苏州九龙仓·久寻花园 | 伍道国际
阅读:4985 2021-05-24





Suzhou is a city of water and humanistic poetry

The project is the newest mansion located in Suzhou

In a quiet geographical environment

Tell the quiet power in the waves with water



The design of this case believes that the residential landscape should not exist independently of people. It is necessary to establish a functional living space, mobilize the public, and realize benign interaction. Low density gives more space for life to create and imagine. In the living space, it breaks the boundaries of architecture, landscape and interior, and creates a landscape space experience with a panoramic view and forms an orderly unity.


 ∆施工期Construction period


入画 境由此生


The garden is in dialogue with Zen, the courtyard blends with the East, and the nearly 700m² welcoming guests overlap with the water and landscape circulates back and forth, and the mountains are painted on the screen, introducing a pure spiritual residence.Turning the simple and clean scenery wall follows the sound, the central axis spreads like a river of graceful water, and the strong contrast between black and white sublimates the power of natural. 

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Smooth texture and layers collide here,
The outside world is noisy, pleasant and quiet.

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静演 水形物语


There is no garden without water, and the central axis courtyard is dominated by water, integrating nature into the community. A variety of waterscape forms meet the spiritual needs of residents to be hydrophilic and create comfort and tranquility. The space is maximized, and the design combining waterscape and sunken leisure area forms a sense of spatial hierarchy, allowing residents to slow down and transition their mood.

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The longitudinally extending mirrored pool carries the multi-faceted life and aesthetic vision to the greatest extent. With the neat cutting of the lines, the scattered layers of the terrain, and the placement of art sculptures to face each other, it calmly constitutes a longing for life that resonates with the heart.Accidentally capture the gushing water source, flowing in the pristine stone, enjoy the beauty of nature, expel impetuousness, and moisten things silently.

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境入  风雨连廊


The wind and rain corridors that accompany the entrance all the way make it easy to walk and look at. The color and sound of the space fit perfectly, the intellectual elegance, calm and restrained mood and atmosphere.

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Calm down to capture 
the beauty hidden in the edges and corners.

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The promenade and the scenery wall cut the space into a continuous painting, both independent and interrelated. Under the penetration of light and shadow, the grille pavilion not only enriches the spatial hierarchy, but also warms the life experience of the residents.

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时间来去匆促,内心的安定却要不断找寻。空间格局中的自然石材与金属质感, 创造出独特质感和艺术肌理。在总体平静且克制的基调中,自成高雅悠然的生活空间。

Inner peace has to be searched constantly. The natural stone and metal texture in the spatial pattern create a unique texture and artistic texture. In the overall calm tone, it becomes an elegant and leisurely living space.
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尽得 沉浸浪漫


The high-end dull-colored pool bottom paving and sandstone paving, the off-white building and the hydrophilic platform are calm, permeating the oriental Zen, and embellish the agile fun of walking.

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The mystery of life lies in art. Pass through the elegant oriental green plants, stop at the dynamic abstract sculptures, and then walk into this living space with romantic order.

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项目名称 | 九龙仓·久寻花园

项目业主 | 九龙仓置业

项目地点 | 江苏 苏州

占地面积 | 16875.3㎡

景观设计 | 伍道国际

建筑设计 | goa大象设计

项目摄影 | 孙圣喜

撰文排版|景观周 伍道国际

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