WATG 宣布任命王文婷(Vicky Wang)为亚太区董事总经理
阅读:2777 2023-04-22

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WATG(Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo)是享誉全球的豪华酒店建筑设计事务所,其在全球范围内拥有丰富的经验和卓越的设计作品。该公司以其在酒店、度假村、康养项目,高端住宅项目和旅游策划规划等方面的卓越表现而闻名,亚太区一直是公司的核心业务板块。在这样的大背景下,WATG宣布任命王文婷女士为亚太区董事总经理,全面负责公司在新加坡和上海的分公司。

WATG, the world’s preeminent leader in luxury hospitality design, has appointed Ms. Vicky Wang as Managing Director, Asia Pacific, leading the firm’s offices in Singapore and Shanghai.


With over 20 years of experience in the industry and an extensive global portfolio in hospitality, mixed-use, and high-end residential projects, Wang has developed a deep understanding and passion for China and Asia Pacific over her 10-year career at WATG. In 2022, Wang became Managing Director for China, successfully strengthening our presence in the region. 

WATG总裁兼首席执行官Dave D. Moore先生对王女士的任命表示非常赞赏,称她的中西方教育和工作背景为她在领导公司亚太区业务方面带来了独特的视角和优势。他非常高兴有这样一位卓越的领导者来推动WATG在亚太区内的战略发展。

Dave D. Moore, President and CEO commented “Vicky’s unique perspective comes from her education and work experience in both the Western and Eastern hemispheres, which gives her an advantage in leading the firm’s practice in Asia Pacific. I am delighted that we have such an accomplished leader to drive our strategic ambitions in the region.” 

王女士是一位擅长在当地自然和历史文脉中寻找设计灵感的设计师,追求设计的细节力求完美,同时她也非常注重项目管理中的协作精神。她以远见的领导力和对创新设计的不懈追求,打造了许多屡获殊荣的项目,并参与打造了包括西安丽思卡尔顿酒店及购物中心、西安中大国际九号豪华住宅、成都远大商业综合体、清远长隆主题度假酒店群、墨西哥卡波圣卢卡斯硬石酒店、奥兰多迪士尼度假区酒店,以及越南 The Nexus 综合体项目等知名项目。她是美国纽约州注册建筑师,美国建筑师协会会员,并持有LEED绿色建筑认证资格。

Wang is recognized for her holistic design approach that respects both context and culture, attention to detail and collaborative spirit to bring clients’ visions to life. Coupled with her visionary leadership and commitment to innovative design, Wang exceeds client expectations and has delivered award-winning and notable projects, including The Ritz-Carlton Hotel and shopping mall in Xi'an, No. 9 Luxury Residence in Xi'an, Grand Enterprise Chengdu mixed-use, Chime long Qingyuan hotel complex, Hard Rock Hotel in Cabo San Lucas, Disney hotel in Orlando and The Nexus Mixed-use project in Ho Chi Minh City. Wang is a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and holder of LEED AP certification.


Regarding her new role, Wang commented: “I intend to leverage the firm's integrated services in advisory, architecture, interior design, landscape, and planning and provide clients with innovative design and solutions to create more vibrant, high-quality living environments. I am confident about the region's development prospects and the untapped opportunities that lie ahead.” 

WATG 于1945年在美国夏威夷成立,并在1997年和2018年分别成立了新加坡和上海分公司,见证了亚太区经济的崛起和国际酒店品牌的发展。目前,WATG在亚太区已经建成了超过100个高品质项目,展现了其在该地区的实力和专业性

The establishment of WATG Singapore office in 1997 and the opening of the Shanghai office in 2018 witnessed the rise of the Asia-Pacific economy and the development of international hotel brands. To date, WATG has completed more than 100 built projects – a testament to its strong foothold in the region.

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