美国瑞迪欧大厦+酒店 | MVRDV
阅读:2770 2022-07-29


图片 Image © Radio Hotel

MVRDV在纽约曼哈顿华盛顿高地的彩色建筑——瑞迪欧大厦+酒店 (Radio Tower & Hotel)向竣工迈出了重要的一步。建筑中的主要功能之一——瑞迪欧酒店 (Radio Hotel)本周一开始试营业,纽约市市长Eric Adams 出席了开幕仪式并为酒店开业剪彩。瑞迪欧大厦+酒店是MVRDV将在美国完成的第一个大型项目。

MVRDV's colorful building in Manhattan's Washington Heights, the Radio Tower and Hotel, took a significant step closer to completion. Radio Hotel, which serves as one of the main functions of the mixed-use development, celebrated its soft opening with a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by New York Mayor Eric Adams on Monday. The Radio Tower and Hotel is the first major project that MVRDV will complete in the United States.

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图片 Image © Radio Hotel

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图片 Image © Radio Hotel

开发商Youngwoo & Associate创始人Young S. Woo与Margarette Lee、约市市长Eric Adams、国会议员Adriano Espaillat和纽约市交通局局长Ydanis Rodríguez参加了酒店的开幕剪彩仪式


The distinctive design of the building is inspired by its context, with the building composed of a stack of blocks that match the size of the smaller buildings in the area. In a nod to the bright colours found in the shopfronts of the vibrant neighbourhood, the blocks are finished in coloured glazed bricks, ranging in from muted brown and purple to bright blue, yellow, and green.

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概念示意 Diagram


The building composed of a stack of blocks that match the size of the smaller buildings in the area,in a nod to the bright colours found in the shopfronts of the vibrant neighbourhood

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图片 Image © MVRDV

“华盛顿高地是一片独特且新奇的街区,与曼哈顿南部的其他街区截然不同”,MVRDV 创始合伙人 Winy Maas说道,“我们借鉴了本地街区内常见的小型建筑体块,并将它们堆叠成一座 ‘垂直村落’。此外,我们为建筑立面赋予了鲜艳明亮的色彩,犹如城市的一座灯塔,彰显了城市的个性。”

“Washington Heights has a unique and exciting character, very different from the other Manhattan neighbourhoods further south”, says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “The design of Radio Hotel and Tower is inspired by that character – we took the smaller blocks that are typical in the neighbourhood and stacked them into a vertical village. Add to that the bright colours that you see all around the area, and the project is like a beacon celebrating this part of the city.”

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图片 Image ©  Radio Hotel

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图片 Image ©  Radio Hotel

瑞迪欧酒店共有221间客房,由APD工作室设计,色彩鲜艳的浴室空间延续了建筑颜色丰富的外立面。酒店还提供了一系列的服务设施,其中很多都体现了当地社区的多米尼加 (Dominican) 文化。其中包括一个以圣多明哥 (Santo Domingo) 为灵感的餐厅和著名多米尼加酒廊的分店。在12层的蓝色“盒子”内还设置了一个专门的活动空间,用于举办从婚礼、家庭聚会到各种风俗的成人礼活动。在首层,酒店设置了一座750平方米的庭院,其中包含了一间咖啡吧、花园和木制长椅。

Radio Hotel includes 221 rooms, with the interior design by Workshop APD matching the brightly-coloured bathrooms to the exterior colour of the blocks. The hotel also provides a range of amenities, many of which celebrate the neighbourhood’s local Dominican culture. These include a Santo-Domingo-inspired restaurant and the second location of a famous Dominican lounge. On the 12th floor, in the blue block, is a dedicated event space suitable for everything from weddings and reunions to bar mitzvahs and quinceañeras. At ground level, the hotel also features a 750-square-metre courtyard with a coffee bar, garden, and wooden benches.

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图片 Image © Radio Hotel

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图片 Image ©  Radio Hotel

“没有什么比一家酒店的开幕更能预示我们这座城市的复苏了”,纽约市市长Eric Adams在开幕发言中说道,“纽约正在蓬勃发展。在这里就可以感受到曼哈顿市中心的活力。瑞迪欧大厦+酒店将如一块磁铁,吸引着来当地旅游的人们,进而盘活整片社区的经济和发展。"

“Nothing sends a better signal to the recovery of our city than a hotel”, said Mayor Eric Adams in his speech at the event. “New York is thriving. You don’t have to go to downtown Manhattan to get the Manhattan experience and feeling here. Then it cascades out -- this becomes a magnet and a gravitational pull of people visiting here who will go to the local stores, restaurants, shops, bodegas and will shop locally. We will feed the economy of this community.”

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图片 Image ©  Radio Hotel

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图片 Image ©  Radio Hotel

瑞迪欧酒店酒店目前在试营业期间接受客人预订,在餐厅和活动空间完工后,将于 9 月中旬正式开幕

The hotel is currently accepting guest reservations during the soft opening period and will host an official grand opening in mid-September, following the completion of its restaurant and event space.

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图片 Image ©  Radio Hotel

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图片 Image ©  Radio Hotel


In addition to Radio Hotel, the mixed-use Radio Tower development features over 16,000 square metres of office space, ground-level retail spaces, and a basement-level parking garage with 170 parking spaces.


click the image below to know more about the design story

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