阅读:5185 2018-05-10





普利斯设计集团规划总监Chris Isles,以及合作方澳大利亚景观建筑师学会(AILA)、澳大利亚/新西兰智慧城市理事会和澳大利亚物联网联盟,推动了“未来街道”的实现。








埃利斯·莫里森建筑事务所(伦敦)德高望重的城市规划师和城市设计师Peter Bishop认为该“快闪”计划远优于其它参选项目。他提到:“他们是真的把它做出来了。像悉尼这样的城市急切需要它。”





• SHMA SOEN有限公司的“共创石龙军路”(泰国曼谷)

• karres+brands的“未来城郊”(丹麦哥本哈根)

• OKRA landschapsarchitecten的“反思雅典”(希腊雅典)

• EL Studio的“华盛顿街巷”(美国华盛顿特区)




WAN 获胜者公告:







Place Design Group announced winner of Global Urban Ideas Competition

World Architecture News (WAN) today announced the five winners of their international Urban Challenge, with Place Design Group’s Future Street project, taking out the only Australian win.

The WAN Urban Challenge ‘Reclaiming the Streets 2018’, called out for ideas from around the globe, to help address current urban problems, with the opportunity to create a vision for the future.

Chris Isles, Executive Director, Planning, Place Design Group was the driving force that made ‘Future Street’ a reality, in partnership with the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA), Smart Cities Council Australia/New Zealand and the Internet of Things Alliance Australia.

“We’re humbled and excited for the Future Street project to be recognised on an international scale, which highlights the crucial role that built environment professionals have to play in the design of the streets of the future,” says Mr Isles.

Place Design Group were the landscape designers and smart city architects for the ‘Future Street’ project, delivering a real-life experience of a potential street from the future as part of the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects’ (AILA) 2017 International Festival.

The installation invited Sydney locals, government and industry professionals on a journey through where our streets are now, to where they could be if we removed cars from the streets, prioritising people and nature to reclaim and enjoy our public spaces.

Highly respected Urban Planner and Urban Designer at Allies and Morrison (London), Peter Bishop, commended the ‘pop-up’ scheme and felt it had the edge over other submissions, commenting “They’ve actually done it. And a city like Sydney desperately needs it.”

Judges were looking for originality, innovation, quality, sustainability, transferability, context and evidence, plus the ability to tell the ‘story’ of the project through excellent presentation. Place Design Group’s Future Street delivered on this, as a fantastic case study on what a street from the future could entail.

Winning projects included:

• CO-Create Charoenkrung, Bangkok, Thailand by SHMA SOEN Company Limited

• Nærheden : Suburb of the Future, Copenhagen, Denmark by  karres+brands

• RE-THINK ATHENS, Athens, Greece by OKRA  landschapsarchitecten

• WAP (Washington Alley Project), Washington DC, United States by EL Studio

Winners are now invited to join the WAN Urban Task Force on 22 May 2018 in London, culminating in a Manifesto for Change which will be presented by the participants at the World Architecture News ‘Reclaiming the Streets’ Symposium on 20 September 2018.

WAN Winners Announcement here:


Click the link “未来街道”将会怎样?我们来告诉你! to know more about Future Street. 

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