UNStudio Invests in Virtual Design Platform SpaceForm.
定制会议中个人虚拟造型 © SpaceForm
创意工作室 Squint/Opera 与UNStudio、BIG联合开发SpaceForm平台!
The joint project SpaceForm is developed by creative studio Squint/Opera, and two architecture studios, UNStudio and BIG.
Nowadays, the built environment increasingly focuses on more sustainable and effective ways to design, review and present complex designs to stakeholders, SpaceForm offers a new and more sustainable way to meet, collaborate and design remotely. It's a virtual workspace, hosted in the cloud, a platform that immerses teams in projects across any device.
Since March last year, business travel has been severely disrupted. This has had a major impact on the architecture and design world where communicating large scale, complex projects is nearly impossible over Zoom. The latest iteration of SpaceForm has helped to fill this gap. Looking forward, it can help global teams present and design more effectively remotely, reducing the need for travel.
UNStudio 与 BIG 、 SpaceForm 的合作,是以自身 30 多年的项目协作经验为基础,共同开发了一个实时、虚拟的会议和演示平台。设计过程中的包容性至关重要。在平台上,所有参与方都可以发表意见。SpaceForm 将加强团队沟通、减少海外客户的非必要差旅投入,增加工作会议的参与度,这些将在设计过程中释放出新的机会。
UNStudio and BIG have partnered with SpaceForm to co-develop a real-time, virtual meeting and presentation platform, building on over 30 years of project collaboration experience. An inclusive design process is paramount, where all stakeholders have a voice, which is why SpaceForm will allow for enhanced team communication, abridged client interaction from abroad, and interactive work sessions that will unlock new opportunities in the design process.
设计数据视觉化 © SpaceForm
SpaceForm自2018年第一个原型制作开始,它就在 Epic MegaGrant 的帮助和许多建筑师和设计师的反馈下进行着进一步开发。 最新版本的原型是一个 3D 多用户平台,可用于实时呈现建筑设计和数字孪生数据。
The first prototype of SpaceForm was built in 2018, it has since been developed further with the help of the Epic MegaGrant and feedback from many architects and designers. The latest prototype is a 3D multi-user platform for presenting architectural designs and digital twin data in real-time.
可向项目参与方展示实时模拟的沉浸式 3D 环境,提供协同审阅;
无缝连接Rhino 3D、Rivet、Sketchup、Unreal等其他可视化软件,轻松实现软件之间的数据共享;
Simulate immersive, 3D environments in real-time for collaborative reviews and presentations with key stakeholders;
Seamlessly connecting other visualisation software such as Rhino 3D, Rivet, Sketchup and Unreal to allow easy data sharing between both software;
Visualise digital twin and urban data for better decision making and design choices;
Immerse virtual audiences in architectural designs on any device;
Host up to 100 people for collaborative presentations and reviews;
Collaborate and review designs in a 3D environment;
Effectively communicate complex architectural designs improving understanding and solutions of complex design issues among stakeholders, reducing friction and the need for physical travel for meetings.
我们使用了与堡垒之夜( Fortnite) 非常相似的游戏技术栈,并将其应用于建筑和设计领域。在现实世界中使用沉浸式实时游戏技术是令人兴奋的,因为它开创了探索和参与未建成世界的新方式。当您与您的团队和客户一起在平台上探索该空间时,实时环境展示能让人们感受到空间未来模样的可能性——这将改变行业的生态环境。
最近远程工作的状态为这一次的改变提供了契机。合适的平台可以减少商务差旅的需求——SpaceForm 希望推动这场转变。它为更智能、更可持续的设计、更好的决策而研发。
——Jan Heuff, SpaceForm CEO
SpaceForm 为我们提供了一个讲故事的平台,为团队提供了将设计项目转化为交互式叙事体验的解决方案。项目参与方可以在各自探索空间的同时,作出关键决策。SpaceForm 是第一个允许客户在沉浸式环境中进行设计审阅、批复的在线平台。
——Ben van Berkel, UNStudio 创始人
每个物理空间都是一个虚拟空间。SpaceForm 提供了未来创意的协作环境,它将允许在现实中,把想象与现实瞬间融合。
——Bjarke Ingels, BIG 创始人