图片: NSW Government and Parramatta City Council
McGregor Coxall与Grimshaw、Andrew Burges Architects获得了澳大利亚悉尼Parramatta Aquatic Centre 帕拉马塔水游中心国际竞赛的第一名。新南威尔士州政府与帕拉马塔议会在九月正式对公众公布了我们的设计。帕拉马塔水游中心坐落于拥有重要澳洲历史遗产的悉尼帕拉马塔公园,项目预算为7700万澳币。设计团队在将场地的重要意义与相关限制纳入考量的同时,决定打造一处表现景观的公园化运动场馆,以此区别于传统的水游馆设计。设计对空间及自然光线进行了充分的利用;多个同层入口及通道的设置使居民可以方便地抵达及出入场馆。水游中心设置了一座十泳道的50米户外泳池及一座25米的室内泳池、游泳学习设施、健身中心、更衣室咖啡馆及停车场。项目预计于2023年前建成,届时将为悉尼帕拉马塔居民提供一处全年开放的崭新游憩场所。
图片: NSW Government and Parramatta City Council
A consortium formed by McGregor Coxall, Grimshaw and Andrew Burges Architects was selected as the winner of the international design competition for the Parramatta Aquatic Centre. Our design was unveiled by the NSW state government and City of Parramatta in September 2019. Located in the world heritage-listed Parramatta Park, the concept design for Parramatta Aquatic Centre utilises a language that responds with landscape and park-like features to sensitively integrate with the site’s heritage setting. Generous use of space and light and single-level accessible entry and pathways will ensure the entire community can enjoy the new centre. The AUD $77 million facility will feature a 10-lane, 50-metre outdoor pool, a 25-metre indoor pool, learn-to-swim facilities, a fitness centre, and cafe. With expected completion by 2023, residents of Parramatta will have a community-focussed aquatic and recreation centre that operates all year round.图片: NSW Government and Parramatta City Council