设计公司:小大建築設計事務所 / kooo architects项目地址:東京都渋谷区神宮前6-12-17ダイヤモンドビル 1F设计团队:小嶋伸也、小嶋绫香、黄永顺、罗伊、泰川惠多朗
DANTON是1935年在法国以工作服起家的品牌,历史悠久。现在,Danton不仅提供工作服,还提供适合不同人群且可以长期使用的日常休闲服。DANTON is a brand that started as work clothes in France in 1935 and has a long history. Now, Danton not only provides work clothes, but also daily casual clothes that are suitable for different people and can be used for a long time.项目位于东京都涉谷的原宿地区,这里被称为是东京街头文化的代表。我们希望能够在都市繁华的街头中,还原穿着Danton服装的工作场景。
The project is located in the Harajuku area of Shibuya, Tokyo, which is known as the representative of Tokyo street culture. We hope to be able to restore a working scene with wearing Danton clothing in this bustling street of the metropolis.入口处设计了由旧木头和黄铜制成的品牌标志,黄铜在自然环境氧化,给人以品牌历史悠久的印象The entrance is designed with a brand logo made of old wood and brass. The brass will oxidize in the natural environment, hopineg to give the impression of the brand's long history.天花采用了纺织工厂中常见的日光灯管照明,这样的系统能够适用道具灵活的布局,且从户外能直接被天花的照明系统吸引。地面选用户外常见的透水地砖,耐用且随意。The interior is a completely open space, simple and functional.
The fluorescent tube lighting that is common in textile factories is used for the ceiling system. This system can be used for flexible layout of props, and people from the outdoors can be directly attracted by the ceiling lighting system. The floor is made of permeable floor tiles commonly seen outdoors, which are durable and casual.
工作服制作的时候,往往更考虑实用和耐用,不会刻意修饰缝制线条和五金,家具的设计同样保持实用和功能性,强化材料特性,减少加工,暴露固定的节点。When making work clothes, people often give more consideration to practicality and durability, and do not deliberately decorate sewing lines and hardware. The design of the furniture also remains practical and functional, enhancing material properties, reducing processing and exposing fixed joints.展台用老木头堆叠而成,这是从老建筑中拆除回收回来的。木工厂为了大块木材的搬运和防腐,在大块木料中垫着小块的木方形成间隙,我们将这种方式运用到道具中,以尽量少的加工,保留古木的特征和味道。
The display islands are made of stacked old woods, which was recycled from the dismantlement of old building. In order to transport and preserve large pieces of wood, wood factories place small pieces between large pieces of wood to form gaps. We apply this method to props to retain the characteristics and scent of ancient wood with as little processing as possible.
仓库中的回收的古木@Kooo挂杆和展台由生铁制成,这种材料常见于各类工厂和生产空间。细节上我们把固定构件暴露,直接使用。The hanging rods and display racks are made from pig iron, a material commonly found in all types of factories and production spaces. In details, we expose the fixed components and use them directly.
休息区的座椅以及试衣间的门帘使用工作服常用的面料来制作,客人可以近距离接触面料的质感和缝制工艺。The seats in the rest area and the door curtains in the fitting room are made of fabrics commonly used for work clothes. Guests can get close contact with the texture and sewing process of the fabrics.不同材质的家具组织空间动线,通过有效的搭配关联在一起,形成自然的平衡。Furnitures made of different materials organize the traffic flow of space and they associate with each other through effective coordination to form a natural balance.我们在空间设计贴合工作服实用和功能性,尽量减少加工和修饰,希望能让客人在零售空间中产生对工作场景的联想,让他们在体验产品同时,能够感受到Danton品牌的历史和理念。We designed the space to fit the practicality and functionality of work clothes, minimizing processing and decoration. We hope that guests can associate with the work scene in the retail space, so that they can feel the history and philosophy of the Danton brand while experiencing the products.