柏林Casa Camper酒店 | MVRDV
阅读:3554 2021-09-28


近日,MVRDV 与西班牙GRAS建筑事务所、柏林建筑事务所Laura Rave联合设计的“变色龙餐馆”(Café Camaleon)顺利完工,餐馆位于西班牙鞋履品牌“Camper看步”旗下的第二家酒店——柏林看步之家酒店(Casa Camper Berlin)的一层,是一个集酒店大堂、餐饮和零售展厅于一体的复合空间。设计师通过精准推敲材料细节,创造出渐变色的醒目视觉,营造统一的空间布局。

MVRDV and GRAS Arquitectos, together with Berlin-based co-architect Laura Rave, have recently celebrated the completion of Café Camaleon, combining a hotel lobby, restaurant, and retail showcase in the same space. Occupying the ground floor of the Casa Camper Berlin – the second hotel developed by Mallorcan shoe brand Camper – the design uses carefully selected material details to create a colour gradient, which serves as a strong visual motif to organise the interior.

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柏林看步之家酒店于 2009 年开业,位于柏林米特区,毗邻充满活力的商业购物区。除了酒店大堂,大楼的底层最初包括一个独立的商业空间。看步品牌委托 MVRDV 和 GRAS建筑设计事务所,重新设计酒店大堂、看步鞋履产品的零售展厅和餐饮空间,使其更加契合看步的设计审美和品牌形象。

Casa Camper Berlin opened in 2009, situated in Berlin Mitte, close to a vibrant shopping area. Alongside the hotel lobby, the ground floor of the building originally included a separate commercial space. Camper approached MVRDV and GRAS Arquitectos to design a new concept for a lobby, retail showcase for Camper shoes, and restaurant that would better align with the brand’s strong design reputation.

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The occupancy patterns of the three programmes are very different, meaning they are unlikely to be busy at the same time. There was therefore an opportunity to combine all three programmes in a single room, creating a flexible space that could adapt throughout the day, as well as for future needs, taking advantage of synergies between the different functions. Though the three areas operate very differently, they all share one necessary element: a counter for interacting with customers. The main feature of the space is therefore a single, 18-metre-long counter serving all three functions.

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三种业态和而不同,每个功能区都被赋予了独特的配色:酒店大堂区为红色;零售展示区遵循了Camper Lab店铺统一使用的白色;餐饮空间则以浅棕色为主,灵感来自德国特色Milchkaffee奶咖的颜色。设计师将三种颜色相互融合,表现不同功能之间的互动关系,横向分布的渐变色贯穿整个空间,蔓延至地板、墙壁和柜台。鲜艳的色彩设计灵感也为空间带来了一个好听的名字——变色龙餐馆(Café Camaleon),因为渐变的色彩在不同角度看,会产生不同的视觉效果,“变色龙” 也与看步品牌在 1975 年推出的首款鞋履 Camaleón同名。

Each function was given its own colour: red for the hotel lobby; white for the retail showcase, following the specifications for Camper Lab stores; and brown for the restaurant, inspired by the colour of German Milchkaffee. To show the interaction between the different programs, the colours merge into each other, creating a colour gradient throughout the length of the space that is visible in the floors, walls, and counter. These vibrant colours were the inspiration for the project’s name, Camaleon, as the appearance of the space will be very different depending on one’s vantage point. Camaleon also references the brand’s first shoe from 1975, the Camaleón.

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MVRDV 创始合伙人 Jacob van Rijs先生表示:“灵活性是可持续发展的一个关键设计原则,我们需要创造出不必耗费额外资源就可以被灵活改变的事物”。“但在建筑设计中,这种灵活性通常呈现出平淡或乏味的样子。因此,在看步之家酒店的这个空间中,我们引入了大胆张扬的渐变色,在一个狭长的空间中实现不同功能、不同活动之间的转换和融合。它是个灵活的空间,同时也能吸引你的注意力。”

“Flexibility is a key design principle for sustainability, you need to make things that can be changed without using resources”, says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs. “But in architecture this type of flexibility is often represented as a kind of blandness or boringness. So for Camper we introduced an outspoken colour gradient to illustrate that the different activities could shift and merge inside one long room. It is flexible, but it also grabs your attention.”

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变色龙餐馆的沿街处设置了一面 12 米长的可开启式玻璃幕墙,与室外的街道形成了清晰而亲切的联系。室内空间的渐变色则是通过不同的材料与组合方式实现的:从彩色树脂面板制作的柜台,到彩色木板饰面的墙壁和水泥地砖,同时混搭不同比例的红色、透明和棕色再生玻璃,也是向看步品牌的诞生地——西班牙马略卡岛的传统工艺致敬。

Outside, a 12-metre-long openable glass façade creates a clear, welcoming connection to the street. Inside, the colour gradient is achieved with different materials and in different manners: from resin colour panels in the counter to printed wood for the walls and cement-based floor tiles, mixed with different ratios of red, clear and brown recycled glass – making use of a traditional technique from Mallorca, Camper’s hometown.

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图片 photos © Daria Scagliola

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