越南DIC之星酒店 | 恩蒂埃集团
阅读:4222 2022-06-06


项目名称 | 越南DIC之星酒店

Project | DIC Star Hotel

重要性 | NDA China, Vietnam and Hospitality cooperation 

Importance | NDA中国、越南办公室和酒店部门合作的绝佳范例

项目目标 | Creating new consumption models through design

Project Aim | 通过设计创造新的消费模式

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DIC Star Hotel is a future landmark in the fast growing new urban locale of Vi Thanh. Through this hotel, NDA introduces new models of living, spending, and interaction, alongside a platform that facilitates guaranteed economic growth.  

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A project like DIC Star Hotel perfectly represents why the planners and architects at NDA joined the industry: to create meaningful impact on people and place, catalysing them to develop infinitely.

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(图源自谷歌地图 Picture from Google Maps)


Though started in 2020, this project reminds us of our beginnings in Asia over two decades ago, where we worked under the duality of vast creative freedoms yet bearing deep responsibility to design landmarks that kickstart growth.


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Key Concepts

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With DIC Star Hotel we envision a centre for socialisation that fits the rurban (rural/urban) context. This means acknowledging that a new consumption point is not enough, but rather, we must introduce a space that facilitates new models of consumption, cooperation, and mutual growth. 

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Thus, we create a modern leisure and lifestyle hub that combines premium accommodation with a massive 1000 guest event hall and a variety of complementary commercial and F&B spaces. 


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Nature Inside & Out

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For millennia the Mekong Delta’s rich nature has been influencing building tradition, and we seek to emulate this biophilic design by evoking the image of DIC Star Hotel as clouds floating above a forest on the Mekong River. 



To achieve these three key images we incorporate a white façade that forms the cloud, with characteristic perforations allowing in dappled sunlight like rainforest canopies do. 

Then we form a stilt-like podium that houses public space and is inspired by trees growing in concert, a nod to the communal nature of these three levels.

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Finally, we welcome a garden that seamlessly enters the building and is encouraged to grow inside and out.


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Vision Realised

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DIC Star Hotel’s role as the landmark of Vi Thanh is undisputed. Sitting opposite the main government offices and at the crossroads of the town’s main thoroughfare, DIC Star Hotel channels the energy of the industrious and ambitious who will be shaping the town.

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The fact that NDA was also awarded the interior design contract will turn this into a prime example of NDA ‘s design thinking: seamless integration between indoors and outdoors, biophilic design, operational efficiency, iconic design, and lifestyle activator.

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This is also a fantastic case study in the breadth and depth of NDA’s working ability across countries and departments. DIC Star Hotel is the result of NDA Shanghai, NDA Vietnam, and NDA Hospitality in realising a vision of channelling new urban energy into Vietnam’s fast growing towns. 

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