赫斯科总部项目 | Haskoll赫斯科
阅读:1255 2024-06-23
>> 草莓巷一号
One Strawberry Lane

Keywords: "ESG, Community focused, Civic integration, New business model, Cross fun, New post Covid hybrid working style"

△ 草莓巷一号

One Strawberry Lane

由赫斯科英国总部设计的One Strawberry Lane草莓巷一号项目继今年3月获得由英国纽卡斯尔市议会颁发的“2024市长设计奖 – 最佳新建筑大奖”后,于5月再度喜获“2024英国建筑师协会北部分会奖“ ESG环境、社会和治理类别大奖企业工作场所类别推荐奖

One Strawberry Lane, designed by the Haskoll headquarters – Ryder Architecture,continued its success in May. Following its March win at the 2024 Lord Mayor’s Design Awards for Best New Building, it received the BCO Northern Award 2024 in the ESG category, along with a commendation for Corporate Workplace.

>> 打破办公设计、工作和文化中的传统思维

Disrupting traditional thinking in office design, working and culture

One Strawberry Lane, a new office building in the emerging St. James’ Quarter of Newcastle city centre, comprises 70,000sqft of flexible Grade A office space spanning over six storeys.   Ryder architectural teams designed the base build, in tandem with our interiors team, appointed by contractor Overbury, as executive interior designer to provide the interior fit out.

>> 一个愿景,一个共享工作空间,一个社区

One vision, one shared workspace, one community

该栋建筑底层向公众开放,设有咖啡馆和非正式工作区,包括可预订的会议空间,楼上两层为分租办公室,Home Group 则占据了其余的楼层。草莓巷一号作为国家住房协会 Home Group 的新总部,为其分散于北泰恩赛德多个办公室的700 名员工搬迁至市中心集中办公提供了可持续发展的空间。

The building is open to the public at the ground floor with a café and informal working areas including bookable meeting spaces, with two floors of office sublets above and Home Group occupying the remainder of the building. One Strawberry Lane is the new headquarters for national housing association, Home Group, and facilitated a major relocation of 700 employees from several offices across North Tyneside to a more sustainable location in the city centre.

>> 一开始就以社区为驱动
Community driven from the start

在该项目的开发过程中实施了一系列的参与计划。Home Group与当地志愿部门合作,确保这座建筑可以支持当地社区的发展需要。在建设期间,我们的设计团队、承包商和 Home Group 共同促成了七个社会影响项目。
A series of engagement programmes were carried out over development of One Strawberry Lane. Home Group worked with the local voluntary sector to ensure the building supports the local community. Together, our design team, the contractor, and Home Group, facilitated seven social impact projects were facilitated through the construction period.

>> 为不断变化的劳动力而设计

Designed for the ever changing workforce

在整体美学风格设计上需要在与 Home Group 的主要业务 - 创建家园相关,我们通过对外立面的设计得以体现。设计的包容性超乎寻常,贯穿整个建筑的可调节高度元素以及通过窗帘和高背家具创造不同环境的微妙分区。

The design was required to aesthetically relate to Home Group's primary business of creating homes this was expressed through the development of a townhouse typology for the elevations. Design for inclusivity goes above and beyond, with height adjustable elements throughout and subtle zoning through the use of curtains and high backed furniture to create differing environments.

>> 办公设计蓝图

A blueprint for office design

室内设计反映了 Home Group对于社区文化的关注与支持。市民融合作为设计的核心,创建了一种新的商业模式,利用企业办公空间和共享办公环境来与社区活动跨界互动,以实现更大的利益并积极影响城市环境。被誉为英国首批为疫情后混合工作模式设计的新商业建筑之一,Home Group 的员工选择在办公室工作的意愿显著上升。

The interior design reflects the overt, community focused culture that Home Group support. Civic integration is at the heart of the design, creating a new business model that uses corporate workspace and coworking environments to cross fun community initiatives for the greater good and positively influencing the urban context. Named one of the first new commercial buildings in the UK to be designed for the new post Covid hybrid working style, Home Group has seen a significant upturn in their people choosing to work in the office.

>> 所获殊荣


2024 市长设计奖 - 最佳新建建筑奖
2024 Lord Mayor’s Design Awards
Winner: New Building (Large Scale) 
2024 英国建筑师协会北部分会奖 - ESG环境、社会和治理类别大奖
2024 BCO Northern英国建筑师协会北部分会奖
Winner: ESG Award
2024 英国建筑师协会北部分会奖 - 企业工作场所类别推荐奖
2024 BCO Northern
Commended: Corporate Workplace
2023 英国东北部卓越建设奖 - 年度建筑大奖
2023 Constructing Excellence North East
Winner: Building Project of the Year
2023 英国东北地产行业 - 年度商业发展项目大奖
2023 Insider North East Property
Winner: Commercial Development of the Year
2023 市政信托奖 - 区域类别入围奖
2023 Civic Trust Awards
Finalist: Regional
2023 英国东北部卓越建设奖 - 可持续发展类别入围奖
2023 Constructing Excellence North East
Finalist: Sustainability

项目所在地 | Location:英国纽卡斯尔 Newcastle, UK
客户 | Client:Home Group
项目类型 | Type:办公+商业 Office+Commercial 
完工时间 | Year:2022
项目规模 | Area:70,000 sqft 平方英尺
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