沈阳茉里·山水 | 浆果设计研究所
阅读:3325 2022-08-20

Amid the trends of the times, Jingel Design's vision for Moli Landscape maintains the inexhaustible worth of the location by drawing on the oriental and contemporary characteristics of the landscape and shaping the present and future of business.




Splendid nature, rolling mountains,

The precious natural landscape,

Reflecting macro philosophy from micro realm.





In this project, Jingle Design realize

The combination between mountains and rivers,

Evoking spiritual echo in commercial space.

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Landscape is the ideal realm of combining lofty spirit from nature with the present world. The birth of this project starts from the combination of commercial procedures and classic feature, which also became the core basis of the design.

Jingle Design pays attention to innovation and profession with an eye to effective and word-of-mouth. Using the professional knowledge in new retailers, consumption, spread and other areas, the designers complete the popular project by understanding the commerce and humanity. “Rivers surround the mountains. We introduce the commercial procedures into the project from the perspectives of micro and macro realm, promoting the innovation in the differentiated landscape to the most.” The designers said.

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“The distance between mountains should be suitable for viewing. The condition of water should be accessible.” High skip-floor and floor-to-ceiling daylight rarely can be achieved in restaurant in the hall. The designers introduce the sunlight and wind into the restaurant. With sunshine, there will be vitality, temperature, dawn and dusk, as well as change of the sun and the moon.


During the micro and macro realm, the designers create the details and spaciousness of natural image, demonstrating philosophy via the winding light shadow. With contemporary design, the designers express poetic expectation of writers and poets via the change of light shadow.

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自由无拘与流畅无序的形态,是山水的自然生机,空间的骨骼模拟山的立体、水的柔性,讲究变化中的秩序,繁而不乱。主立面的消隐为建筑带来了多孔的界面,同时还引发了另一种消隐 —— 主入口的“主”角色消隐,进而形成一个开放“洞口”。

Free and orderly form constitute the natural landscape. Simulating natural form, the designers accentuate the order in the continuous change, a sense of order in what appears to be disorder. The blanking of the main facade brings a special interface to the building, while present another corner ---  elimination of the main entrance forms a cave entrance.

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The entrance likes a fan-shaped preface. Wandering along the stream in the dense forest, guests can have a broader horizon after walking slowly following the stairs.

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Sitting in the high-dining room, guests can feel like sitting in the mountains, and the views are changeable at different times, just as the brightness change and landscape in TheRoadside Hut of the Old Drunkard, a semi-autobiographical poem by Ouyang Xiu — a poet of the Song Dynasty.

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The roof lines are designed into huge cantilever style, and gradually decline with the natural slope, creating a comfortable space. Therefore, guests can enjoy their time in the restaurant just like in the natural landscape.

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Beyond the shape of mountain, the designers hope to present human’s emotion to nature and pursuit in spiritual world with oriental philosophy, which can be seen in this project.


Based on landscape, the space is full of elegant details under the grand order. The beauty of Landscape lies in the gaps between line, where there are wind, sunshine and emotion. Therefore, a complete connection between the building and guests has been set.


Creating surprise via innovation. Having years of experience in commercial operation from the perspective of owner, Jingle Design creates many landscapes which have evoked the echo with human. The quality ingredients, classic features and interactive experience reflect the distinctive and exquisite details of this project. Combing commercial procedures, oriental aesthetic and modern life, the designers realize the connection between customers and the space, demonstrating the quality and style of the space.

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项目 NAME|茉里·山水
地址 LOCATION|中国·沈阳
面积 AREA|537㎡
时间 DATE|2020年12月
设计 FIRM|Jingle Design 浆果设计研究所
主创 DESIGNER|周博、蔡雨洋
团队 TEAM|曹娜、常欢、王忠正、朱原逸、刘中男
摄影 PHOTOGRAHPY|图派视觉、谭啸
视频 VIDEO | 叁斧半影视
材料 MATERIALS|奢石、木饰面、艺术漆、金属、银镜等

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