UNStudio's Projects Will Be Shown in
the Private_Eye_Butler_Spy Exhibition
数据、算法、机器人和人工智能的作用正在不断扩大,也在改变我们生活的物理环境。在主题为“Private_Eye_Butler_Spy”的 展览中,Arcam(阿姆斯特丹建筑中心) 研究了:随着技术化和数字化程度的提高,我们家中和周围的建筑环境正在发生怎样的变化。
The expanding role of data, algorithms, robotics, and artificial intelligence is altering the physical surroundings in which we live as well. In the exhibition Private_Eye_Butler_Spy, Arcam examines how the built environment in and around our homes is changing as a result of increasing technologization and digitization.
UNStudio 将在展览中,展出“在明天生活”和“W.I.N.D之家”的相关模型和草图。
UNStudio projects 'Living Tomorrow' and 'The W.I.N.D. House' are included in the exhibition.
The W.I.N.D House © Fedde de Weert
How do smart systems in the domestic sphere develop, and what impact does this have on the design of homes? Will household robots fully become residents, and does this bring new design challenges with it? How does the tendency to always be connected online affect our way of life, and what impact does this have on the architecture of our living environment? How might the conceptual relationship that people have with their surroundings change? Will a smart home become a living entity that you can regard as a friend, spy, fitness coach, psychiatrist, or butler? How does the physical and material impact of digital networks manifest in our immediate living environment?
The exhibition will invite you to dive into the world of technologization and digitization.
Exhibtion Info:
Opening hours:
11th March-26th June 2022
About Arcam
Arcam is the architecture centre of Amsterdam, organising programmes about architecture and urban development. Their exhibitions, debates, and research projects are accessible, yet critical; mindful of history, but always with an outlook towards the future.