上海189弄购物中心 | UNStudioArchitecture
阅读:4947 2022-10-17

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In collaboration with CITIC Capital, UNStudio fully upgraded Shanghai Lane 189 Shopping Centre in 2017. Human centered is at the core of everything we design at UNStudio, our mission is to design healthy and sustainable places with lasting impact on communities and people with little impact on the planet. As for Lane 189 Shopping Centre, we aim to create an outstanding and contemporary building through design, but gave it facade intend to reference Shanghai’s traditional properties, in the result formed a lifestyle destination with distinct Shanghainese characters.

Click above image for more design concept of the project


Lane 189, located in the Putuo district in central Shanghai, combines retail, restaurant and office spaces in an organisation that rearranges the typical mall into a vertical city centre that offers opportunities for shopping, strolling, eating, gathering resting and enjoy life. 

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在设计时,我们更多地考虑中国文化和中国消费者的购物需求等因素,通过将上海弄堂文化融合进一个现代的、而且是超前的购物中心,这就是现代与传统很好的融合”。UNStudio合伙人Hannes Pfau 说道。

Hannes Pfau, Partner UNStudio: “We decide to bring together the Chinese culture and the Chinese consumer behaviors. We incorporated Shanghai’s alley culture well into the forward-thinking shopping mall design, demonstrating a good example of modern and traditional integration.

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Based on a hexagonal grid, the facade components follow the articulated geometry of the building and provide constantly changing perspectives. Inside, the building contains a mix of shops,small-scale restaurants and boutique stores, and office spaces. The interior derives its character from a central void; all stores are located on curved floorplates and well organized ground this large atrium, and lit naturally through skylight.

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Click above photo for awards winning details

此外,UNStudio进行建筑外立面和室内整体改造的上海189弄购物中心,荣获了行业内各类知名奖项。如荣获2017年MIPIM Asia Awards最佳零售发展金奖及2017成功设计奖、2018年联合国教科文组织凡尔赛奖(UNESCO Prix Versailles)购物中心类别的室内特别奖、2018上海市勘察设计行业协会优秀工程设计奖三等奖,入选AD杂志世界最美购物中心之一等等。

In addition, our design for Lane 189 Shopping Centre has won various prestigious awards in the industry. Such as MIPIM Asia Best Retail Gold Award in 2017 and Successful Awards in 2017; Special prize Interior of Grand World Prize Prix Versailles Shopping Malls in 2018; Third Prize of Shanghai Exploration & Design Trade Association Design Awards in 2018; Nominated as one of the most beautiful shopping centres in the world by AD Magazine, etc..

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