泓晟国际中心位于北京市东城区东二环央企大道,是这一核心区位内的地标型甲级办公楼宇。 在与AEW, 弘毅投资的紧密合作之下,罗昂以提升资产价值为核心目标,遵循well金级标准, 对于楼宇进行了全面设计。更新后的泓晟国际中心已经成为了该区域品质、活力、健康的办公与零售空间典范。
Hexa International Plaza is the Grade A office located in downtown Beijing on the second ring road. AEW, HONY Capital and logon.design worked closely redesign the interior space and to achieve the AEI (Asset Enhancement Initiative) goal of HEXA International Plaza, providing high quality office and retail spaces for central Beijing. Meanwhile, Hexa International Plaza is certificates as WELL Gold which focus on the healthy working environment.
Project Evaluation and Rebranding
The Hexa building structure and facade are in good condition. However, reviewing the building life cycle, the overall facilities, materials and lighting have been unable to meet the needs of the new workplace. There is an urgent need for building renovation.
围绕“央企大道需要什么样的崭新办公地标?甲级写字楼更新适合什么样的更新手 段?” 这一核心问题,logon 罗昂设计基于区位特征、环境特点、建筑特性的分析,从用 户使用需求出发,构建了系统化的升级策略,重新塑造室内空间,打造多元复合的全生态 办公场所。
Based on the analysis of the location, context and the building, logon.design answered the questions of “What kind of new office landmark does central CBD need? What kind of updating approach for Grade A office?”. The team prioritized the modernization and upgrading strategies and redesigned the interior space to create an ecological office space.
Hexagon Element
Derived from the shapes of the buildings and surrounding plaza, the hexagon was selected as key identity element. Not only is the new extended void shaped as hexagon, but also the new feature wall ranging from basement up into the lobby features an organic wooden texture comprised of hexagons.
This feature wall creates a natural and a warm, comfortable atmosphere for all public spaces. Both at day and night the upgraded lobby is the new landmark for the building and the surroundings, welcoming employees, visitors and neighbors alike to visit and enjoy the sunlight or the facilities.
Renovation Concept
The AEI started with the public spaces, enhancing accessibility from north and south plazas, and extending the atrium and daylight all the way down to the basement floor.
12 层通高的阳光中庭空间,模糊了室内室外空间的界限,让建筑可以与外部环境和天气对话,赋予了室内空间灵动与变化的可能。
The key feature of the building is the overlapping of exterior and interior spaces, providing atriums filled with daylight for public spaces and integration with the surroundings.
A new vistor lounge and customer experience lounge has been installed in the second floor lobby.
新激活的地下层在 12 层挑高的中庭花园,设置了设施、零售和餐饮空间,同时兼具艺术展览与活动功能,带来了空间的多元活力。
The newly activates B1 spaces will be filled with facilities, retail and F&B spaces, located around the new sunken garden in the center of the now 12 floors high lobby.
An upgraded entrance situation provides a new arrival experience. The new entrance provides a state of the art drop off area. Protection from weather, temporary car parking and modern landscape elements welcome visitors.
User Centered Comfortable Workplace
The office floors were upgraded to maximize net floor height, daylight penetration and user comfort.
Flexible space for meetings and event.
Sustainable and Wellness Building
User health in challenging times was implemented by means of touchless lift access, door opening systems, automated lighting and barrier free access of all spaces.
User comfort, quality and a healthy indoor work environment were achieved by the upgrade of public and office spaces. Materials like white printed glass, light color stone tiles, combined with wooden elements and the WELL certification provide a highly competitive, comfortable and healthy working environment.
Hexa International Plaza has been upgraded to become a high-quality Grade A office building with international standards in the central of Beijing.