阅读:2993 2022-02-17

IE University Officially Launches Its New Master in Architecture

in Collaboration with UNStudio

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▲ Ben演讲现场    照片来源: IE University

当地时间,上周三 2月9日,UNStudio创始人Ben van Berkel出席西班牙IE大学建筑学硕士项目启动仪式,并发表演说《I am connected》

Last Wednesday, 9th of Feb, Ben van Berkel, founder of UNStudio joined the official launch of IE University new Master in Architecture event and delivered speech “I am Connected”.


Ben is Thesis Chair for the School’s Master in Architecture, a program for students looking to complete their professional architectural licensure requirements in Spain and the European Union, and to experience an international, innovation-based approach to the profession.

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▲ 活动现场    照片来源: IE University

“IE大学的建筑学硕士学位课程将提供必要的工具、灵感和创新的观点,以促进实践和专业领域内的转变。” UNStudio创始人和首席建筑师Ben van Berkel说。

“This Master will focus on giving the tools, the inspiration and the innovative perspectives necessary to grow with and transform your practice and the profession.” said UNStudio founder and principal architect Ben van Berkel.

“我们非常高兴Ben van Berkel能与我们学校共同合作开发这个项目。因为UNStudio和UNSense的工作对我们的城市和社区都产生了如此积极的影响。” IE 建筑与设计学院院长 Martha Thorne 说,“我们新的建筑学硕士将为建筑师和全球从业者提供前所未有的可能。”

“We are absolutely delighted that Ben van Berkel is collaborating with our School to develop this program as the work of UNStudio and UNSense has such a positive impact in our communities and cities,” says Martha Thorne, Dean of IE School of Architecture and Design. “Our new Master in Architecture will offer unprecedented access to international practitioners and architects.”


Architects are key players in addressing the urgent challenges we face today, as well as those that will emerge tomorrow. By combining experimental design practice with a focus on sustainability, new fabrication technologies, and design management, the Master in Architecture prepares future architects to transform the built environment and the architectural profession.

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