海南生态软件园科技企业加速园(ACC)项目 | DOMEASSOCIATES董世建筑
阅读:5375 2023-05-18

项目概览,overall view of the project






The project was jointly built by Hainan Provincial People's Government and China Electronics Corporation, which is the main carrier and platform for the development of Internet industry in Hainan.




As an incubation base for digital economy unicorns, ACC Industry Acceleration Park has created an eco-system to accelerate business empowerment, with a good environment and industry service support for different enterprises to cooperate and accelerate together. The architects aim to create a place that responds to the characteristics of the climate and provides a place for technicians to communicate in a multi-faceted and integrated complex functional space. The natural flow of the building volume not only provides more comfortable space, but also blends better into the natural environment.

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At the beginning of the design, designers always focuses on thinking about the place, using the language of form, space and material to reshape the role of the relationship between nature, architecture and interior. The innovative and humanistic design of this project, as well as the knowledge and application of new technologies and materials, facilitate its sustainable use after construction.

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The interior design is based on the functional layout of the building from the outside in, with reasonable arrangement of functional spaces and pedestrian movement lines, taking into account the privacy and openness of the office.

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在绿色中办公 在生活中创新


The Museum of Park Planning and Exhibition is both an exhibition space and a public and open office space with dynamic interaction and experience. The space will play its landmark attributes to attract people to stop, relax and socialize. Combined with the latest display technology, it will also enhance the visiting experiences, drive activation around the park, and help improve the overall image of the city.

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The architects placed a large scale staircase in the overhead passage to maximize the advantages of the surrounding landscape. It can realize the basic requirement of accessibility between floors and also integrate the flow of people coming and going. 

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室内外链接的户外楼梯,Outdoor staircase

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Anodized aluminum extends into the interior



The designers tried to link the event scenarios of "office" and "campus planning and presentation" together and reconsider how the functional areas can be integrated with the natural ecology and architectural interface to create a more blurred boundary.

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The second floor entrance and empty area

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The exhibition hall's layout uses the wall thickness embedded in the building shape for regional division, and the city model combined with construction methods to create a digital industry dynamic.

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When you enter the exhibition hall, you can feel the pure and hard spatial feeling brought by the same kind of stone on the wall, roof and floor, and the rough surface of fair-faced concrete outlines a strong vitality. The open view is formed through the vertical opening, and combined with natural light, it conveys the unique atmosphere of the company to the visitors..

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品牌展示规划区接待处,Brand area reception

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一二层的品牌展示区采用天然灰色石材,以现代极简手法,拆解方形对称格式、设计排序,结构看似随意搭接、创造不稳定的趣味性 ,体块之间的交错互动,虚实块面结合,统一中变化。如此一来,大量的大理石,构成了前场的视觉基底。灰白的空间空荡又中性。塑造空间的联系与互动,用块面的形式去表达、实施,整体感、仪式感会更加强烈。

Marble forms the visual base of the front field. The gray and white space is empty and neutral. The sense of ceremony will be stronger by shaping the connection and interaction of the space and expressing it in the form of block surface.

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The exhibition space of the opposite landscape courtyard

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Height up to the 12-meter tall area, the top surface are marble material, the size of the stone units need to be accurately controlled in the early stage, the difficulty of transportation and installation so that workers need to stay on the scaffolding for a long time to test the material and scale of the fit.

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Through the extreme yet introspective design language, the spatial hierarchies are derived to bring infinite possibilities.

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The four functional spaces on the east side of the fifth floor need to avoid the round top ceiling. Designers must first plan out the complete shape in the space treatment, and divide different areas by interspersing, biting and cutting blocks to finally achieve visual integrity.

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电梯厅与石材,Elevator hall and stone details

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The production restored the characteristics of the raw material, and the wall stone was treated with low gloss to let the texture show through. At the nodes of the steel braces, designers have designed in detail to gather the nodes as much as possible in one by various delicate parts.

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The ceiling is made of mirrored stainless steel to stretch the visual layer height, and through the material compound of honeycomb aluminum to ensure the top surface with a pure mirror effect.


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Interior design combines proactive and open architecture, highlighting contemporary industrial technology and incorporating high-tech industrial and technological elements into the design. The outdoor staircase is hidden in the connection between the lobby and other floors, creating a "dramatic" scene where sight lines and movement lines interact with each other, bridging the sense of boundary of the space.

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“光之于空间,就像声音之于音乐。建筑的体验,重叠的视角——这就相当于光中的空间声学。”通过前期与建筑公司的沟通,室内外的吊顶高度得以延续,We try to minimize the boundaries between the interior and exterior spaces of the building and introduce sunlight, greenery and rich landscaping to create a good public communication space.

We try to minimize the boundaries between the interior and exterior spaces of the building and introduce sunlight, greenery and rich landscaping to create a good public communication space.

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A mild transition between indoor and outdoor

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洽谈与展示空间,Negotiation and display space

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details of the staircase and the facade 

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Compared to the fixed type of functional , the office building space is constantly transformed and renewed with time, thus becoming a high-cost item in the ecological sense.

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Therefore, the designers considered how to construct an integrated office life scenario in the design place. With reasonable control, the integrated balance of passive design, renewable energy use, low energy consumption of building materials in exchange for indoor comfort, and the use of appropriate technology to respond to nature.

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洽谈与展示空间,Negotiation and display space

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Companies need a sustainable space model that can adapt to the demands of future changes. We adopted a large span of open space cut into various independent office areas with human movement lines under consideration, and the unique modularity can create a variety of office layouts, including allowing all employees to choose the right office and meeting space according to their needs. It meets the needs of the client for the current and future phases of the office style, making flexible super span space possible.

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The discussion area not only has ample natural sunlight and a more open view, but also allows for maximum flexibility and variability for future office needs.

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Brand showcase and discussion area

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The second to fourth floors are defined as internal office floors, which need to ensure efficiency and privacy. Therefore, we need to combine the different uses of the workplace and give more humanized consideration to the design of functional distinction, so as to give the long-time users a comfortable and private environment for relaxation.

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位于二层的独立办公会议厅,Separate conference room


The second floor is divided into two independent meeting rooms for unexpected meetings and employees to brainstorm among themselves, etc. The meeting rooms can be distributed according to different needs internally or externally. It has the dual functions of communicating with clients externally and holding large institutional meetings internally.

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Office area and general manager's office

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Designers use system partition, moving walls, more open space and movable furniture to make the space change flexibly.

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The fourth floor is the VIP reception area, which is used to receive government leaders and other important guests. For the comfort of the space, the whole floor is divided into only two reception rooms. The elevator hall position is made with a special treatment of arc and mirror stainless steel on the top surface, which raises the vertical scale of the whole space.

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商务洽谈的贵宾接待区,VIP reception area for business

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DOME&ASSOCIATES company was founded in 2001, is a diversified architectural interior design firm. Rich project experience and meticulous professional spirit, make us calm in the face of different geographical and cultural characteristics of the project, provide interior design and high-end custom service, the global various award-winning design awards.

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平面布置,PLAN 1F-5F

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