香港Ham Tin 溪邊別墅景觀設計 | 源点设计
阅读:3764 2022-10-17

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Ham Tin溪邊別墅位於大嶼山的鹹田谷,家門口就是海灘,在混凝土森林的香港提供了一片開闊的戶外空間。在這個片區,9 座別墅點綴在寧靜的環境中。一條天然的小溪從山谷中穿流而過,在豐饒的大自然中可以聽到流水的聲音,在海邊感受無盡的海浪和微風,以及在花叢中飛舞的斑斕的蝴蝶。回到溪邊別墅,悠閒地漫步,恍如進入一個時間靜止的時空。

Tucked in the Ham TinValley on Lantau Island with the beach at your doorstep, the Ham Tin CreekVillas offers a slice of open wilderness in an expansive outdoors never feltbefore in cosmopolitan Hong Kong. In this large compound dots 9 villas in thelandscape wherein life stands still. A natural creek runs through in the valleyand one can hear the sounds of falling waters amidst abundant nature, feelendless soothing waves and winds by the sea and sight bursts of colourfulbutterflies fluttering amongst the flowers. Take a leisurely stroll as onereturns home to the creek villas for in here, a slow space prevails. 

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We worked with the topography and the undulating terrain - to tuck,sculpt but never to flatten the earth is crucial in enriching the outdoorexperience here. Reworking the old rubble walls as we found it that was left bythe villagers, we accentuated the geological layers and enriched these recycledelements wherein the new encapsulates the old, blurring a feeling of immediatetimelessness and tranquility as if the landscape design has been married to theearth for a long time coming. Fallen weathered trees that survived the test oftime and past typhoons grow eccentrically in the courtyards just as floweringcrepe myrtle trees seem to be born out of rubble walls. Large boulder excavatedin the ground during construction now greets residents at the start of thestream as land art - kissed by the evening sun casting forlorn shadows.

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We worked with thetopography and the undulating terrain - to tuck, sculpt but never to flattenthe earth is crucial in enriching the outdoor experience here. Reworking theold rubble walls as we found it that was left by the villagers, we accentuatedthe geological layers and enriched these recycled elements wherein the newencapsulates the old, blurring a feeling of immediate timelessness andtranquility as if the landscape design has been married to the earth for a longtime coming. Fallen weathered trees that survived the test of time and pasttyphoons grow eccentrically in the courtyards just as flowering crepe myrtletrees seem to be born out of rubble walls. Large boulder excavated in theground during construction now greets residents at the start of the stream asland art - kissed by the evening sun casting forlorn shadows.

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As we designed theflora, we kept in mind the butterflies and birds by enriching the palette thatattracts them. Now as we walk in the gardens, abundant colourful butterflieshave found their way back and we are hopeful a myriad of fauna will return inthis ecological corridor. All trees are retained too and we highlighted thelandscape further with characteristic feature trees that echo the theme of thevillas. Careful planning in preserving view corridors, sightlines, visualprivacy and vistas guided us in planting the trees. In time, with the forest asthe backyard, the trees form an intimate and important weave to the foliage inthe foreground.

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640 (13).jpg△植物观赏

Ham Tin 溪邊別墅讓您在觀海平台上欣賞日落,在花園中漫步和放鬆,在一個您永遠不想離開的地方,享受寧靜的風景。隨著時間的推移,如果沒有海灘上水牛的漫步,你或許感受不到時間時間的流逝。

Ham Tin Creek Villasencapsulates a quietude in the landscape as you watch the sunset by the wavedeck, while away your time and chill by the gardens in a place you will neverwant to leave. A slow space as time goes by along with the water buffalosstrolling by.


Client:Swire Group
Site Area: Approx. 100,800sqft
Design Chief:Jerome Lee
                 Franz Pascua鄒禮鵬、焦曉燕、
                王璞玉、朱倩倩、陳   豪
Design Team:Brandon Huang, Ken Qiu,Xibei Wu,
                   Kenny Fung, Franz Pascua, Perry Zou, 
                   Puyu Wang, Qianqian Zhu, SolarJiao, 
                   Howe Chan,

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