[SHL / Event] 合伙人 Chris Hardie 将在第十届上海国际图书馆论坛发表演讲
阅读:4732 2020-10-15

本周五(10月16日)SHL建筑事务所合伙人、设计总监 Chris Hardie,将在由上海图书馆主办的第十届上海国际图书馆论坛“新一代图书馆建设”主题论坛中,发表演讲并参与嘉宾互动。

Partner and Design Director Chris Hardie will lecture and also participate in a panel discussion in the session “New Generation of Library Buildings” of the 10th Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF) held at the Shanghai Library, October 16th.

“新一代图书馆建设”主题论坛,旨在研究新一代图书馆的设计亮点以及解析国内外图书馆建筑与空间规划的新趋势。Chris Hardie将以“转型中的图书馆”为主题,介绍SHL近年来完成的部分重要图书馆项目,并分享上海图书馆东馆建设的最新进展。上海图书馆东馆预计2021年建成开馆。

The session aims to study the design highlights of the new modern library. Under the theme “Libraries in Transformation”, Chris Hardie will introduce a series of library projects completed by Schmidt Hammer Lassen in recent years and share the Shanghai Library East’s construction process, which is expected to complete in 2021.

 主题 Theme 


Libraries in Transformation

 时间 Time 

09:20 - 09:40


16th October (Friday), 2020

 如何参加 How To Join 


Scan QR to Join Online


 主办单位 Organizer 


Shanghai Library

(Institute of Scientific and TechnicalInformation of Shanghai)

 关于论坛 About SILF 


The Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF)  is an internationally renowned professional and academic forum attracting attention at home and abroad. The event has become one of the most influential platforms for communicating librarianship development in Shanghai and China. This year, the forum will conduct extensive discussions on library services and management innovation, the new generation of library buildings and much more.

 关于演讲者 About Speaker 

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Chris Hardie是丹麦建筑事务所Schmidt Hammer Lassen (SHL)合伙人,以及Perkins&Will全球建筑事务所董事。日常负责管理他创立于2010年的上海办公室的相关亚洲业务。

Chris Hardie is joint Principal at Danish practice Schmidt Hammer Lassen (SHL) and global firm Perkins&Will leading the combined practice in Asia, which he founded in 2010.



Chris has been involved in and led a number of significant projects for SHL, including the International Criminal Court in the Hague, the City of Westminster Collegein London, and the new Halifax Central Library in Nova Scotia which was awarded the Governor General’s Medal for Architecture in Canada in 2016. In China, Chris is the responsible for the new Shanghai Library East, due for completion in 2021, the Ningbo New Library, the upcoming new Opera House in Tongzhou, Beijing, and the world’s largest waste to energy power plant inShenzhen.



Chris is an Honorary Professor of Architecture at The Scott Sutherland School of Architecture at The Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, UK and currently sits on the Executive Committee and Design Board at Perkins&Will.

 SHL图书馆精选 SHL Library Selection 


上海图书馆东馆 / 中国,上海

Shanghai Library East / Shanghai, China

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宁波图书馆新馆 / 中国,宁波

Ningbo New Library / Ningbo, China

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皇家图书馆 / 丹麦,哥本哈根

The Royal Library / Copenhagen, Denmark

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所获荣誉/ 1999年木材工业信息委员会“木材新应用”奖/2000年哥本哈根市建筑奖/2000年提名密斯凡德罗奖/2001年Nykredit建筑奖/2003年DuPont Benedictus 结构工程奖

Awards/ 1999, The Timber Industry Information Council Award/ 2000, The Architecture Prize of the Municipality of Copenhagen/ 2000, Nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award/ 2001, The Nykredit Architecture Prize/ 2003,Du Pont Benedictus Award

DOKK1城市媒体空间&多媒体图书馆 / 丹麦,奥胡斯

DOKK1 / Aarhus, Denmark

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所获荣誉/ 2017年IDA设计奖/2015年MIPIM建筑论坛未来项目奖/2015年奥胡斯市建筑奖/2016年荣获A+公众选择奖/2016年荣获全球最佳图书馆/2017荣获欧洲当代建筑联盟-密斯凡德罗奖提名/2012年最佳合作奖

Awards/ 2017, IDA Design Awards/ 2015 Commendation, Architectural Review MIPIM Future Projects Awards/ 2015, City of Aarhus Architecture Prize/ 2016, A+ Popular Choice Award/ 2016, Public Library of the Year Award/ 2017, European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award Nomination/ 2012, Best Collaboration Award

哈利法克斯中央图书馆 / 加拿大,哈利法克斯

Halifax CentralLibrary / Nova Scotia, Canada

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所获荣誉/ 2018年Maritime建筑设计奖/ 2018年哈利法克斯城市设计奖/ 2016年加拿大总督建筑奖章

Awards/ 2018, Maritime Architectural Design Excellence Award/ 2018, Award of Excellence at the Halifax Urban Design Awards/ 2016, Governor General Medal in Architecture of Canada

维多利亚州立图书馆 / 澳大利亚,墨尔本

State Library Victoria / Melbourne, Australia

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所获荣誉/ 2020年澳大利亚建筑师协会维多利亚分会遗产保护和公共建筑类最佳建筑/ 2020年墨尔本城市奖/ 2019年澳大利亚国会及活动特约场所(MEA国家奖)/ 2019年维多利亚城市旅游杰出贡献奖

Awards/ Australian Institute of Architects Victorian Chapter Awards 2020 in the Heritage – Conservation and Public architecture categories/ Melbourne Prize 2020/ Unique Event Venue 2019 at The National Meetings & Events Australia Awards (MEA National Awards)/ Victorian Tourism Awards 2019 in the Outstanding Contribution by Volunteers category

基督城中央图书馆 / 新西兰,基督城

Christchurch Central Library / Christchurch, New Zealand

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所获荣誉/ 2019年John Scott大奖公共建筑类别/2019年WAF公民社区类别提名/2019年Fast Company改变世界创意大奖荣誉提名/2019年国际图联年度公共图书馆终选提名/2019结构工程师学会极端条件设计奖…

Awards/ 2019, John Scott Award for Public Architecture/2019, Shortlisted for a World Architecture Festival award in the Completed Buildings: Civic and community category/ 2019, Fast Company World Changing Ideas Awards honorable mention/ 2019, Finalist for Public Library of the Year Award by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) / 2019, Award for Structures in Extreme Conditions by The Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE)


阿伯丁大学图书馆 / 英国阿伯丁

University of Aberdeen Library / Aberdeen, UK


所获荣誉/ 2012年阿伯丁公民社会奖/2013年RIAS苏格兰皇家建筑师协会奖/2013年 RIBA英国皇家建筑师协会全国大奖/2013年WAF公民社区类项目提名

Awards/ 2012, Aberdeen Civic Society Award/ 2013, RIASAward/ 2013, RIBA National Award/ 2013, WAF, shortlisted in Civic & Community category


哈尔姆斯塔德图书馆 / 瑞典,哈尔姆斯塔德

Halmstad Library / Halmstad, Sweden

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所获荣誉/ 2006年Kasper Salin奖提名/2006年哈尔姆斯塔德城市建筑奖/2007年瑞士混凝土工业Helgjutet奖

Awards/ 2006, Nominated for the Kasper Salin Award/ 2006, The Architecture Prize of the Municipality of Halmstad/ 2007, Awarded the Helgjutet-prize from Swedish Concrete Industry

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