展览:建筑与时尚的对话 | “gmp中国二十年”系列活动
阅读:5620 2019-06-28


An exhibition initiated by architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) and the Shanghai fashion label ICICLE, places the two applied arts of architecture and fashion in a dialogue and establishes a relationship between the two disciplines. To mark 20 years of gmp in China, the exhibition will be shown in Germany from June 29 to July 12, 2019, as part of the Hamburger Architektur Sommer.

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条纹码设计理念图片 © Marcus Bredt | © ICICLE 


To mark 20 years of building activity in China by architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners, the exhibition “Architecture x Fashion— A Dialogue” will come to Germany and will be shown from June 29 to July 12, 2019, as part of the Hamburger Architektur Sommer (Hamburg Architecture Summer) in Barlach Halle K. Hamburg is the second venue after Shanghai, where it was on show in 2018.


In the exhibition, fashion and architecture are juxtaposed in large photographic displays. The pairs of images are the result of cooperation between the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners and the ICICLE Fashion Group. The Shanghai fashion company took an interest in the special character of gmp’s commercial buildings, a type of building that is not normally taken much notice of, and used it as a source of inspiration for one of its collections. In addition to administration and culture buildings, in particular opera houses, industrial buildings are amongst the diverse projects carried out by gmp in China, where the practice has been active for two decades and has completed 137 commissions. The book Industrial Buildings in an Urban Context gives a detailed overview of gmp’s commercial buildings.


Using the medium of photography, the sense of proportion ofthe paired motifs has been taken to a different dimension. The fashion photographs are shown larger than life, whereas the architecture images are reduced in scale. As a result, both arts become comparable—at an equal level, so to speak. In order to give visitors the opportunity not only to see but also to touch exhibits, samples of facade elements and fabric are exhibited next to the large photographs.


gmp and ICICLE share the same fundamental values. This led to a creative exchange beyond the relationship of architect and client, which is revealed by the exhibition. Both companies perceive their designs as being timeless, in the sense of holistic sustainability. Characteristic of both houses is their clear and bold signature. Top quality standards in the form of high-quality materials and careful design and production in both disciplines ensure a long service life.

记者招待会于6月28日于11点举行,我们衷心邀请您参加。gmp事务所合伙人尼古劳斯·格茨和项目合伙人玛德琳·唯斯将出席开幕式。ICICLE方面有公司创始人叶寿增和国际副总裁IsabelleCapron以及建筑设计总监DavidMc Nulty出席。此后可以进行采访。如您有兴趣,我们很乐意为您预留时间段。展览导览有限。请于2019年6月25日前报名。

You are cordially invited to a press viewing at 11 a.m. on June 28. Present on the part of gmp will be Nikolaus Goetze, Partner, and Magdalene Weiss, Associated Partner. ICICLE will be represented by the founder of the company, Ye Shouzeng, and by Isabelle Capron, Vice President International, as well as David Mc Nulty, Architectural Design Director.

After the viewing there will be an opportunity for interviews. We are happy to reserve a slot for you should you be interested. The number of participants in the viewing is limited. Please send us your registration by June 25, 2019.



展览地点:Barlach Halle K,Klosterwall13,汉堡






“Architecture x Fashion– A Dialogue”

Exhibition to mark 20 years of gmp in China as part of the Hamburger Architektur Sommer

Venue Barlach Hall K, Klosterwall 13, Hamburg

Dates of the exhibition June 29–July 12, 2019

Opening times Tue—Sun, 12—19:00 hours, Thurs, 14—21:00 hours, Mon closed

Private view Friday, June 28, 2019, 19:00 hours

Press viewing Friday, June 28, 2019, 11—12:00 hours(registration required)

Further information at: http://www.architektursommer.de/no_cache/formate/ansicht/140/

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书籍封面 © gmp Architekten


《都市语境下的工业建筑》一书介绍了一系列由gmp设计并建成的产业建筑:本书共480页,介绍了过去的二十年所完成的四十多个建筑项目,含有许多照片和图纸。知名作者如同济大学建筑设计与城市规划教授支文军、建筑设计评论家Nina Rappaport,耶鲁建筑学院出版总监在学术文章中对中国背景下的工业建筑项目作出了评价。工业和商业建筑的设计往往被建筑设计行业所忽视。而在中国,这些建设项目的比例不断增加。本书显示gmp的产业建筑对大都市地区的发展产生了积极的影响,它们改变了那些千人一面的无特色区域,赋予其全新的形象。本书可在德国汉堡的Sautter+Lackmann专业书店购买。






The Industrial Buildings in an Urban Context publication presents the wide spectrum of gmp’s completed industrial buildings. Over forty projects from the last twenty years are shown on 480 pages with numerous photographs and drawings. Renowned authors, such as Professor Zhi Wenjun from the Chair for Architecture and Town Planning at Tongji University and architectural critic, Nina Rappaport, publishing house manager at Yale School of Architecture, discuss the projects in scientific essays in general and in the Chinese context in particular. The design of industrial and commercial buildings often takes second place architecturally, in spite of the fact that the proportion of such buildings is continually increasing in China. The book shows how industrial buildings by gmp have a positive impact on large urban locations and give a whole new face to areas that tend to lack any character. In Germany, the book can be purchased from bookseller Sautter + Lackmann in Hamburg.

Industrial Buildings in an Urban Context

Meinhard von Gerkan, Nikolaus Goetze (Eds.)

Tongji University Press, Shanghai 2018

English / Chinese

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