天津滨海新区文化中心文化艺术长廊 | gmp
阅读:9170 2018-10-23


艺术广场 © Christian Gahl


The Binhai Cultural Center at Tianjin, the metropolis in the east of China, which includes five cultural buildings by international architects, has been created to a masterplan by Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp). With the concept of a roofed-over cultural concourse, gmp has created a specific typology for this unique project. The inverted umbrella-like structures are a distinct architectural element and unify the art and cultural buildings that were designed by different architectural practices.

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东西轴线与中央广场 © Christian Gahl

过去几年间随着规划项目的开发,中国大型城市中区域性的都市和社区风貌得以重新定义。2010年天津原有三个行政区域合并设立滨海新区,其中心规划为“天津滨海新区文化艺术中心”,包括了五座文化机构。gmp建筑师事务所提出了大胆而富于新意的区域性整体规划方案,同时设计了五馆中的现代艺术博物馆和文化艺术长廊。另外四座文化建筑由四家国际知名事务所设计完成,其中包括荷兰建筑师事务所MVRDV设计的滨海图书馆、博纳德·屈米设计的滨海现代城市与工业探索馆、Bing Thom建筑师事务所设计的滨海东方演艺中心和华汇设计的滨海市民活动中心。

For years, China’s metropolitan areas have been growing at a breathtaking rate. In many instances the municipalities are redefining their urban parameters with conspicuous development projects. Since 2010, the Binhai New Area in the eastern Chinese port city of Tianjin has been formed by combining three districts into one. In the midst of the quarter, the Tianjin Binhai Cultural Center comprises five cultural institutions. gmp was responsible for the unusual urban design concept and, in addition, has designed the Museum of Modern Art. Four international architectural practices designed the other cultural buildings: a library (MVRDV), a Science & Technology Museum (Bernhard Tschumi Architects), a theater (Revery Architecture, previously Bing Thom Architects), and a Citizens’ Center (Hua Hui Architects).

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东侧主入口 © Christian Gahl


The masterplan for the project defines uniform building lines, roof lines, and the depth of the individual buildings and in that way creates a unified ensemble of the different cultural buildings by architects from China, Europe, and North America. The cultural buildings are connected by a roofed-over cultural concourse that functions as the spine of the Center. The museum, exhibition, and event buildings are placed on both sides of the 330 meter long and 25 meter wide main axis that runs from north to south. The east/west axis, with a length of 100 meters, is significantly shorter, although with a width of 60 meters it is more than twice as wide and is used as a central plaza for events and temporary exhibitions.

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室外柱结构 © Christian Gahl

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仰视柱结构 © Christian Gahl

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北侧入口 © Christian Gahl


The cultural concourse is roofed over by 30 meter high inverted umbrella-like structures supported on 26 individual steel columns. The columns are retained in the ground at their base. This lofty construction provides the Tianjin Binhai Cultural Center with its own unique architectural feature whilst allowing the style of each of the different cultural buildings to shine. The slender steel columns support the loads from the glazed flat roof and contain the downpipes for draining the roof area. Horizontal aluminum louvers filter the incoming light and provide solar screening.

Visitors can stroll along the concourse on two levels: the upper level connects the different cultural buildings and, at street level, shops and eateries round off the available services. The two levels are interconnected via numerous staircases, allowing visitors to move about horizontally and vertically along the cultural concourse and to choose between art and shops at their leisure.



“In essence, the project is an absolute experiment. In contrast to the cultural center in Tianjin city itself, which was completed in 2012 with the participation of our practice and in which an extensive park combines the individual cultural buildings, in Binhai it is the interior concourse with its cover of inverted umbrellas that gives the Cultural Center its identity.” – Stephan Schütz, Partner









建筑面积:31600 m²

Direct commission 2013

Design Meinhard von Gerkan und Stephan Schütz mit Stephan Rewolle

Project leader Sui Jinying, Sebastian Linack

Design team Dinah Borjans, Maarten Harms, Lu Yun, Dimitri Philippe

Project management Wu Di, Liu Yangjiao

Partner practice Tianjin Architectural Design Institute (TADI)

Client Tianjin Binhai New Area Cultural Center Cci Capital Ltd

Construction period 03/2015 – 10/2017

GFA 316,00 m²

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设计概念手绘 © gmp Architekten

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天津滨海新区文化中心总平面图 © gmp Architekten

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艺术长廊剖面 © gmp Architekten

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柱结构细部 © gmp Architekten

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