从办公空间到社交中心 | UNStudio关于总部建筑的思考与实践
阅读:4785 2022-03-02

From Workplace to Social Hub
UNStudio's Understanding and Practice of Headquarters Projects


▲ Booking.com 总部 | 阿姆斯特丹


对于 UNStudio 来说,办公室不仅仅是工作的空间——它是我们与身边志同道合的伙伴实现目标、丰富生活的场所。

作为一家设计工作室,我们专注于用设计满足客户和用户不断变化的需求。在以下分享的设计作品中,展现了UNStudio 的设计思考和“以未来为中心”的方法。

For UNStudio, offices are not just spaces to work – they are places where we achieve our goals, enrich our lives, and surround ourselves with people who are guided by a purpose similar to our own.

As a design studio, we focus on how to design office spaces that adapt to clients and users’ ever-changing needs. Below are some of the projects we have developed that highlight our thought-process and future-focused approach to these demands.

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 Clients' requirements



-  提供包容、公平、有弹性、可持续和健康的工作空间;
-  传达公司的价值观,并体现公司独特的可识别身份特征;
-  环保且实用;
-  设计时,要考虑到未来的灵活性。

Faced with changing employee needs, clients are looking to support these new requirements and transition from designing for efficiency to taking a more holistic approach. Clients believe that today’s workplaces should:

- Offer inclusive, equitable, resilient, sustainable and healthy workspaces;

-  Communicate the values of the company and express its distinct identity to the workforce;

-  Make environmental and economic sense;

-  Be designed with the future in mind.

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 User experience as an approach



从管理风格和工具,到新型软件和硬件的使用,我们内部的智库团队 UNSx 进行了多项研究来解决(家庭)办公空间的空间组织问题。我们采取了实地考察与场景分析相结合的手段:




To understand the workplace of the future we asked ourselves, what are the biggest shifts in how we perceive work and how can our future workplaces adapt to these changes?

From management styles and tools, to implementing new software and hardware, our in-house think/do-tank UNSx carried out a number of studies to address the organisation of (home) office spaces. We have adopted a combination of fieldwork and scenario analysis as our approach.

Fieldwork study: They started by interviewing employees about their various needs, while also holding workshops to map out employees’ daily routines and their use of the space.

Scenario analysis: This information was then used to create various design scenarios by merging user experience, spatial organisation and the management of the building, including energy use, health-related solutions and the social component of working and collaboration.

What we found is that instead of fixed set-ups, new offices require fluid solutions that can be changed almost on a daily basis, depending on the number of people physically present and those online, alongside the type of collaboration and team working styles.

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 Dynamic workplace



During the pandemic, many of us saw our societies shift to online platforms overnight – but this current move to hybrid working has in fact been a long time coming. For decades, experts were questioning the benefits of the classic cubicle-style office space, and many companies have experimented with alternative working environments and patterns to try to create healthier and happier workplaces.


 - 共享的头脑风暴空间,这有助于促进员工之间的交流和知识共享;

 - 用于专注工作的安静区域;

 - 适合在线/线下会议的灵活办公桌和隔音空间;

 - 办公室布局可以适应未来变化,具有随时调整的可能性和灵活性。

While many have been wondering whether the pandemic marks the end of large corporate offices, we believe it presents an opportunity to reimagine these spaces and make our workplaces more dynamic than ever. We have recognised an increased need for:

- shared brainstorming spaces to promote communication and knowledge sharing;

- quiet areas for concentrated work;

- more flexi-desks and sound-proof spaces for digital calls and meetings;

- flexibility and the possibility to change office layouts over time is also of great benefit, as it enables the accommodation of changes to the space in the future.

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Workplaces on an urban level


混合工作模式成为新常态的可能性也对城市规划产生深远影响,为我们重新构想如何设计城市提供新的契机。我们还发现,办公室的中心辐射模式效应也在出现,一些大公司希望将其员工分布在更多地点。这意味着我们会看到公司将其总部设立在城市中心,同时在郊区或附近城市设有较小的中心,这样员工就可以在离家更近的地方工作。 这些变化可以令中央商务区得以容纳更多的住房和文化场所。

The potential for hybrid-working models to become the norm could also have a profound impact on urban planning, presenting new opportunities to reimagine how we design our cities.

This means that we could see companies keeping their HQ in urban centres, but having smaller hubs, situated in the suburbs or in nearby cities that would allow employees to work closer to home.

These changes can transform central business districts to accommodate more housing and cultural sites. We have also found that a hub-and-spoke model for offices is also emerging, with some large companies looking to spread their workforce across more locations.

UNStudio 总部建筑作品

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  位置:荷兰 阿姆斯特丹
  建筑面积:72,500 m2


Booking.com 总部坐落于阿姆斯特丹市中心区域——Oosterdokseiland 岛上,是西欧一项最大型的城市工程。建成后将成为集相聚会面、激发灵感、生活、工作和娱乐于一体的活力场所。

通过全方位追求健康的综合设施,园区营造了积极正面的体验,惠及使用公共空间和零售商店的阿姆斯特丹市民、住宅楼租户,以及年轻的 Booking.com 员工。我们的全方位健康追求将十大要素纳入考虑范畴,具体包括空气循环、供水、食物供给、日照、身体运动、供暖、声音、材料以及整体的心理健康追求,同时提供回馈阿姆斯特丹社区的策略。

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 5YN3RGY 媒体港
 客户:CODIC– MIZAL Development GmbH
 位置:德国 杜塞多夫



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建筑面积:57,696 m2
摄影 ©Rohspace

首尔韩华总部大楼翻新工程的设计理念源于周围环境的启发和大自然影响。翻新工程包括对立面、公共空间、大堂、会议楼层、礼堂和行政区域,以及景观设计的改造。改善整栋大楼的环境是设计的关键出发点,也是韩华集团增强员工创造力和凝聚力的基础。在环境改善这一目标中,最重要的是室内环境, 因为这也是增强员工体感舒适度的首要影响因素。

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  荷兰合作银行 总部大楼

  客户:OVG (re)development / MAB

  位置:荷兰 爱因霍芬
  建筑面积:28,000 m²


  摄影 © Hans Wilschut

我们的设计目标是遵循荷兰合作银行提出的理想工作方法和银行的“不插电”(Rabobank Unplugged)原则,创造了一个既促进合作又有利于专注工作的环境。在城市规划层面,我们的设计目标是将独立建筑中常见的内向空间组织转变为开放式园区,从而优化与公共区域的联系。

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  位置:德国 斯图加特
  建筑面积:5,782 m²

  竣工时间:2016 年

  摄影 © Chr.Richters


ARCHINA 所有平台上发布的项目、招聘、资讯等内容,部分由第三方提供或系统自动收录。资料版权属于第三方,若信息不实或涉及版权问题,需要版权方和第三方沟通,ARCHINA 将配合对接,并在确认无误后删除涉及版权问题的信息,相应的法律责任均由资料提供方承担。
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