gmp中标 | 智能科技,极简设计——gmp赢得小米昌平总部设计竞赛一等奖
阅读:7886 2022-01-27

多媒体动画 © gmp Architects
在北京昌平小米新总部园区的设计竞赛中,gmp·冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所获得了一等奖。小米是年轻而成功的全球知名智能手机制造企业,更是以手机、硬件和 IoT 平台为核心的消费电子及智能制造公司。由gmp规划设计的昌平总部园区将成为小米创立十年后继续发扬其创新精神的实体家园。

In the competition for the new Xiaomi headquarters in Changping in the north of Beijing, the Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) won the first prize. Xiaomi is a young, successful and globally known smartphone manufacturer that produces consumer electronics and smart devices focusing on smartphones, hardware and IoT platforms. Changping Headquarters, planned and designed by gmp, will provide a home for 10-year-old Xiaomi to further it s innovative spirit.


Xiaomi's corporate philosophy refers to two basic ideas: high connectivity and exchange ability representing the “Internet of Things” and a high-level product design. The clarity and simplicity of the design allows intuitive use and a long-lasting appeal of the products: “Smart Technology, Minimalist Design”.


Based on the natural ecological landscape, the design aims to create a working environment that combines Xiaomi's innovation spirit with architectural aesthetics. The simplicity of the volumes combined with high functionality is the direct expression of Xiaomi’s product philosophy. It also demonstrates gmp’s design philosophy—simplicity, unity in diversity, uniqueness, and structural order.




The campus site is located in the core area of the West District of Changping Future Science City and enjoys an excellent geographic location. It is only 500 meters away from the green center of Changping Future Science City, a project included in the country’s development strategy, on the axis of eastern Beijing.


With a construction area of 8.65 hectares, Xiaomi Changping Campus is blessed with a natural ecological park that extends from east to west, connecting every corner of the campus through nature.

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总平面图 © gmp Architects


The regular-shaped individual buildings line up to the north and south of the central green space, forming a well-structured, diverse and unified spatial structure. To the south of the central green space, Xiaomi Future Industrial Park is composed of six buildings, their heights increasing from 30 meters to 60 meters, and then reducing to 46 meters from west to east, portraying a dynamic skyline. North of the central green space is Xiaomi Innovation and Research Center, where two buildings are connected through corridors on F5 andF6, right across the north-south road.

在整个建筑群中,总部大楼“米立方”是当之无愧的标志性建筑。60米高的 “米立方”矗立于园区南侧,其形象简洁而充满力度,凸显了小米独特的总部形象,同时也是小米总部的智慧核心。

The 60-meter-tall “Mi Cube” building is located on the south side of the park, and its simple yet powerful image emphasizes the unique image of Xiaomi headquarters.

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“米立方”不仅规模巨大,而且清晰地展示了这个复杂系统的立面,将室内外交织成独特的工作景观,使其成为园区的焦点。现代工作环境必须提供的不仅仅是可靠的 IT 技术,为了吸引年轻有为的人才,工作场所必须提供多种选择和机会:方便的沟通、灵活的工作空间布局、健康的环境和多种娱乐休闲活动。

Besides its impressive size, the architectural concept of the buildingis also reflected in the facade that interweaves the inside and outside, creating a unique working landscape that forms the focal point of the campus. A modern workplace has to offer more than a reliable IT environment. To attract young, promising talent, the workplaces have to offer a variety of options and opportunities: easy communication, flexible workspaces, a healthy environment, and a wide range of leisure activities.


When people enter the magical Mi Cube, they are immersed into a complex and vivid space, a design that expresses the core idea of Xiaomi: Within the simple shell there is a strong heart beating!


The central entrance hall is overlooked by a multi-floor full height atrium. This transparent glass cube presents a three-dimensional world of open and green working landscapes, enclosed R&D office area and meeting areas.

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Basic cuboid modules are stacked in staircase formation around a central atrium and linked via four core structures and bridges. This simple geometric principle is used to create levels and sky gardens that can be used in flexible configurations and offer lively places for communication and exchange as well as a wide range of visual connections within and out of the building.


基础模块叠加组合演示 © gmp Architects

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米立方空间布局 © gmp Architects

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米立方剖透视图 © gmp Architects


The two interwoven, upward-spiraling volumes taking up the regular workspaces define large, open terraces and void spaces that house the headquarters’ special functions: meeting and communication spaces, library, relaxation, and leisure. These spaces add a unique value to R&D office workspaces by encouraging employees to actively use the building, to extend their connectivity and to foster creativity. Like using a Xiaomi product, the employees will have a similar experience, when using this building: “You are only touched when you use it!”

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室内平台 © gmp Architects


The architectural concept of the building is also reflected in the facade design with its deep vertical window elements for the R&D offices that strongly contrast the fully glazed facades of the atrium. 

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室内连桥 © gmp Architects

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室内平台正俯视 © gmp Architects

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室内平台侧俯视 © gmp Architects


As the first building in the southeast of Xiaomi campus, the iconic 46-meter-high "Mi Gate"is partially elevated in a diagonal direction on the first floor, opening up the corridor between the metro station and the central green space of the area. It provides a warm welcome for employees and visitors arriving from the southern metro station. The gate-like entrance to the park expresses the open-minded character of the Xiaomi Campus.

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With the same spatial organization as Mi Cube’s R&D office, the centralized office seating area combines with the conference and communication area, offering an inspiring workplace for employees and encouraging efficient communication and interaction between teams.


The other four buildings to the south of the central green space house typical R&D offices. The four buildings of different heights with enclosed courtyards in different directions create a low-density office environment through setbacks. Green roof gardens are designed with terraced platform, providing superior exchange and recreational space for employees.

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研发标准办公 © ATCHAIN


The enclosed courtyard features distinctive round skylights, bringing daylight into the staff canteen that is located on the basement floor. Softly undulating green islands are formed around the round skylights with curved seats under green trees. The elegant and quiet courtyard shaded by trees offers an ideal place for employees to stroll, relax and socialize.

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围合式庭院 © gmp Architects


The 9-floor Xiaomi Innovation and Research Center is located to the northwest of the central green space with full-fledged functions and diversified spaces. The higher east block and lower west block are connected via a central bridge. The harmonious and striking building blocks contribute to a dynamic skyline at the northeast corner of Xiaomi campus.

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小米创研中心 © ATCHAIN


A generous entrance plaza is created between the two blocks, with a full-height 4-story entrance lobby in each block, accommodating each other. The symmetrical open escalators between F1 to F4 is concise, distinctive, and coherent.

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创研中心入口广场 © gmp Architects


F1 houses reception hall, exhibition area, lecture halls and VIP lounge, including a 500-seat amphitheater to the east and a 1,500-seat lecture hall to the west for major events such as product launch conferences.

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创研中心剖透视图 © gmp Architects

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报告厅 © gmp Architects


The escalator in the F1 hall leads to the B1 canteen which provides an elegant dining environment for Xiaomi employees. The sports spaces, including the daylight swimming pool and gym are also planned underground.


F2-F4 accommodate various innovation and research spaces such as library, simulated reality laboratory, studio, conference, and training spaces. The R&D office floors extend from F5 bridge to F9.

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图书馆 © gmp Architects

As an innovation-driven company, Xiaomi believes in providing quality products at fair prices, and enabling a better life through science and technology to everyone around the world. With the design of the new Xiaomi headquarters in Changping, gmp aims to create vibrant and comfortable working environment in an organized space for Xiaomi employees who work hard to provide a better life for users. 


In response to Xiaomi’s call for "honest business and user-friendly science and technology for public well-being", gmp’s design is to create spaces of diverse functions and experience to celebrate Xiaomi’s aspiration and facilitate the personal growth of its employees.


Following projects for,, and Huawei, gmp continues its successful cooperation with leading technology corporations in China. The new Xiaomi Headquarters marks a new collaboration with a high-tech company committed to technological innovation and modern design.





竞赛阶段设计团队:张旋,Daniele Busi,Hye Jin Choi,Maximilian von Moltke,汤子泓,姚奕,朱世游,王傲男,王文婧,王雪健


实施阶段设计团队:张旋,Hye Jin Choi,刘叙达, Jan-Peter Deml,Johannes Erdmann,Andreas Götze,韩晓琳,黄宇星,Anna Jankowska,Monika Kwiatkowski,Alicia Luis Magdaleno, Maximilian von Moltke,彭雪,Filippo Ragusa,汤子泓,徐静,Michael Yu,Thilo Zehme,  朱世游,房经纬,刘卿云,秦川,王傲男,王文婧







Competition 2021, first prize

Design Meinhard von Gerkan andStephan Schütz with Nicolas Pomränke

Project Lead Min Li

Project Management in China Wei Lin, Zheng Wang

Competition Team Xuan Zhang, Daniele Busi, Hye Jin Choi,Maximilian von Moltke, Zihong Tang, Yi Yao, Shiyou Zhu, Aonan Wang, WenjingWang, Xuejian Wang

Project Lead, Detailed Design Min Li, Clemens Kampermann, Ping Cao

Detailed Design Team Xuan Zhang, HyeJin Choi, Xuda Liu, Jan-Peter Deml, Johannes Erdmann, Andreas Götze, Xiaolin Han, Yuxing Huang, Anna Jankowska, Monika Kwiatkowski, Alicia Luis Magdaleno, Maximilian von Moltke, Xue Peng, Filippo Ragusa, Zihong Tang, Jing Xu, Michael Yu, Thilo Zehme, Shiyou Zhu, Jingwei Fang, Qingyun Liu, Chuan Qin, Aonan Wang, Wenjing Wang 

Partner Practice in China China Academy of Building Research (CABR)

Site Area 8.65 ha

Total GFA 307,000 m²

GFA of Mi Cube 43,900m²

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