[SHL / News] 喜讯: 英国布里斯托大学新图书馆项目规划获批
阅读:4045 2021-04-01



Together with local architect firm Hawkins\Brown, we’ve designed the New University Library for the University of Bristol. The University submitted its planning application to Bristol City Council in January 2020 following an extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholder groups including staff, students, local residents and neighbors, the wider community, and Bristol City Council.

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The new university library provides a bridge between the scale of neighboring Victorian villas and the form of Senate House. The design concept has taken the module of the villas and stacked, twisted, and developed the shape and scale to create a building that matches Senate House in height and status. The resulting interplay of spaces sets up a dialogue between the new university library and the city. 

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The University of Bristol’s landmark new library will transform the heart of its Clifton campus and provide an architecturally significant new building for the city.

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The library will accommodate learning and research space with capacity for 2,000 new study seats, 420,000 books, and 70,000 journals. The library forms a key part of the university’s vision and strategy for transforming the Clifton campus, which includes providing new and enhanced facilities, improvements to public spaces, and creating a welcoming heart to the university for students, staff, and the community at large.

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 The upper floors will be open to staff and students for study and research whilst the ground floor will be open to everyone, with access to exhibition galleries, events spaces, a program of new public art commissions and a café.

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The library has been designed to achieve a BREEAM “Excellent” rating.

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For more project information, please click the picture above.

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