Thunderbolt Guardian Tower
The Guardian Building is located in the center of the north side of the site. The design of the building has obvious traditional box-style architectural features of Abu Dhabi.
项目时间 time:2007-2010
项目地点 location:阿联酋 阿布扎比
规划用地面积 site area:0.7 公顷
建筑面积 gross floor area:50,000 m2
项目类型 type:综合体(住宅、办公、商业)
项目情况 project status:已建成
奖项&荣誉 Awards & Honors::
▶ Finalist 2012 Innovation in Generative Design Award
项目设计 architects: LAB Architecture Studio + ERGA Progress
业主 owner:Guardian Towers Real Estates
客户 clients:Dyena Contracting Company WLL
顾问 consultants:GA Architects & Engineers
承包商 contractors:Dyena Contracting Company WLL
Guardian大厦由两部分组成:高层住宅和高层办公楼, 通过零售商业和服务平台相连接。同时,该综合体有三层地下停车场,提供停车服务。
The Guardian Building consists of two parts: a high-rise residential building and a high-rise office building, connected by a retail and service platform. At the same time, the complex has three levels of underground parking, providing parking services.
The relationship between the two towers within the site is constantly changing, providing a dynamic interaction between the building silhouette and the skyline. This change also reflects the existing buildings to the north and the traditional symmetrical layout of Abu Dhabi, fully demonstrating the contextual connection.
In addition to the base location, the two towers with a sense of discontinuity and deviation break the traditional rectangular volume of medium-sized buildings. The design of deviation allows the building to act on the limitation of space and the enrichment of vision, giving a new definition to medium-height buildings.