物理空间与电影空间的不同在于物理空间的静止性,人在移动的过程中产生动态画面感。MIKA-STUDIO的设计尝试通过“光线调整”来叙述一个关于“办公空间”的影像故事。设计师将空间主体中的光区和暗区截然分开,在密闭与开放的戏剧冲突中渗透不同的视觉语言,使来客能够有意识地或下意识地感觉、了解空间在描述何种场景。The difference between physical space and space in movie lies in the static nature of physical space. Dynamic pictures can only been seen while walking around. The designer attempts to create different office scenes inside MIKA-STUDIO by dealing with lights. Bright zones are separated from dark zones based on different features. As well as different visual languages are infiltrated between the closed and open-up space, so that the visitors can somehow feel and understand what kind of scene the space describes.
Minimal material element and light form has been applied in entrance area in order to create an atmosphere that blends simplicity and rationality.
Revolving signage

有别于传统接待处的站立式柜台,开放结构的公区画面中赫然植入拥有私密意象的办公桌设计,使人联想起贝托鲁奇执导的《同流者》中的场景,是“私”介入“公”的戏剧冲突,也是出于对办公机能的慎重考量。Unlike traditional stand-up reception desk, the open public area has been implanted with a writing desk which is normally used in private scenes, which also is reminiscent of the scene in the movie "The Conformist" directed by Bertolucci. The conflict of "private" involving in "public" is also out of considerations of office functions.

“效率感”的营造依旧是办公空间的主题。“秩序”在空间中的构建是对“效率”的强调与呼应。大理石与木质自带的“天然肌理”则是对“秩序”的即兴干预。如同爵士乐中的“博普”奏法,在物质天马行空的抽象思维中,将空间细腻的微表情交融在秩序之中。Office space requires tone of "efficiency". The consciousness of "order" in space is the emphasis and echo of "efficiency". The “natural texture” that comes with marble and wood is an impromptu intervention in “order”. Like the "Bop" in jazz, in the abstract thinking of materiality, the delicate expression of space is blended into the order.


廊道空间采用可随意改变位置的磁吸轨道灯,在恒定与简约之中加入了动态的“不稳定”因素。The corridor space uses magnet track lightings that can be changed at will. The dynamic “unstableness" has been added into constant and minimalism.

通过对“过渡空间”的戏剧化处理,使不含明确机能的副部空间亦能成为激发创意与灵感的空间容器。By dealing with the "transition space" in a dramatic way, the "ancillary space" without clear function can also become a spatial container for stimulation and inspiration.

在多个节点均匀布置茶水区,优化空间整体的使用合理性与办公舒适度。Several pantries are evenly arranged at multiple corners to optimize the overall function of the space and to ensure office comfort.

短暂的会客或面试需要的是可进行私密交流的空间。它被安置在空间的心脏处,也拥有接近主入口的便利性。会谈式的座椅形式处理突破了传统对谈式会面空间中“紧张感”与“对立感”。A casual business talk or short interview requires a space for private communication. It is a quiet room lying at the center of space and is close to the main entrance at the same time. The round table talk-style seating breaks through the “tension” and “confrontation” in the traditional way of meeting.

可灵活使用的公区空间,除餐饮外,桌椅经过重新排列、收纳之后也可实现会议、活动等多种功能。The multi-function area is designed to be flexible. Apart from dinning, it can also be used as an event, conference room according to arrangement of tables and chairs.
搭配样衣间采用了“抽屉式”的储物柜设计,在最大化实现储物需求的同时,将“隐蔽性”与“可视化”的关系平衡于柜体材质的选择中。A special "drawer closet" is designed for sample room. In order to balance the relationship between "seeing" and "invisible", a sensible material has been chosen for the closet. 

The president office locates in the depths of the space, in addition to the basic functions of office and meeting guests, the tea area is also added. The use of the magnet wall transforms the originally “idle” wall into a blackboard for collecting and inspiring.●

光线穿梭至空间内部的过程中,滑过黑色的点柱,反射出不同层次的“灰”。事实上,“黑键”与“白键”的节奏在此处得到了最大的演绎。直播间作为对外推广的窗口,如何权衡“迥异鲜明的风格”与“百搭、百变的机能”之间的关系是设计的难点。立体化后的波点元素在功能上增加了各种的可能性,通过不同的排列组合,可适应不同单品的陈列需求。During the process of light passing through the interior of the space, it slides over the black cylinders and reflects different layers of "grey". In fact, the rhythm of "black keys" and "white keys" is having a biggest interpretation here. As a window for external promotion, the live broadcast room ,the difficulty of design lies in the relationship between “unique and distinctive background style” and “all-match and timeless function”. The three-dimensional polka dots can be adapted to display different fashion items through different arrangement and combination.

Floor plan
设计单位:Bob Chen Design Office
Project Information
Project Schedule: 2019.7
Project Area: 1,400 square meters
Construction Cost: 3 million
Project Address: Hangzhou, China
Project Client: MIKA STUDIO
Design Unit: Bob Chen Design Office
Chief Designer: Bob Chen
Design Management: Hu Bing, Shen Yunluan
Interior Design: Wu Hongwei, Li Xiang, Lv Yangyong, Yan Junjun, Wang yang
Furniture Design: Li Xiang, Ru Yan
Construction: Hangzhou Feng Qi Building Decoration Co., Ltd.
Author of Article: Xue Danni
Photographer: Wen Office
Signage Production: Ningbo Craftsman Logo Manufacturing Co., Ltd.