北京越秀天恒·怀山府 | 景立方设计
阅读:3756 2022-08-29




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City dialogue


In Beijing, north of the Imperial City, where is the memory of Huairou? When it comes to the north of Beijing and Huairou, the topic that cannot be avoided is the beauty of the mountains and the sky of wild geese. There are colorful clouds in the valley and geese flying in the lake. Between the changes of mountains and rivers, it not only carries the scenery of Huairou, but also witnesses the changes and glory of the city. In the Lingchuan of Yanshan mountain, the revered melody of urban spirit, construction and human settlement life is being interpreted.

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△特 殊 的 位 置 承 载 了 特 殊 的 区 域 文 化

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△燕 山 之 雄 , 雁 栖 之 美 造 就 了 怀 柔 的 风 光 景 致


Site conditions

The project is located in the northwest of Huairou District, North Beijing, to the east of Hongluo Road, enjoying the beauty of Yanshan mountain, Yanqi lake and Hongluo temple in the north, so as to ensure the peace of Fengshui. The site is square but formal, the red line is cramped and the buildings are extended, so the space for the landscape in the project is very limited. How to create a ceremonial landscape with restrained meaning and the central government garden under the condition of neat buildings and narrow venues is the biggest challenge we are facing.

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△ 背 山 面 城 , 街 市 一 隅 寻 找 场 地 归 属

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△ 在 城 市 中 寻 找 属 于 项 目 本 身 的 特 质


Concept theme


The picturesque scene of the scenery like a screen and the wild geese falling on the Huaishan mountain is the first source of inspiration in our minds. The scene of staying away from the city and drifting into seclusion is deeply imprinted in our minds, which confirms that we take the "Huaishan prelude" as the story theme, and then build a simple, Chinese style, natural and graceful landscape space through the "three rites and five spaces", and use the concrete form of mountains and peaks and flying geese, Combined with the spatial image of the enclosure of Fuyuan and the ritual sequence of the central axis, the tourism scene of opening and closing, clear layers, and seeing the big in the small is formed.

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△ 在 故 事 中 讲 述 山 雁 对 语

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△ 礼 序 规 制 之 下 , 构 筑 项 目 空 间 格 局

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 三 重 五 境 , 远 山 孤 亭 相 伴 尊 享 府 苑 华 庭


Overall design

No scenery can be achieved overnight. Through a lot of deliberation, repetition and optimization, we can seek the best results and answers in the creation. Tell the story in our hearts. In the end, the majestic mountains and the lofty wild geese still linger in our hearts. Through the implantation of ideas, the five boundary spaces are embedded in the site. The whole space is axisymmetric, such as the central square of the mansion, which respects the atmosphere. The orderly door in the front is the ceremony, the xuanting hall in the back is the main hall, the leisurely court in the third is the scene, and the distinguished residence is the hall. In the end, there is a Qiaoting garden. The moving line is open and orderly, and the surrounding area is covered. All of them tell the story of the mountain geese.

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△ 鸿 雁 归 巢 , 以 故 事 描 绘 居 隐 人 生

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As soon as you enter the entrance, the entrance court appears, and you walk along the ginkgo tree shade and the royal road. The golden and exquisite project logo and the colorful eight immortals float around the ring. The scenes are interdependent and fascinating. There are mountain like eaves on both sides, which look like mountains. The 8-meter-high spiritual fortress is exquisite and exquisite. The 99 golden columns, which are taken as the extreme number, show the respect of the imperial city. The top is in the shape of mountains and there are wild geese flying on it, implying the lofty and broad ambition.

Walking forward between the venues, you can have a panoramic view of the regulations of the mansion. In the south, there is a freehand landscape wall, and in the north, there is a gate building behind the mountain, which is magnificent. The introverted and profound horse tie stake shows the noble family and the ceremony of returning home. The soft green land and exquisite sand and stone are like the clouds of water, and the ink painting is elegant and elegant. It is in this painting. Perceive the etiquette prospect of open atmosphere.

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△在 城 市 转 角 , 利 用 独 特 的 精 神 堡 垒 讲 述 山 之 美 , 雁 之 灵

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△ 内 敛 而 精 巧 的 入 口 , 映 照 出 门 楼 上 扬 的 形 态 与 气 势


Turning to the front of the gate building, the landscape is simple without losing its charm. The noble gold and black, as well as the black and dark gray embellishments, are combined with the green branches of the pottery bottles to jump among them, conveying the implication space full of traditional spiritual culture. Stepping on the stone steps, the waterscape on both sides is exquisite, with a touch of black, elegant and delicate, deep and restrained. The whole gate house has sloping eaves and flying rafters, which form an interesting contrast with the mountain shaped main building. The central through view screen forms two shadow walls, which once again shows the respect and expression for the etiquette. The black gravel and uneven landscape stones under the eaves on the north side all tell the story of Chinese culture. Walking under the gate tower, the moonlight shines on the ground through the grille. Before the screen is painted, people walk slowly and forget to return.

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△6 道 格 栅 中 , 虚 掩 一 方 府 院 天 地

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△几 重 山 影 , 投 射 在 映 山 画 彩 的 照 壁 屏 风 之 上

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△拴 马 桩 凝 练 而 沉 稳 , 与 周 侧 玲 珑 的 水 景 相 映 成 趣


Entering the courtyard through the gate tower, there is a royal road to welcome people. The double mirrors are beside. Looking at the scene from the screen, it is like a mirror image of a high house. The ridge of the eaves is suspended. The broad building facade is set against a pool of quiet ripples, presenting a beautiful scene. The floating eaves on both sides form a soft reflection on the quiet water surface. Several golden geese and sparrows fall on the eaves, which corresponds to the saying "the swallow in front of the Wang Pavilion in the old times fell into the homes of ordinary people".And a few steps along the imperial Road, there are two pomegranates, crossing the water. When the fruits are hung high like red lights and the fog rises, I stop here to watch the clouds fly, the heavy smoke covers the moon, drink tea, and play chess. It is really a kind of free life.

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△飞 檐 入 画 , 厅 光 炫 彩 , 两 方 净 水 照 明 堂

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△回 望 间 , 礼 序 中 正 , 栅 影 屏 风 与 对 景 影 壁 叠 而 成 画
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△静 水 之 旁 , 每 一 个 转 角 都 让 人 心 动

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△干 净 而 清 澈 , 简 洁 而 精 致 , 在 细 腻 中 寻 找 美 好

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△立 于 水 中 御 道 , 看 斜 檐 残 影 听 山 峦 翠 声


Since ancient times, houses and halls have always been the main theme. In the scene of the dialogue between mountains and wild geese, the central and elegant landscape, the numerous green plants, and the main buildings that respect the ritual system are the eternal theme. The ridge of the main building is continuous, and the distant mountains in the background form an interesting contrast. The extended eaves naturally enclose the site in a courtyard style, and form a comfortable leisure space by using the space under the eaves, The landscape has been well extended and expanded, and the layout of the front and rear connections has also made the front and rear fields have a space-time link. Passing through the hall, you can see the beautiful human landscape of Huaishan mountain.

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△大 地 如 同 画 板 , 飞 脊 斜 檐 奔 行 其 上 、 而 成 几 方 院 落

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Through the landing window, the graceful space form, the green space with the green forest shadow, and the ecological sand stream combined with the exquisite Tingbu, it gives people a quiet and elegant space experience of Zen style, outlines the beauty of the oriental artistic conception lying on the mountain, and guides people to the ideal way home. Four selected pentagonal maples are elegant in shape and beautiful in branches and leaves. The stone and the delicate and delicate scarabs create a paradise in the painting. The sunlight of the cloister patio is scattered in it and reflected with the art sculpture into a picture, which represents the future life of all people, both the respect of gaomen mansion and the fashion of art life.

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Design perception

Taste life in the artistic conception of mountains and returning geese. The beauty and splendor of the design are not only the thoughts of the designer, but also the spiritual sublimation and life resonance that the tasters and viewers feel in it. With a beautiful scene, tell a story, state a beautiful moment, and make life at this moment. This is the landscape and the best wealth and enjoyment that this living place brings us.

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LANDSCAPE DESIGN/景观设计:景立方(北京)景观规划设计有限公司
ARCHITECTURALarchitectural DESIGN/建筑设计:北京天华北方建筑设计有限公司
FIRST PARTY DESIGN TEAM/甲方设计团队:王广庆  任晓文  滕尧  刘清
PROJECTDESIGN TEAM/方案设计团队:卢青 刘芳 金沙沙 经思奇 李琦 王丹 杜勇 姜玛丽     
CONSTRUCTION PLANS DESIGN TEAM/施工图设计团队:杜晓俊 王启华 庞文君 崔桐 樊志惠 王晓成 陈盖博 周任远 蒲春霞 覃家婷 尹占祥 
CONSTRUCTION UNIT/施工单位:青岛零零一园林绿化工程有限公司

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