北京绿城西山云庐售楼处 | SWS Group
阅读:3444 2022-11-25


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Trees Villa is located outside Beijing's West 5th Ring Road, south of Bada, at the junction of Jindingshan Road and Liuniangfu Road. The project is backed by the West Mountain, facing the Yongding River diversion canal and looking north to Xiangshan, with unique location conditions.

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The main building of the project imitates the form of Tianyi Pavilion in Ningbo, Zhejiang, and the structure is a six-bay building, with two floors in the exterior and a mezzanine in the middle, which is actually a three-story building. Wenlan Pavilion is a typical Jiangnan courtyard complex, which also has the characteristics of balanced symmetry, solemnity and rigor of royal architecture.
SWS Group 合伙人&项目设计总监 李建国

SWS Group 室内设计团队与绿城再度联手,充分结合北京的历史文脉和城市肌理,延续「现代形,东方意」的精神内核,将大气礼序小桥流水巧妙结合,将传统文脉和东方气韵转译为现代设计语言。这里将成为社区园林中观赏西山景致的绝佳地点,脉脉西山与繁华都市成为窗前画卷,溯源自然与人文的养心乐土。

SWS Group's interior design team collaborated with Greentown once again, fully combining Beijing's historical context and urban fabric, continuing the spiritual core of "modern shape, oriental meaning", translating traditional context and oriental charm into modern design. It will become an excellent place to enjoy the scenery of the West Mountain in the community garden, which is a nurturing paradise for tracing the origin of nature and humanities.

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The modern design concept of integrating "old context" and "new elements" is implemented throughout, and the concept of "symbiosis, contrast, transparency and interaction" is integrated, and the spatial strategy takes "volume interspersion, light introduction, integration of landscape, quality details" as the keywords, extracts the main colors of "Lu Shi's sunset light, smoke and rain sound, layers of clear snow, and tiger peaks and green peaks", deconstructs and reorganizes a life aesthetics museum with oriental meaning and modern shape, which is secret and moving, bursting artistic expression in low-key and pure.

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The lustrous and smooth translucent jade collides with marble and bronzed metal, tracing the Chinese charm, and constructing a neutral and modern spatial pattern with simple and clear lines.

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The coffee bar seems to create a comfortable and elegant place for the space", and the turquoise marble and glass reflect each other, creating a relaxed and flexible living area for the space.

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In this project, the design team explored a better life and ideal mountain residence, using the precious ecological resources of Xishan Mountain and the scenery of the royal garden to create a beautiful residential environment in Beijing.

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硬装设计:SWS Group

设计总监:邬斌 李建国

硬装前期团队:王磊 徐旭 乔滢浩                 

硬装后期团队:叶甄颖 陈晓琳 刘浩然 钱鑫   


效果表现团队:朱指华 张浩 桐 王珊珊


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