德国国际电商平台Shopify办公空间 | MVRDV
阅读:3222 2022-07-20


图片 Image © MVRDV


MVRDV has completed the interior redesign of Shopify Berlin, located on Köpenicker Strasse in the Berlin-Mitte district. Designed as a contrast to the home office with a focus on highly intentional collaboration as a collective experience, the 1,000-square-metre interior project provides the dynamic Canadian-founded commerce company an ideal design for its re-think of the purpose of its physical workspaces.

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Shopify 位于德国柏林米特区的办公楼改造计划于2020年初启动。然而由于疫情,员工转为居家办公,Shopify因此颠覆性地重新思考了办公空间的真正意义。在认识到员工能够远程独立完成工作后,Shopify邀请MVRDV重新设计办公空间,最大限度地发挥建筑自身的潜力,作为开展协作、头脑风暴和参与公司文化的全新活力场所。

In early 2020, the planned renovation of Shopify’s office building in Berlin-Mitte was already well underway. Then came the startof the Coronavirus pandemic, and with it a suddenswitch to working from home that caused the company to dramatically rethink what it needed from its office building. Acknowledging that focused individual work is best completed remotely, Shopify brought MVRDV on board for a redesign that maximises the building’s potential as a base for working collaboratively with others, brainstorming new ideas, and engaging in the company’s vibrant culture.

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MVRDV’s interior design primarily occupies the ground floor and basement levels, as well as additional prime spaces up to the sixth floor. It comprises three “on-site” rooms, which serve as the primary meeting rooms, as well as a variety of “experience rooms” which enable company gatherings, more casual work environments, and other, more specific atmospheres. Wherever possible, the design takes the sustainable approach of re-using elements from the previous half-built renovation, making use of everything from wall and floor finishes to lighting fixtures and furniture. For example, 100% of the lighting fixtures were purchased prior to MVRDV's design.

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In addition to the typical conference table, each of the on-site rooms is embellished with a “colour lounge”, an adjacent space separated by a curtain that provides a more comfortable environment for free-flowing discussions. The colours of these lounges – like the colours throughout the design – are based on the visual identity of Shopify.

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MVRDV意图通过全新的办公空间彰显Shopify的品牌文化和柏林独特的城市景观,利用鲜明的视觉元素强调了柏林这座城市所代表的新奇和冒险精神,以及这里让人振奋的生活和工作体验。前台采用了蓝绿色“地铁瓷砖” 来呼应柏林城市地铁的特色,正对前台的墙上则采用艺术家卡罗琳娜·阿马亚 (Carolina Amaya)的插画作品《Intersections》,让人联想到柏林当地充满活力的街头艺术。

The project celebrates not only Shopify culture but also the Berlin cityscape, providing a visual reminder of the things that make the city an exciting place to live and work. The reception desk makes use of blue-green “metro tiles” in reference to the city’s U-Bahn stations, while the opposite wall features the art piece Intersections by Carolina Amaya, recalling the city’s vibrant street art.

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“体验室”包括一座公共公园(Volkspark) 和“树林花园 (Baumgarten)”,用于午餐空间和公司聚会,陈设了由柏林办公绿化公司Plantclub提供的植物。楼下俱乐部的空间设计受柏林特色的夜生活启发,为举办活动或休闲社交提供有趣的场所,房间的四面墙壁上设置了环绕的电子屏。同时还有一个“秘密房间“,作为更私密的会议空间,隐秘的氛围更适合专注的工作,跳出日常的思维模式,激发更具创造力的思考和协作。

The experience rooms include a Volkspark and Baumgarten, used for lunches and for company gatherings, which are filled with plants providedby Berlin-based company Plantclub. Downstairs is the club, referencing Berlin’s famous nightlife, which provides a space for events or for casual socialising surrounded by a continuous screen on the walls. Also found downstairs is the “secret room”, a more private meeting space with a clandestine atmosphere – perfect for breaking out of the day-to-day mindset in more high-stakes work projects.

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“这是一个令人兴奋的项目,我们从中能够批判地思考和构想后疫情时代的办公空间”,MVRDV合伙人Fokke Moerel说道,“如今,人们普遍开始居家办公,对于像Shopify这一类原本就以远程办公为主的互联网公司来说,一切就更加简单了。因此,传统的办公空间将转变成更加能够刺激主动性的协作空间,通过设计,办公环境被赋予了更具特色的城市精神,具有更强的在地性和工作活力"。

“This project gave us an exciting opportunity to think critically about how workspaces can be reimagined after 2020”,says MVRDV partner Fokke Moerel. “Now people can workfrom home – and fora company like Shopify, whose work is primarily remote-first, that’s even easier. In turn, what was once an office becomes a space for employees to collaborate with intention, brought to life by design touches that reinforce the unique spirit of the city they’re in.”

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图片 Image © MVRDV



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