芝加哥狼角 | PCPA建筑师事务所
阅读:4590 2020-12-31


Wolf Point 三座塔楼渲染图 © Steelblue

临近年末之际,由PCPA负责总体规划与建筑设计的美国芝加哥Wolf Point(狼角)项目,逐渐向世人呈现其全貌。承载着区域复兴的使命和热望,这个全新的综合开发项目从历史悠久的芝加哥河交汇点拔地而起,既有科技巨头Salesforce 新办公塔楼的强势入驻,刷新城市天际线,又因滨水公园的开发拓展了地标建筑在城市中前所未有的人文尺度,是私人建筑与公共空间相结合的极佳案例之一。

With the end of the year approaching, Wolf Point in Chicago, a newly commissioned project of PCPA, gradually reveals itself to the world. This new mixed-use development that includes the future home of tech-giant Salesforce’s Chicago office as well as a new waterfront park will continue to rejuvenate the Chicago River and expand a new human scale among the landmark project, making it one of the most excellent cases of combining private architecture and public space.

本项目面积约18.6万平方米,为多功能开发项目,包含一座综合办公塔楼,两座纯住宅公寓塔楼,以及一座公园和滨水通道。除项目总体规划外,PCPA还为其中两座塔楼提供了建筑设计,分别是东塔楼,一座高达205米的住宅塔楼,包含700个出租单元,以及约3千平方米的便利设施和沿街零售;以及Salesforce 塔楼——Salesforce 在芝加哥的混合办公大楼,高达248米,含约11万平方米的办公面积。这是继Salesforce环湾客运中心及Salesforce 旧金山塔楼之后,PCPA 与汉斯地产、Salesforce 公司再次携手合作的新项目。

This two-million-square-foot multi-use project is comprised of three towers, a park, and waterfront access. In addition to the master planning, PCPA is also responsible for the architecture design for two of the three towers: Wolf PointEast, a 665-foot (203-meter) high residential tower with 700 rental units, 35,000-square feet (3251 square meters) of amenities, and retail at street level; and SalesforceTower Chicago, the future home of Salesforce’s Chicago office, an 815-foot (248-meter) high mixed-use tower with 1.2 million square feet (111,484 square meters) of office space.

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图片出处 © Plan of Chicago, Special Collections, Chicago Public Library

Wolf Point 在芝加哥历史中承载了深远的意义。这个面积仅为4英亩的场地,是芝加哥河南北分支交汇端点上的一座小半岛,也是十九世纪初第一个商业性聚集区。它在丹尼尔·伯翰(Daniel Burnham) 1909年的“芝加哥规划”中被赋予了特殊意义,这个y字形分岔成为了芝加哥城市中持久的象征符号,并且在市旗和市徽中成为纪念对象。直至今天,Wolf Point 仍是芝加哥河沿岸为数不多的、占据着特殊地位的重要场所。

Wolf Point bears notable significance in the history of Chicago. The four-acre site is a small peninsula at the tip of where the north and south branches of the Chicago River converge and was the first commercial settlement in the early 19thcentury. It was featured prominently in Daniel Burnham’s 1909 ‘Plan of Chicago’ and this “y” shape fork became a lasting symbol in the city and is memorialized in municipal flags and seals. The site remains one of the few that commands such a unique place along the Chicago River.

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芝加哥河畔 © Christian Phillips Photography


Based on the firm’s timeless values of design, PCPA seeks to find balance among the city, the natural world, and the people who live and work in large-scale urban developments.

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Wolf Point 总平图 © PCPA

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如总平图所示,Wolf Point 的地块上,Salesforce 芝加哥塔楼居中,东西分别是两座纯住宅塔楼:Wolf Point 东塔和Wolf Point 西塔。所有塔楼的落位尽可能地发挥其景观优势,且让周边社区的视线也能穿透其间抵达河岸。

From the site plan of the Wolf Point project, Salesforce Tower Chicago is in the center, with two residential towers respectively on the east (Wolf Point East) and westside (Wolf Point West). All the towers have been sited to maximize views and to allow views from other neighboring properties to penetrate through the project.

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Wolf Point 塔楼渲染图 © SteelBlue


All three buildings along the Chicago River are highly visible. The thin layered planes allow a great deal of transparency at the lower levels, offering a sense of invitation to the city into the center of the site.

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Wolf Point 塔楼底部渲染图 © SteelBlue


To create the effect of “touching the ground lightly,” the buildings are supported by two and three-story stone-clad columns, with glass-walled first, second, and third-floor amenity levels. Balconies on the third and fortieth floors offer outdoor spaces for users to gather: the ground-level terrace is a continuation of the public park below and the upper-level balcony provides majestic views of the Chicago River and skyline.

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Salesforce 芝加哥塔楼渲染图 © SteelBlue

Wolf Point 东塔和Salesforce 芝加哥塔楼均在高区通过数个退台突出造型,成为城市天际线经典和标志性的特征。为了在庄重形象和透明性之间取得平衡,幕墙综合使用了玻璃、金属和石材。

Both Wolf Point East and Salesforce Tower Chicago adopt stepped form, which is classic and iconic against the urban skyline. Balancing solidity and transparency, the curtain walls incorporate glass, metal, and stone.

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Wolf Point 全新的城市公园实景图 © Jeff Goldberg/ESTO

重新改造的芝加哥河本身成为该地块优质的自然资源,Wolf Point 东塔和Salesforce 芝加哥塔楼矗立河流交汇处,其首层直接与河畔自然衔接,视野开阔,并沿芝加哥河滨步道提供公共聚集空间,最终创建一个位于市中心的全新的城市公园。

After a dramatic refurbishing, the Chicago River itself has become a high-quality natural resource. Therefore, by facing the convergence of the Chicago River,  Wolf Point East, and the future SalesforceTower Chicago step down to engage the riverfront and provide public gathering space at the Chicago Riverwalk. This important urban setting is signified with a large water feature.

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Wolf Point 东塔实景图 © Jeff Goldberg/ESTO

至目前,Wolf Point 东塔已竣工完成,Salesforce 芝加哥塔楼刚出地面,正在如火如荼建设当中。

So far, Wolf Point East (east tower) has been completed, and Salesforce Tower Chicago (south tower) has just emerged from the ground and is now under construction.

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Wolf Point 东塔外立面细节图 © Jeff Goldberg/ESTO

期在芝加哥河上拍摄的实景照片里,优雅美观的Wolf Point 东塔位于正中间。白天,塔楼的玻璃幕墙随着天光流转而变化;日落时分,城市倒映在玻璃幕墙上,整个优雅美观的建筑化为迷人的夜幕布景。

From the photo taken recently, Wolf Point East presents a handsomely detailed exterior. The colors of the building facade change during all hours of the day into evening; as the sun goes down, the city starts to reflect in the building, and the atmosphere changes the building, making it more beautiful and elegant.

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Wolf Point 东塔底部实景图 © Jeff Goldberg/ESTO

近WolfPoint 东塔,你会发现游泳池、健身中心、俱乐部、会议室等丰富业态和配套设施均集中在塔楼低层,为公众提供视野开阔的怡人风景和开放的亲水空间,不仅凸显了芝加哥河的存在价值,也重新构建了超高层地标建筑与城市的亲密关系。

While approaching Wolf Point East, you will find that the swimming pool, fitness center, clubs, meeting rooms, and other amenities are all concentrated on the lower floors of the tower, connected to the waterfront, providing the public with a wide view of the pleasant landscape and open waterfront space. It not only emphasizes the value of the Chicago River but also creates an intimate relationship between the building and the city.

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Wolf Point 东塔底部实景图 © Jeff Goldberg/ESTO

得一提的是,Salesforce芝加哥塔楼建成后,位于其顶部的Ohana Room——延续了屡获奖项的Salesforce旧金山塔楼的作法,将打造成为一个可面向城市灵活开放的接待空间。

Once complete, the Ohana Room on the top floor of Salesforce Tower Chicago will be a flexible, open reception space, similar to the award-winning Salesforce Tower in San Francisco.

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Salesforce 芝加哥塔楼顶部轴测剖面图 © PCPA

公塔楼顶层通常用作行政办公室,但Salesforce 房地产执行副总裁Elizabeth Pinkham 表示该空间将在非营业时间内供非营利组织和基金会免费使用:“将我们的办公室设计成家一样的空间,在这里我们可以欢迎整个Ohana(夏威夷语中的‘家庭’)。这包括我们的员工、客户、合作伙伴以及我们生活和工作的社区......”

In a typical office setting, the top floor is often dedicated to executive offices. However, according to the Salesforce EVP of Real Estate Elizabeth Pinkham, the OhanaRoom with its jaw-dropping views is made available for nonprofits and foundations at no cost: "When we approach our real estate, we design our offices as spaces that feel like home, where we can welcome our entire Ohana(“family” in Hawaiian). This includes our employees, customers, partners, and the communities in which we live and work … "

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OhanaRoom 渲染图 © Steelblue

以想象在未来,置身建筑内部的Ohana Room,人们将观赏到前所未有的芝加哥河景观乃至整个城市的天际线,与在芝加哥城市任何地方看到的景色都不一样。

Imagining standing in the Ohana Room on top of the tower, an unprecedented view of the Chicago River and the city skyline is unfolding in front of you, unlike anywhere else in the city.

Salesforce 芝加哥塔楼预计将于2022年秋季完工。虽然疫情带来的长期影响目前尚不确定,但相信届时一切都将恢复正常。全新地标塔楼向上高耸入云,将为城市天际线增添靓丽的一道风景线;向下拥抱芝加哥河畔,重构城市、河流、建筑与人之间的亲密关系,芝加哥城市中心的发展新篇章也将由此开启。

Salesforce Tower Chicago is expected to be completed in the fall of 2022. While the long-term effects of the current pandemic remain uncertain at this time, it is believed that everything will be back to normal by then. The new tower will soar into the sky, adding a new, bright presence to the city skyline, while embracing the Chicago River with a light gesture and creating a new intimate relationship between the city, the river, the buildings, and the people. This new landmark will mark a new phase of urban renewal in Chicago.

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