坐落在珠江河畔的粤开资管大厦,位于广州黄埔区鱼珠湾商务区中心位置,为片区最高建筑。在迷人的水滨景色中,与自然完美融合,点亮江畔天际线。Located by the banks of the Pearl River and at the centre of the Yuzhu Bay Business District in Huangpu, the Guangzhou GDD Holding Group Tower is the tallest building in the district. Nestled by the riverside, this architectural marvel not only offers breathtaking views but also seamlessly integrates with the natural landscape, making it a striking addition to the Guangzhou skyline.Click to view the animation
A new landmark in the Yuzhu Bay Business District
这座造型高度达220米的综合体塔楼集商业零售、办公和企业会所于一体。The 220m tower is a mixed-use development, which consists of retail, office and corporate studio. A sleek architectural form with a curvy-edged crown
The design incorporates Lingnan architecture elements
造型采用流线型的建筑轮廓,将岭南建筑中独具特色的装饰符号-”满洲窗”的传统元素转译为现代化的设计语言,在商务核心区的城市界面中呈现富有文化内涵的地标建筑。流畅的竖向线条、精致的幕墙细节、典雅而有文化韵味的装饰艺术元素,以极富艺术气息的设计,为城市的天际线增添了一抹独特的景色。The design features a streamlined architectural form that blends traditional elements of the ‘Manchuria Window’ from Lingnan architecture with a modern aesthetic, establishing a landmark that embodies the local culture and values of Guangzhou. The smooth vertical lines, exquisite curtain wall details, and elegant Art Deco elements combine to create an artistic design that adds a distinctive touch to the city skyline.The section and floor plans
设计考虑功能性与标志性的平衡,通过减少无江景高区北侧面积,增加层数,最大化高区珠江景观面价值,并且使塔楼形体挺拔,标志性强。首层为办公、企业会所大堂及商业,相互流线独立。塔楼功能以办公为主,2,200平方米的标准层平面布局均衡、经济高效。企业会所位于塔楼高区,约1,200平方米的标准层平面保证户户朝南,南北对流,都可享有最佳江景。The design balances functionality and iconicity. By reducing the area of the north side and increasing the number of floors where users can enjoy the river view, the design maximises the value of interface facing the Pearl River while also gives the tower a slender and iconic shape. The ground floor is designated for the lobby of office space and corporate studio, and retail, with independent circulation for each function. The primary function of the tower is office space, featuring a balanced and cost-effective typical floor layout of 2,200 sq m. The corporate studio, located in the upper part of the tower, has a typical floor area of 1,200 sq m, benefiting from north-south ventilation and offering the best views of the river.The main entrance
Interior of the lobby
设计精心规划入口动线,确保办公、商业以及企业会所三种业态之间彼此独立,以保证去往不同目的地的人群可以便捷到达。场地设计增加了丰富的绿化和水景空间,在建筑与自然和谐交融中,营造出舒适宜人的迎宾前广场。The office entrance is separated from the retail podium and corporate studio entrance, ensuring a smooth circulation. Greenery and water feature are used to enhance the harmony between the nature and the design, delivering a pleasant entrance plaza.Canopy at the main entrance
Canopy at the corporate studio’s lobby
办公及企业会所大堂入口的雨棚延续塔楼立面的流畅线条,自上而下;融合了岭南建筑的装饰符号及装饰艺术的元素,典雅大气。且两者各具特色,营造出独特而雅致的到达体验。The canopy at the entrance of the office and corporate studio continues the smooth lines of the tower's façade. It incorporates decorative symbols of Lingnan architecture and elements of Art Deco, creating an elegant arrival experience.项目在不同高度构建多层次的特色空间:首层借鉴传统“骑楼”建筑空间,将商业界面后退形成面向城市公园的步行廊道,可避风雨、防日晒;裙房屋顶的户外活动平台绿意盎然,形成自然友好的公共空间;塔楼顶部分别设置空中庭院与云端花园,提升空间体验与项目品质,同时激活城市天际线。The design creates distinctive spaces at different levels: the ground floor draws inspiration from traditional colonnade architecture, creating a pedestrian walkway that retreats from the commercial interface, facing the urban park and providing shelter from rain and sun. The rooftop of podium is lush with greenery, forming a nature-friendly public space. At the top of the tower are a sky courtyard and a cloud garden, enhancing the spatial experience while also activating the urban skyline.The retail podium
Green rooftop of the podium
商业裙房以圆润的轮廓搭配竖向的装饰线条,与塔楼设计相互呼应。首层南侧后退形成骑楼步行街,形成连续的商业界面,与城市绿地景观连接,与城市规划慢行系统接驳,打造和谐统一的景观系统。裙房屋顶平台绿植环绕,与周围环境无缝融合,营造了一个生动的城市江景客厅。The retail podium features a rounded profile and vertical lines, echoing the design of the tower. The southern side of the ground floor is set back to create a pedestrian street, forming a continuous commercial interface that connects with the urban green landscape and integrates with surrounding urban space, creating a harmonious and unified landscape. Filled with greenery, the rooftop of the podium offers a vibrant atmosphere for outdoor activities.Sky courtyard
Cloud garden
位于空中大堂层的高空庭院,绿意盎然,为企业会所的用户提供独特的观景及会客体验。塔冠的通高空间,引入丰富绿植,打造了一个生机勃勃的云端花园。幕墙之外是珠水之畔的晴空,幕墙之内是日光下的悠然绿色。The sky courtyard is lush with greenery, offering users a unique experience. The cloud garden features a tower crown with a 20-meter-high space filled with abundant plants.Façade detail design
建筑的高品质感是建筑细节的处理和立面材料的选择搭配所铸造的。玻璃幕墙配以典雅精致的竖向线条,利用竖向装饰线条的变化,展现出丰富的立体质感。竖向线条后设置隐藏式的内开启通风器装置,让室内空间可享受自然通风,对外呈现立面整体性,对内引入新风。The building exudes a luxurious ambiance with façade detail design and thoughtful selection of materials. The glass curtain wall is enhanced by elegant vertical lines, which creates a high-quality appearance through their subtle variations. Concealed behind these vertical elements are inward-opening ventilation devices, allowing the interior spaces to benefit from natural ventilation. This design not only preserves the façade’s overall integrity but also ensures a consistent flow of fresh air indoors.A unique architectural form
刘程辉表示:“我们通过设计展现了建筑形式与功能之间的完美平衡,每个元素都兼具美学和实际功能。”‘The design is a testament to the balance between architectural form and function, where every element serves both an aesthetic and practical purpose.’ Leo says.Location: Guangzhou, ChinaClient: Guangzhou Yuelong Real Estate Co., Ltd.Design and Project Architect: AedasGross Floor Area: 74,060 sq mDesign Director: Leo Liu, Global Design Principal