四川,成都 Chengdu, Sichuan
继1月份在成都麓湖的实地调研后,A8设计中心 X 上海骏地设计 X 麻省理工学院的校企合作项目“成都城市调研:激发中国新发展”在这个春天以工作坊的形式顺利展开了持续性课题研究和设计。
What’s LUXBOX looks like?
LUXBOX is a smart movable architecture, which can not only catch user need and arrive automatically, but also collectand analyze behavior data from users continuously. It can be movable vending machine, entertainment space, or even can be a station which can create community lifestyle sustainably.
The main structure of LUXBOX is a standardized metallic skeleton, and at present we choose epoxy resin for the shell elements, which is easy to process, that both the variability and the cost are extremely cost-effective. And with the upgrading of materials in the future, higher-endversions can also be launched.
1. 移动便捷,可快速跟上需求热度;
2. 高度模块化:适应不同功能及空间需求;
4. 用材简单,方便生产组装及后期维护。
This structural composition will bring several benefits:
1. Easy to move and to follow hot demand quickly;
2. Highly modularity which can be customized for different functions and space requirements;
3. Reduced size to minimal functional volume;
4. Simple structure which is convenient for production and maintenance.
Why we create the LUXBOX?
During site visit and analysis, we found three concerns which can be upgraded.
1, Add more semi-private outdoor space in residential area.
The large water body on the west eat up most green space. There is an overall deficiency of community outdoor space for the “islands” residents. At present, more shared open space reduced to hard paving driveway.
2, Reduce passers-by visual aggression into resident private space.
At present, visitors are still few since the area is not yet connected to its surroundings completely. However, it will change rapidly with new roads connection. When the population comes to its full capacity, some pedestrian paths will turn out too close to private spaces. The market value of the affected properties will also be impacted.
3, Add more relevant service facilities inpublic space.
People have to walk a long way when they need drinks or food in public garden or public parks, however, they may find a café just selling café and a restaurant just open at lunch time.
These 3 concerns all have connection with the private and public chemistry. We provide several design methods and toolkit to support upgrading space. For example, we can create more proximity open space for residents, which can be the interface between public & private area, to encourage neighborly interaction and produce community life. Among the design methods listed below, we chose to focus on movable architecture after comparing.
What the LUXBOX can do?
1, LUXBOX can help to balance the flow in community with difference in demand for public space. Response positive to development needs of communitywith the population more than 100,000 in the future.
2, LUXBOX can support human data research, torealize the optimization of community scenarios continually.
3, LUXBOX ecosystem emphasizes the uniquenessof Luxelakes lifestyle.
同时,麓盒自身可以通过拼接变形来满足各功能场景需求。在此列举了三种功能场景: 交互零售、社群娱乐及居民服务。
Modularity is one of core principles in LUXBOX design, to allow various scenarios of use. We listed three mainfunctional scenarios: Interactive retails, Community Leisure and Resident lifeservices.
First of all, LUXBOX can provide Interactive retails. Residents can book food and beverage making courses, and can also reserve a barista or chef who wants to provide live performance or other services in LUXBOX. These barista and chef can be net star which may attract more people.
Second, LUXBOX can provide community leisure space, like pop up stages for after diner dancing or small concert, library on wheels popping out on weekend. Imagine that LUXBOX can meet the multifunctional space requirements for outdoor basketball, indoor squash and semi-outdoor yoga. Because of the use of the LUXBOX, we will see more daily community activities in luxlakes.
Finally, LUXBOX can provide people for more private services, such as shared offices where can hold emergency temporary meetings. While, it can also be small health monitoring stations for routine medical examinations, and even as temporary blood donation mobile stations and temporary ambulances.
LUXBOX is not only a supplement to community facilities, but also a mobile data collection base station in communities. It can assist in analyzing and studying behavior data to guide subsequent design, for example, LUXBOX can help deciding the business type and location. LUXBOX serve the community and collect analytical data continuously to understand the community demands.