logon.design CEO and founding partner Wang Fang participated in the GBE corporate Headquarter and industrial Park Forum 2018 is taking place this December 6th and 7th. The main topic of the talk was “from consultancy to site service”, the methodology applied to projects from new built to modernization type projects.
FS+AEI Methodology was introduced to the public as a logon.design package service applied to projects of a modernization nature. The FS+AEI methodology is short for feasibility study plus asset enhancement initiative, this service provides an understanding of the project with its restrictions and challenges, and introduces an action plan to how to increase the value of the property. When the action plan has begun its works, the site service is offered to achieve quality assurance. This methodology was applied to Ascendas Innovation Place and Mingyue Mansion Renovation and explained in detail in the conference.
For new built projects the package service is very similar going from consultancy to site service. In the conference 3 main projects were discussed each in different stages of the process. Starting with J Park which is a project in the design process stage, meaning full research and analysis of the sites restrictions and challenges to achieve its main goal, followed by the Shanghai Expo village Business Center which is under construction and logon.design is actively offering site service and quality assurance service. Last but not least GUSU CBD Software park which has been built and completed, project that went from consultancy to site service, from start to finish.