上海大华 · 梧桐樾售楼处 | SWS Group
阅读:3642 2023-01-20



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设计,可以通过与在地文化的融合,激活人们的集体记忆,推动文化元素的破圈,文化魅力的渗透。在上海大华 · 梧桐樾售楼展厅的设计理念中,将建筑融合传统书院文化的形式及特点,以现代的设计语言,重现新语境下的东方神韵。从「建筑与自然、人文与艺术、历史与现代、传承与多元」的维度切入,重现「书院精神」的综合性体验馆。

Design can activate people's collective memory, promote the breaking of cultural elements, and penetrate cultural charm through the integration with local culture. In Shanghai Dahua · In the design concept of the exhibition hall of Wutong Yue sales building, the building integrates the form and characteristics of traditional college culture, and reproduces the oriental charm in the new context with modern design language. Starting from the dimensions of "architecture and nature, humanities and art, history and modernity, heritage and diversity", it presents a comprehensive experience hall with "college temperament".
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“叩院访学、翰墨书香、清谈论道、寓教于景、文人雅集、朗朗书声” 每一个词都蕴含着千年书院文化里独特的书香氛围,这是我们千年沉淀下来的文化韵味,用简静的东方现代笔触,续写书香荡漾的鲲鹏书院。

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The original design intention of the project was to build a multi-format comprehensive experience hall in the form of Kunpeng Academy around how to transform the traditional sales office into a diversified life scene for new students with the college as the carrier, emphasizing youthfulness, experience, participation and interaction. The spatial layout revolves around the "academy", and the functions of leisure reading bar, time café and creative handicraft workshop are implanted. The calm and atmospheric wood and the metal that adds a sense of space create a modern oriental charm of the space.

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  • 山水造景营造充满禅意的静止画面,山石林木,诗意盎然。

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  • 接待台形似展开的书卷,充满书香的书页元素与空间场景相融合,接待区旁两盏台灯,象征着接引和点亮,也是寓意着师者教化育人的作用,是学子们在奋发读书时最好的精神食粮和人生指引,赋予了空间书院这一特定环境中所蕴含的文化寓意。

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  • 从竹简中提取书卷的东方元素,将灯具的形式艺术化处理,灯体蜿蜒流转在半空中,犹如一卷铺开的书卷,贯穿于时代文脉,从古至今,渊远绵长。

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The spatial design method revolves around the concept of "simplification, extraction, and evolution", stretching like a book, extracting the lines and texture of the book, evolving abstract design elements, and integrating into the façade design and details of the space. The virtual and the real build a sense of space dynamics, creating a sense of transparency and haze, order and ritual between regions.

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  • 入书院者,或潜心求学,或追求功名,志存高远。所谓书院文境,指的就是书院的文化意向。将书吧区打造成文人对坐研习学文的地方,在装饰上多以书卷,笔墨纸砚作为装饰点缀,营造文人书生对谈学问的文化氛围。

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  • 猜字谜是中国特有的一种语言文化现象,也是文人雅士必备的技能之一,赌书泼茶,猜字对联,让我们回到那个浪漫风雅的年代,感受文人学子的学院之趣。

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  • 通过运用金属结合水晶的形式点亮提升吧台空间品质,营造除了温暖阳光、莺莺鸟鸣,更带来丰富的嗅觉体验,打造多元化售楼空间,视觉与嗅觉及味觉的多重享受。

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The core concept of the college is to read and educate people, and the reading area on the second floor is designed as an elegant reading environment, where the elegant smell of books and the beautiful natural environment are integrated to create a good college atmosphere.

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项目名称:大华 · 梧桐樾售楼处


硬装设计:SWS Group

软装设计:SWS Group

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