愚舍餐厅 | neriandhu如恩设计
阅读:6741 2018-07-20


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TOGETHER Restaurant


Shanghai, China



One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”

-- Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

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Located on historic Yuyuan Road in Shanghai, TOGETHER offers contemporary Asian and French cuisine. Conceptualized by Neri&Hu, the restaurant celebrates the social aspect of dining and is rooted in the idea that great food is what brings people together.

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Neri&Hu also renovated the office park where Together is located.

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Together餐厅主要分为用餐区和酒吧两部分,由如恩设计打造空间,红砖作为核心的设计元素贯穿室内外,以不同的方式堆叠和拼接,形成变化的肌理,奠定粗犷而舒适的空间基调,意大利知名灯具品牌Viabizzuno的吊灯、德国经典的Thonet座椅和Stellar Works的餐桌为空间略施点缀,与粗犷的空间碰撞出精致但不失轻松的氛围,以低调之态呼应着食物的精美和卓越品质。

The spaces of the restaurant, consisting of a main dining area, a bar seating area, and one private dining room, are designed by Neri&Hu. As a core design element of the building complex, red bricks can be seen extending from the exterior to the interior. The unique patterns and textures of the brickwork gives the rustic feeling of dining in the urban streetscape. At the same time, the custom designed Viabizzuno pendants, classic Thonet chairs and Stellar Works dining tables add a layer of relaxed refinement that echoes the essence of TOGETHER’S culinary vision.

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TOGETHER’s menu features dishes that are both delectable and health-conscious, each one expertly crafted from fresh, organic ingredients. With simply designed dishes, handpicked ingredients and dedicated cooking, the restaurant blends the heritage of Chinese food with the innovative concepts of French cuisine, maximizing the potential of each individual ingredient. It exceeds expectations by providing an integrated experience that appeals to all the senses: sight, smell and taste, epitomizing the concept of “together”. Dishes are served with handcrafted enamel tableware, whose simplicity in design and color compliments the dishes perfectly.

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餐厅主厨Bina Yu曾于美国烹饪学院精修厨艺,后与闻名全球的米其林三星主厨Jean-Georges Vongerichten一同工作,先后服务于纽约Jean Georges餐厅、纽约Sensebowl餐厅、上海外滩三号Chi-Q韩式餐厅、Mercato意大利餐厅等诸多米其林星级餐厅。曾为前联合国秘书长潘基文、前韩国首相李明博、韩国第一夫人金润玉等重要人物和活动献艺,并屡次在餐厅排名榜中名列前茅。

Head chef Bina Yu hails from the tutelage of three-star Michelin chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten, whom she served under for more than a decade after completing her training at the American cookery school. In New York, she worked at Jean-Georges and Sensebowl restaurants, and later in Shanghai, she joined the kitchens of Chi-Q and Mercato (Jean Georges’ Korean and Italian restaurants at Three on the Bund), helping take both to the top of Shanghai’s restaurantlists. Her exceptional culinary skills have been demonstrated in several significant occasions and before prominent figures such as former Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, as well as former President of South Korea Lee Myung-bak and his wife Kim Yoon-ok.

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Bina Yu, TOGETHER 总厨,Head Chef of TOGETHER (左 Left)

Kim Melvin, TOGETHER 行政糕点厨师长,Pastry Chef of TOGETHER (右 Right)

糕点师Kim Melvin曾在伦敦为米其林星级主厨Gordon Ramsay工作,后加入Jason Atherton在伦敦Maze餐厅的厨师团队。自2010年来到上海后,Kim担任水舍酒店外滩第一台餐厅的行政糕点厨师长,并多次获奖。Kim目前管理着食社餐厅的甜点吧,同时也负责Together餐厅的糕点

Pastry chef Kim Melvin hails from Michelin-starred celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay’s team in London, later joining Jason Atherton’s at Maze Restaurant. Since coming to Shanghai in 2010, she has been the executive pastry chef at Table No.1, the Waterhouse at South Bund, and garnered many awards for her sweet treats. Currently, Kim is managing the dessert bar of The Commune Social as well as TOGETHER’s dessert offerings.

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摄影师Pedro Pegenaute

Photos by Pedro Pegenaute

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