▲ 入口广场 © TLS
普拉特公园(One Pratt Park)位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰市。在遭受了一场前所未有的强烈飓风袭击后,TLS受业主委托,为普拉特城区的灾后重建设计一个新的“城市客厅”公园。经过长达近7年的协作,公园于2019年底开放。
| 设计背景:飓风 |
▲飓风袭击后的普拉特城 © Charles Whisenant
On April 27, 2011, Alabama was the victim of a supercell EF4 tornado, one of the largest ever recorded. It cleared a path over a mile wide and 80 miles in length from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. Downtown Birmingham was threatened but at the last minute, the storm took a turn and instead demolished a large portion of the nearby Pratt neighborhood. Pratt was an impoverished, historic African American community founded as a 19th-century mining center. The community, which included many older, long-time residents, strongly tied to this place, was shattered. Already struggling, Pratt’s physical and social fabric, was shredded by 190 mph winds. Large areas, like this site, were razed and entirely cleared. Many people had to leave not knowing if they would ever return.
| 设计过程:沟通 |
▲ 新建社区中心 © TLS
· 创造社区凝聚的场所
· 吸引更多家庭回归普拉特
· 纪念历史
Our first job was to learn how the place could serve the community best. Certain things stood out strongly.
• People want to get together. Having a place for gatherings large and small (the existing library is overwhelmed) – that can work indoors and outside was most key. This needs to be the living room and commons.
• Attracting families to return or to move here. Thinking about kids – lots of options and stimulation for kids.
• Heritage – honoring the history of this neighborhood
| 回归 |
▲ 场地南侧鸟瞰,普拉特城历史地图 © TLS
▲ 场地北侧鸟瞰 © TLS
▲ 平面图 © TLS
2011年的飓风过后,普拉特城区灾后重建与修复的各项规划都在紧密进行中。位于曾经的飓风中心的普拉特公园(One Pratt Park)和社区中心项目,由FEMA(联邦应急管理机构)资助,是灾后第一个完成的项目。普拉特公园旨在成为重生后的普拉特的新社区核心,用充满活力和新意的公园,长久地吸引居民的回归。2019年公园建成后,周边的多个住宅项目也快速启动建设,成功地激活了社区。
Since the disaster, Pratt has been the site of numerous planning initiatives at various scales aimed at restoring and re-growing the community. Sitting directly in the former path of the tornado, One Pratt Park and Community Center is the first major recovery project to be accomplished with FEMA funding. One Pratt is intended as the new beating heart of the restored community, an enthusiastic resurgence inviting long-time residents to come back together and return to new homes. With One Pratt finished, several surrounding residential projects are now heading quickly toward construction.
| 色彩 |
▲ 发光信号塔 © TLS
▲ 场地色彩 © TLS
▲ 场地色彩 © TLS
Like many of the returnees, the design is resplendent in brilliant, optimistic colors. The park gateway sports a detailed magenta map of the area’s mining facilities that were the community’s main source of employment for decades. Kids and adults negotiate a hillside of rainbow sherbet-colored rubber knolls and slides. This eight-acre park and community center opened in October 2019, a new page in a long history.
| 攀升 |
▲ 下沉剧场 © TLS
▲ 回收砖块 © TLS
▲ 市民公园 © TLS
A community “living room” structure was designed to frame the entry to a green common for events and festivals. With 40 feet of grade change along the park’s length, the land was strongly sculpted for use including an extensive topographic playscape with natural slides for kids and an amphitheater for music performances and weddings. This is overlooked by a glowing community signal tower at the park’s high point. Rainwater is collected and serves to irrigate a shady streambed overhung with River Birch groves and lined with recovered brick and granite blocks along the low edge of the park.
| 设计信息 |
项目面积:8 英亩
协作建筑师:DESIGN INITIATIVE,Marshall Anderson
Project Location: Birmingham, Alabama
Project Size: 8 Acres
Client: City of Birmingham
Landscape Design: TLS Landscape Architecture
Associate Architects: DESIGN INITIATIVE, Marshall Anderson
Photographer: Wei Chen