德国Brunner创新工厂 | HENN 海茵建筑
阅读:954 2024-09-29

入口玻璃外墙© HGEsch

家具制造商 Brunner 位于莱茵瑙/巴登的生产工厂扩建项目将生产、测试和研究车间、办公室以及小餐厅和展厅整合在一起,形成了一个紧凑的结构形式。家具的最终组装在这座两层楼的建筑中进行。车间和寄售区位于后部的大厅。

The extension of a production plant of the furniture manufacturer Brunner in Rheinau/ Baden integrates production, test and research workshops, offices, as well as a bistro and showrooms in a compact structural form. Final assembly of the furniture is carried out in the two-storey building. The workshop and consignment areas are located in the hall at the rear.

入口玻璃外墙© HGEsch

背面外墙看向室内© HGEsch


Construction details and the materiality of the furniture have been addressed by the architecture and made widely visible, whereby special attention has been paid to the visible roof support structure, which is a modular arrangement composed of wooden elements that can be easily extended. Even from a distance the structure can be perceived through the transparent façade. It is also characterised by the distinctive recurring intersections of the pincer structure. The efficiency of this construction is reflected in its light and delicate appearance. Square skylight domes provide natural illumination.

生产大厅© HGEsch

生产大厅© HGEsch


The design is characterised by a pleasant working atmosphere and homogeneous workplace quality. Additional levels have been established in the hall along the length of the transparent façade and are connected to each other by a gallery. They are used for a bistro, office space as well as for research and development.

办公室© HGEsch

工位细节© HGEsch

外墙细节© HGEsch

轻质结构、柔和反光的金属立面是装配和寄售区域工业外观的显著特征。这种精致的材料映衬着绿色环境,与室内温暖的木质装饰相呼应。Brunner 混合建筑是一个生产展示空间。新建筑使公司对外开放,让游客可以深入了解产品的制造过程。

The softly reflecting metal façade with its lightweight structure gives the assembly and consignment areas an industrial appearance. This sophisticated material reflects the green surroundings and complements the warm wood finish of the interior. The Brunner hybrid building serves as a production showcase. The new building opens up the company and allows visitors insights into the manufacturing process.

员工餐厅© HGEsch

可看向生产大厅的会议室© HGEsch

一层平面© HENN

二层平面© HENN

剖面© HENN

等轴测© HENN



场地面积:7,477 m²


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