由gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所设计的宗德服务中心位于佛山东平新城中心CBD二期,地块内既有风景秀丽的景观公园,又有规整的城市肌理。从周围街道望去,东平河及中央绿地、高达240米的高层办公塔楼、110米和160米高的公寓塔楼相互呼应,布局和谐,成为一个有机整体。所有塔楼均面向景观绿地,从建筑内部就可以眺望周围公园和河景。与此同时,每栋塔楼的立面略有区别,分别对应了各自的功能需求。 Foshan Zongde Service Center, designed by gmp von Gerkan, Marg and Partners Architects, is located in Foshan Dongping New Town CBD Phase II. The site is determined by an attractive mix of natural landscape and lush green parks on the one hand and the development of the regular urban grid on the other hand. Seen from the surrounding roads, the river and the central green space, the building volumes of the 240m high office tower and the two 110m and 160m high apartment towers create a consonant building composition. All towers are facing the attractive landscape features and therefore are offering best views from the inside to the surrounding green and the seaside. At the same time each tower is clearly differentiated by its individual façade which corresponds with the functional demand.
宗德服务中心的每幢塔楼都是由四个围绕核心的框状体块构筑而成,使其成为特征鲜明的地标性建筑。办公楼立面上镶嵌的空中花园将整幢塔楼分隔成的段状体块犹如节节升高的竹节,不仅在外观上有很强的雕塑感,并且蕴含了美好的寓意。旋转的体块、错落有致的建筑体量以及垂直结构的幕墙均体现该地标建筑鲜明独特的设计风格。 The towers of the Zongde Service Center each consist of four frame-like volumes which are rotated around the core in such a way that a sculptural appearance is produced which creates an unmistakable image. Furthermore, several fully glazed sky gardens within the facades of the office tower are defining different segments of the building volume which are growing higher and higher such as those which can be found at the bamboo plants. The rotated and staggered building volumes with clearly vertical structured facades create the distinctive image of this unique landmark building.
商业裙房继承了塔楼的立面风格,被延伸自塔楼外立面的柱廊所环绕,形成的挑高的骑楼营造出了具有高度开放感的公共空间。巨大的挑檐和与之相连的广场定义了入口的位置及其宏大的气势。 The towers are linked with the podium on the first four floors where the commercial functions are located. High arcades all around the buildings are creating a highly public and representative image. The entrances are marked by generous canopies and associated plazas.
Competition 2017 Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Nicolas Pomränke Project Lead Ralf Sieber Project Management in China Xu Ji, Yu Yiwei Client Foshan Zongde Investment Development Co., Ltd. Partner Practice in China Architectural Design & Research Institute of Guangdong Province (GDADRI) GFA 315,000 m² Height 240 m