爱尔兰雷恩城市鸟巢酒店 | BDP百殿建筑设计
阅读:3439 2022-07-10







Irish Construction Excellence Award 2022

Leisure or Tourism over €10m Category



Building & Architect of the Year Award 2022

Sustainability Award for a Single Building


Mixology Awards 2022

Project of the Year 

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BDP设计的爱尔兰首家零碳酒店于2021年底竣工。这家位于都柏林市中心的雷恩城市鸟巢(Wren Urban Nest)是拥有 137 间客房、9 层楼的酒店,采用最先进的碳减排技术设计和建造,使其成为欧洲主要城市中心最具可持续性的酒店之一。建筑无需使用化石燃料, 100%使用可再生能源,是爱尔兰第一家达到世界绿色建筑委员会净零运营碳标准的酒店,无需购买碳补偿。

The newly opened Wren Urban Nest, based in the heart of Dublin, is a 137-room, nine floor hotel designed and built using the most advanced carbon reduction technologies, making it one of Europe’s most sustainable hotels in a major city centre. Eliminating the need for fossil fuels, the building uses 100% renewable energy and is the first hotel in Ireland to comply with the World Green Building Council’s definition of Net Zero Operational Carbon, without having to purchase carbon offsets.

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BDP 为该项目提供了建筑、土木和结构以及机电工程设计咨询。团队采取多项措施,以优化建筑能耗为目标设定议程,力图超越 “运营阶段净零碳排放”标准,为客人创造可持续、注重道德的居住体验。独具特色的设计与对可持续性的不懈追求,将雷恩置于国际酒店的创新前沿。

We delivered architectural, civil and structural and mechanical and electrical engineering design consultancy on the project. The team has taken a number of steps to set the agenda and exceed Net Zero Operational Carbon status and to create an overall ethical and sustainable guest experience. The unique design and commitment to sustainability place Wren at the forefront of international hotel innovation.

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The design of the hotel focuses on compact luxury and energy efficiency, with small format bedrooms decorated and accessorised with the best contemporary Irish craft, a showcase for Irish design from brand to bed, confidently supported with smart, sustainable technologies.

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Director of Moran Hospitality and Hotel Operator, Tracey Moran explains: “The unique architectural design of the hotel is a testament to our wonderful collaborators at BDP. We couldn’t be more excited to have Wren Urban Nest open. We are passionate about the environment and believe in taking little steps towards a better planet. Our guests can expect bags of personality and a bespoke Dublin city experience that does not compromise on luxury while still doing their bit."

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BDP的工程副设计总监Patrick Kavanagh说:"建筑设计满足了紧凑的城市空间的要求,同时确保玻璃和外墙的选择减少能源损失。我们提供建筑工程服务只寻求为提供入住和管理酒店的最可持续方法。与雷恩城市之巢的设计和运作有关的一切都旨在以最有效的方式减少、再利用或回收能源。这确实是一个说明在酒店业和主要城市中可以实现低碳的很好的例子。我们确信这将是一个巨大的成功"。

Engineering associate, Patrick Kavanagh, said: “The architectural design meets the demands of a tight urban space whilst ensuring glazing and facade options reduce energy loss. The building services we installed only seek to provide the most sustainable methods of staying in, and managing a hotel. Everything related to the design and operation of Wren Urban Nest aims to reduce, reuse or recycle energy in the most efficient way. It really is a great example of what can be achieved in the hospitality industry and in major conurbations. We are sure it will be a great success.”

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The form and material of the façade design helps with ‘energy sharing’ across the hotel. The façade glazing is full height and width, straddling both floors and rooms. This enables the thermal gain from the sun on the east elevation in the mornings to be extracted and used to warm rooms on the west elevation, with the process reversed in the afternoon. The faceted façade also reflects light down the street and cantilevers out, increasing room sizes.

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酒店的热水、供暖和冷却系统设计是基于高效空气源和水对水热泵的组合。通风系统利用热轮收集 81%的废热,同时免费加热进入的新鲜空气。由于不消耗化石燃料,酒店避免了产生大量热量,造成城市环境中的局部污染。
Wren’s hot water, heating and cooling system design is based on a combination of highly efficient air-source and water-to-water heat pumps. The ventilation system captures 81 per cent of rejected heat using a thermal wheel, which also heats the incoming fresh air for free. With no fossil fuels being consumed, the hotel also avoids producing pollutants in its local urban environment.
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Even the hotel’s kitchen has no reliance on gas for cooking and waste food is minimised by offering surplus stock to the local community through the ‘too good to go app’, ensuring the zero-carbon commitment is fully followed through. The hotel’s water demand is approximately 60% lower than that of typical hotel accommodation buildings through implementation of water conservation measures and low-loss fitting specifications. Rainwater runoff is attenuated, reducing loads on the public mains and a green roof provides natural cooling and space for biodiversity.
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采光系数>2%的楼层面积  45%

日照系数>5%的建筑面积  29%

现场发电 SBEM可再生能源比率为40%(供暖0%,电力现场发电)。

年度自来水消耗量 根据2021年10月的读数,预测消耗量比行业基准少57%

气密性在50Pa 时设计为3 m³/h.m²,达到2.39 m³/h.m²。

采暖和热水负荷 27千瓦时/平方米/年

整体面积加权的U值 为0.48 W/m2K(包括窗户)

设计寿命 70年

年度二氧化碳排放量 SBEM CPC为52 kg CO2eq/平方米,根据2021年10月的读数预测为54 kgCO2eq/平方米

(参考:FRAN WILLIAMS和ROB WILSON,《建筑师杂志》,2021年)

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