OPPO 广州超级旗舰店 | UNStudioArchitecture
阅读:2483 2022-10-17

契合UNStudio一直以来坚持的以人为本设计核心,创造对人类、城市环境甚至地球有积极影响的建筑和空间理念,UNStudio为世界领先的智能设备制造商和创新者OPPO设计的广州超级旗舰店,旨在创造一个可以满足不同到访者多样需求的开放、包容的空间环境。我们为顾客和更多社群设想了一个聚集空间,模糊了公共区域和商业空间的界限。OPPO作为一个品牌,其位于市中心的旗舰店代表了广州的 “门户” ;不仅作为产品公司的视觉品牌形象,进一步成为与客户集群建立联系的所在地。

In line with UNStudio’s mission to design places with lasting impact on communities and people with little impact on the planet, our design concept for OPPO Super Flagship Store in Guangzhou set out to create an inclusive environment that meets the needs of visitors. We envisioned a gathering space that blurs the boundaries between the public sphere and commerce for the customer and the larger community as a whole. For OPPO as a brand, the store represents the ‘face’ of the company in Guangzhou; a visual brand identity that goes beyond the products and a mere physical point of contact with their customer base.

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Click above image for more design concept of the project

设计的宗旨是希望新的超级旗舰店可以为OPPO 整体品牌创建出独具可识别性的重要场所,营造出让品牌用户渴望参与并持续关注的体验空间。

The aim of the project was to create a design that would become an integral and recognisable part of OPPO’s overall branding and a valued experience that OPPO’s customers will want to engage with and return to.

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室内设计营造一个“无边界”互动环境。沿着内部动线,访客在穿梭于一系列“展示区”的同时,还可以体验内部的动态视觉效果,从容不迫地浏览、驻足并体验店内OPPO品牌的各种产品和服务。在立面整体方案设计过程中,我们研究了多种几何策略。经过对不同模块尺寸和元素的探究,最终选择以整体模块化管件构成立面外墙,这样的设计,既可以体现OPPO 品牌标志的转角曲线,又可以吸引访客走进店内一探究竟。

OPPO Super Flagship Store’s interior is designed as a ‘borderless’ interactive environment, where different rhythms of motion allow customers to browse, take their time, pause and try out the products within the store. For the overall composition of the facade elements, multiple geometric strategies were studied. Following the exploration of different volumetric options, a large, sweeping folding gesture was chosen which echoes the corner curve of the OPPO brand logo, while guiding visitors towards the entrance to the store.

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Click above photo for awards winning details

UNStudio设计的OPPO广州超级旗舰店,荣获了行业内各类知名奖项。比如,2020美国《室内设计》年度最佳设计;先后入围新西兰设计师协会 Best Design Award 奖项和 A’Design Award 年度最佳设计奖项的侯选名单。此外,我们为OPPO设计的北京王府井旗舰店也于2020年正式开业。

UNStudio designed OPPO Guangzhou Super Flagship Store has won various prestigious awards in the industry, such as an honoree of the 2020 “Best of Year” Award in Interior Magazine; has been shortlisted for the Designers Institute of New Zealand’s ‘Best Design Awards’ and A’ Design’s ‘Best of Year Award’. In addition, UNStudio also completed a prominent new store in Beijing for OPPO in 2020. 

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