重庆万科锦绣滨江大区 | 蓝调国际
阅读:2900 2023-08-18

——— 万科·锦绣滨江 ———

景观设计 | 蓝调国际、CICADA

项目名称 | 万科·锦绣滨江(大区)

项目地址 | 重庆市渝中区陆海国际旁

景观面积 | 2.4万㎡

开发商 | 重庆瑞安天地房地产发展有限公司

甲方团队 | 重庆万科产品团队

建筑方案设计 | 深圳华汇设计有限公司

景观施工 | 四川蜀汉生态环境有限公司

摄影 | 雪尔摄影、设计团队


"Earth Reverie" is a future design context derived from our exploration of landscape solutions. We aim to discover a narrative that represents the essence of nature, seeking a universal memory that embodies a beautiful life without the need for explanation, which is a timeless pursuit of humanity.

We decode these elements of the scenes, subsequently digitizing them and observing their impact on prototype evolution. By employing algorithms that simulate natural evolution, we aim to reveal optimal states that provide solutions.

In the clues provided by "Earth Reverie" design, we study the connection between thinking and form construction.

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