H1, a New Tech-assisted Masterplan
for a '10-minute City" in Seoul
2019 年,UNStudio 应韩国现代发展公司的邀请,在首尔设计一个高品质、绿色环保的多用途大型社区。建成后,这将是一个适应新数字经济的智慧型“10 分钟城市生活圈”——融合开放创新、绿色能源和多样性发展理念、具有高度吸引力和高效的生活、工作和娱乐社区。
In 2019 UNStudio was invited by the Hyundai Development Company to design a superior, green, mixed-use neighbourhood in Seoul; a smart ’10-minute city’ for the new digital economy, where open innovation, green energy and diversity create an attractive and productive area to live, work and play.
▲ 项目所在地原为工业和铁路用地,靠近首尔东北部山脉,介于两大住宅区之间。
▲ H1建成后将涵盖住宅、办公、商场等多种功能。
Project H1 involves the transformation of an existing industrial site and railway area into a 504,000m2 neighbourhood for the new digital economy. As such, alongside the inclusion of a wide variety of layered private, semi-public and public programmes, UNStudio collaborated with the consultancy arm of UNSense to propose a plan for the integration of tailored, on-demand digital packages for the future residents.
This added tech layer is designed to complement the physical urban plan and create a fully digitally serviced neighbourhood - thus going beyond the usual efficiency focus of Smart City models to enhance the daily lives of the residents and free up time for leisure activities. This digital infrastructure can also be used for the management of energy production and consumption and of communal spaces, such as those cultivated for local food production schemes.
▲使用 UNSense 科技层的场景举例
▲ 社区内的城市农场
In the design, the different layers of the physical masterplan and the digital interface work together to provide residents of all ages and family configurations with a smart, healthy, green environment where contemporary working, living and entertainment are all combined in one neighbourhood; a productive neighbourhood of convenience, comfort and community. As such, Project H1 can serve as a pilot for an adaptable strategy for mixed-use urban developments of the future.
▲ 社区俯瞰效果图
Project H1 will be a pedestrian-friendly neighbourhood with spacious streets and nature at your doorstep. It will be a place where residents have all the conveniences of the city within a 10-minute walk from their homes.
▲ H1社区所在位置交通便利,附近有光云大学地铁站。内部为无车社区。
▲ 社区规划有各种功能空间,充分满足生活、工作、休闲的各种需求,形成10分钟生活圈。
Ben van Berkel: “For the H1 masterplan we have aimed to create the ultimate contemporary 10-minute city, where the daily life experience of the residents is the top priority. We do this through the inclusion of a rich density of uplifting, curated on-site experiences that provide an extensive range of options for how they can spend their living, working and leisure time, thereby also saving them the time needed to travel elsewhere in the city - because with time that is saved, more time is created.”
▲ H1内部街道
▲ H1社区的构成:由单个楼层构成的小型社区、塔楼构成的中型社区、以及整个社区作为大型社区。
H1 is a mixed-use neighbourhood that relies on System Design, where, rather than being fixed, certain components can be arranged according to different needs. As such, the masterplan incorporates various approaches to flexibility and adaptability across different typologies and scales.
▲ 公寓住宅的墙可以进行灵活调整;每个楼面依据需求可调整为多套公寓或大平层。
▲ 住宅楼的入口处加入共享空间和设施,增进人们的社交机会,以减少高层住宅给人带来的孤独和疏离感。
Ben van Berkel: “We have taken an approach of ‘flexible urban density’. This enables the multi-functional use of public space and employs mixed-use organisational models to ensure that the residents can meet, connect and socialise, both in planned and spontaneous scenarios. The components of the masterplan not only encourage the creation of strong community bonds, the proposed digital service packages also create an unprecedented level of convenience for the residents.”
▲ 可持续场景应用
项目信息 Info:
Client: Hyundai Development Company
Building surface: 504,000m2
Building site: 78,000 m2
Masterplan and architecture for Kwangwoon University Station Redevelopment Area
Status: In progress
Team credits:
UNStudio: Ben van Berkel, Gerard Loozekoot with Crystal Tang and Sara Campagna, Nawid Piracha, Atira Ariffin, Gys le Roux, Tommy Kim, Kyuseung Kyoung, Dongmin Lee, Moon Young Jeong, Alistair Williams, Wael Batal, Nanang Santoso, Rebekah Tien, Luigi Olivieri, Aleksandra Swilinska, Maria Zafeiriadou, Alice Haugh, Pedro Silva Costa, Sujie Park, Yangkenan Li, Jinhyun Kim, Yinying Chen
UNSense: Ben van Berkel with Ren Yee and Huey Hoong Chan
Local architect of record: Kunwon Architects
Landscape Architect: Lodewijk Baljon
Visualisations: WAX & Virgin Lemon