[SHL / News] 在等待中溯源:ARoS艺术博物馆扩建项目The Next Level 设计记录展 现已开放
阅读:3697 2021-03-07


SHL建筑事务所与世界知名艺术家James Turrell合作的丹麦奥胡斯ARoS艺术博物馆扩建项目“The Next Level” ,将引领艺术界表达内容与表现方式的新风潮。在等待扩建完工之时,ARoS艺术博物馆首次运用文字、模型和图片等形式,向人们展示项目的演化过程,并介绍其中艺术装置“The Dome”背后的艺术家。

The Next Level expansion project is leading art towards new ways of expressions and content with an exciting collaboration with World-famous American artist, James Turrell. While we wait for the extension’s completion, the museum presents, for the first time, material documenting the evolution of the project and introduces the artist behind The Dome, in words, works, and pictures.

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Having finalised the finances and ensured political back-up for the project, ARoS Museum of Art was, in July, able to make public the realisation of the museum’s extension. 

在此之前,展示扩建项目设计历程的展览正在该博物馆五楼ARoS Focus画廊展出。观众可以亲眼见到能够展现原始设计想法的材料和绘图手稿,以及项目最新的效果图。

Before the project goes ahead, a presentation of it will take place in the ARoS Focus gallery on level 5. The audience will have an opportunity to see materials and sketches showing the original ideas and brand-new visualizations of the project.

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 ARoS 扩建项目 The Next Level 

 ARoS Next Level 

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The Next Level源于ARoS艺术博物馆总监Erlend Høyersten、艺术家James Turrell,以及SHL创始人Morten Schmidt的一个想法。

The Next Level was developed after an idea by museum director Erland Høyersten in collaboration with James Turrell and partner Morten Schmidt from Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects. 

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The Next Level是ARoS艺术博物馆未来愿景的实体化宣言,即在未来,社区、社会以及人类的理解力将从艺术中得到启发。

The project is a physical manifestation of ARoS 'vision for the museum of the future, where the influence on community, society and human understanding is thought based on artistic experiences.

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这个名为“The Next Level”的扩建项目,是SHL与世界知名的美国艺术家 James Turrell合作而成,它引领了新的艺术表达方式。新项目将包含一座面积为1000平方米的地下画廊,以及一个半地下的艺术装置——名为The Dome。

The Next Level expansion project is leading art towards new ways of expressions and content with an exciting collaboration with World-famous American artist, James Turrell. The new extension to the museum will contain a 1000m² subterranean gallery and a semi-subterranean art installation The Dome.

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From ancient times, the dome appears to be in Architecture a general symbol, signifying power, the royal city and the focal point of assembly. Architects in Christian and Muslim countries succeeded in building majestic churches and mosques with a dome, becoming masterpieces admired by their beauty. 


Today, The Dome at ARoS, with its 40 meters in diameter will form one of the most spectacular spaces ever built into an art museum.

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ARoS艺术博物馆建筑有三分之一的空间完全或部分地处于地下。The Next Level利用这一特点,通过一系列画廊和空间横向构建。参观者将在地表下,在沿最后穹顶方向延伸的120米距离中,体验到一个全新的空间。

The Next Level project is organized as a horizontal travel through a series of galleries and spaces that complement the disposition of ARoS as we know it today with the majority of its floors located fully or partially below ground. The Next Level project allows you to make a journey in a completely new dimension, a horizontal travel that brings the visitor through galleries and exhibition spaces. It stretches almost 120 meters below the surface out to the last space of The Dome.

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作为世界领先的艺术家之一,James Turrell专注于光线、色彩的创作,他的艺术装置作品在超过26个国家被永久保留。他的作品拥有一个共同特色,就是通过对光线和色彩的运用,为观众营造艺术氛围。色彩斑斓的装置空间通过三维光影,将天与地联系起来,勾通人体、感知与思维,The Next Level是他在博物馆空间中打造的最大的作品。

James Turrell is one of the world's leading artists working with light, colors and art installations with permanent installations in over 26 countries. His works have the common feature that they embrace the audience through light and color effects controlled by the artist. Turrell’s often colorful room installations are reminiscent of three-dimensional light paintings, where he connects the earthly with the heavenly and body and sense with the mind and thought. The Next Level is his biggest project within a museum context.

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 The Next Level设计记录展 现已开放 

 Documentation show of The Next Level now displays 

从即日起至2021年8月15日,记录了ARoS艺术博物馆扩建工程设计历程的展览,“James Turrell & The Next Level - While we are Waiting”,在ARoS艺术博物馆5楼展出。

From now to 15 August 2021,  “James Turrell & The Next Level - While we are Waiting” ,  an exhibition depicting the design process of the extension is on display at ARoS Art Museum. 

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摄影图片 Photo

ARoS Aarhus Art Museum

效果图制作 Rendering

Forbes Massie, 2020 & Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

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