温州乐清雁荡山桔子酒店 | ABH亚筑设计集团
阅读:3405 2022-09-11



⚑ 温州



The oriental landscape, its beautiful scenery and authentic imagery, has always attracted people's longing. Every holiday, tourists who are eager to stay in the mountains and forests and try to escape from the world go to nature. Yandang Mountain, known as "a famous mountain on the sea and a unique victory in the world", also has a unique peculiar landscape and cultural charm, and is a destination that many tourists choose. With the purpose of enjoying life, it comprehensively presents a sunny and energetic attitude to life and a quiet and comfortable space atmosphere.

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Backed by Yandang Mountain, Orange pursues the amber light and shadow with the dark green mountain-shaped façade and blends under the Yandang Mountain. The aroma of oranges in the courtyard, the orange background in the visual center of the high-ceilinged lobby, and the soft-packed design that blends orange and green, the combination of nature and man-made in the best proportion, as a unique sensory feature, attracts tourists and becomes a resting place for tourists .

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Outside the window is the greenery woven by the natural beauty. The interior is made of pure natural wood and rattan materials. The modern aesthetic creates a leisurely and idyllic dining space, presenting a unique visual baptism and unforgettable taste bud pleasure.

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Laundry room and gym carry the space demand of modern people for ideal living under a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. In the Orange Hotel, the two spaces that focus on the main living scenes of the guests are endowed with the meaning of LOHAS. Different materials are used to prepare the field characters. The laundry room is composed of orange terrazzo, special patterned floor glue and coffee-colored latex paint. Soft, with the scent of clothing, the gym offers dynamic play with sport-patterned floor gels and custom colorful graphics.

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Inspired by the sunny and comfortable lifestyle of California, it resonates with nature, embraces the mountain breeze, and creates a living space closest to life. With painstaking detail optimization, visitors can be wrapped in a casual and comfortable living atmosphere without any effort, giving them a new and vibrant look.




Huazhu Group Ltd,Orange Hotel

Design Team


创意总监 | 周剑武

方案设计 | 周剑武、于绪鑫

效果图表现 | 卞震、王成、金澜、何玉凤

深化设计 | 曾民武、李艾桧

软装设计 | 李换、吴婷静

Creative Director | Jianwu Zhou

Project Design | Jianwu Zhou、Xuxin Yu

Renderings Design | Zhen Bian、Cheng Wang、Lan Jin、Yufeng He

Detailed Design | Minwu Zeng、Aihui Li

FF&E Design丨Huan Li、Tingjing Wu

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