residents, etc. Their activities areoften efficiency- and convenience-oriented, while tourists are more interestedin the non-daily experience of wandering in the park. The three-dimensionaltraffic loop can meet the different traffic needs brought by the two differentgroups at the same time.

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△目标群体诉求分析Target groupanalysis



The touristcirculation is composed of commercial streets and water system. With the“activity water street” as the central axis, the inner water system and theouter commercial street form a tortuous and interesting service flow line. Thetwo-story corridor system formed by the overall lifting of the corridorconnects the main nodes in the site in series, providing quick access for theresidents, and its unique roof landscape has also become a major feature of thesite to attract tourists.

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Double layeredcorridor system





Ten Communities in Qingtai: 

the multiplicity of public buildings



“Ten Communities” are the ten nodal urban spaces in thesite, which aim to break through the homogenized texture, express thecharacteristics of the new industrial village in a differentiated way, andrealize the balance between the mixed industrial environment of China and Japanand the new-age Asian aesthetics through the translation and expression oflocal buildings. In addition, we have also fully considered the multiplicity ofarchitectural forms of urban public buildings at multiple scales such asfunction, time, scene, and publicity - the dailiness of the public, thecomplexity of the functions, and the iconicity of the times.

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Permanent Venue of International Design Awards

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△开放的立体社区Open verticalcommunity Sketch



In order to changethe low-frequency usage of the conference center, we implant the concept of“community” in it.

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Participatingfunctions such as exhibition halls, creative workshops, and design restaurantsare set on the ground floor of the building, open to the public in the form ofcourtyard blocks, and provide a very dynamic public interface. The mainconference hall, which is used the least frequently, is vertically superimposedon the top of the building. Covered by the sloping roof with regionalcharacteristics, the continuous gray space can be used for publiccommunication, thus forming an open three-dimensional community.


Design Residence: Designer Apartments


The residentialgroup is based on the premise of reproducible unit grouping to verticallysuperimpose the residential increments by suspending on the space structure ofthe ground floor commercial street. The vertical public spaces such as sharedspace, community facilities, and roof gardens are placed to provide the youngresidents with a “three-dimensional garden” style neighbourhood communicationspace.


The five scatteredapartments obtain the best landscape view through different orientations, andare connected in series by the corridors on the second floor to form a completeliving area.

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△立体化的点状布局Three-dimensionaldot matrix layout


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Inspiration Workshop: Cultural Arts Center

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灵感工坊Inspiration workshop


The Cultural Center is located in the southeast corner of the site with a wide view, providing a garden-style waterfront creative environment for designers, incorporating the texture of water lanes, serving designers to create the required supporting space, providing the possibility of immediate interaction with the works of the visiting public, and injecting vitality into design production.

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 穿插游览的游园体验 Interspersed tour of the park experience


It provides visitors with the experience of touring through the buildings and landscapes, and the process of touring is a process of finding surprises, different corners are full of creativity, and the whole process of creative production can be seen.


Water Theatre: Cultural Theatre

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△水上“双面”剧场Double sidedwater theatre



The theater islocated on the south side of the water bank with a better view, and the conceptof the two-way stage fully integrates the environment into the variability ofthe theater.


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The soft curved roofnaturally encloses the indoor theater, outdoor theater, viewing platform andwater landscape.





The Full-process Industrial Loop: 

the positive loop of designand sales



The operation of theindustrial village is mainly based on three aspects: industrial designindustry, cultural and creative tourism and urban living. The concept of“industrial loop” is drawn from the co-construction logic of the industrialdesign industry in China and Japan. With the “ten communities”, an integratedclosed-loop industrial design at all stages covering from creation (inspirationcommunity & craftsman community), production (master workshop &design residence), promotion (creation community & water hearttheater), to sales (Flipped Restaurant & Folkways Shop) and experience(Waterside Guest House & Vitality Workshop) is formed, making a positiveloop system integrating design and sales. In addition, in the emotional connectionof different groups such as tourists, designers and residents, etc., variousproduction spaces are used as the medium to empower the creation scene andanchor the symbiotic relationship between life and design.

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A closed loop of industrial design covering all processes

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△ 风情坊肆 Folkways Shop 




“Loop” means infinite in traditional semantics and graphicconcepts. The “Creation Loop” of Qingtai aims to use an all-encompassingconcept to treat mixed businesses and diverse styles, and form a clear andrational balance.


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Suzhou QingtaiSino-Japanese Industrial Design Culture Village is a new type of industrialpractice exploration in a new era. It keeps pace with the times. It uses modernplanning and design concepts such as three-dimensional development and compoundlayout to solve practical problems with comprehensive concepts and promotemacroscopic renewal and development of industrial villages. At the same time,it is also true and transparent. The design takes into account the demands ofspace users and public needs, and provides an iconic, diverse and organicpublic space for the city.

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