法兰克福歌德大学奥托斯特恩中心 | 盖博建筑设计
阅读:1531 2023-11-09



Otto Stern Centre at Goethe University

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The Otto Stern Centre, as one of the core buildings of Goethe University, serves multiple functions including a library, lecture halls, and a cafeteria. It plays a vital role in connecting academic communication with the vibrant campus life. The design of the center emphasizes its iconic features, incorporating a narrow golden bar that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding terrain, as well as efficiently organizes the various functions within the building to meet diverse program needs.


©Jürgen Landes



Building as a bond

诺贝尔物理学奖获得者奥托·斯特恩(Otto Stern)奠定了法兰克福歌德大学在全球的学术声誉,以他为名的奥托斯特恩中心,不仅是该校最为核心的图书馆和研讨中心之一,也为学生和教职员工们创造了一处新的相聚和交流之地。

Otto Stern, the Nobel laureate in physics, is one of the most significant scientists who has greatly contributed to the global academic reputation of Goethe University Frankfurt. The Otto Stern Center, named in his honor, serves not only as a library and research center but also as a gathering place for students and faculty to exchange ideas.


©Jürgen Landes

奥托斯特恩中心位于法兰克福歌德大学里德伯格校区(Campus Riedberg)的中心位置——北接城市快铁(S-Bahn),南靠景观绿地,西邻众多的研究机构,东连开阔的校园广场。


Strategically located in the heart of the Campus Riedberg, the building benefits from its surroundings. with an S-Bahn station to the north, a landscape green area to the south, numerous institutions to the west, and an open plaza to the east.

On a city scale, the center with its narrow figure effectively eliminates the elevation difference, ensuring accessibility from both sides of the north and the south; Additionally, through functional spaces such as the Natural Science Library, seminar rooms, lecture halls, and a cafeteria, it as well facilitates connections for different disciplines and departments on both sides of the east and the west.


©Jürgen Landes



Floating Library in Golden Veil



The design of Otto Stern Centre integrates its connectivity with the surrounding spaces with its iconic features as a gateway building of the campus.

From the perspective of campus planning, the lower spaces of the building is designed to be passable, which people can go through to enter the campus, and other core functions are compressed into the upper and underground spaces. Following this functional arrangement, the lower space is recessed, the upper space cantilevered, and the underground space embedded in the terrain, making the entire building resemble a floating golden bar.


©Jürgen Landes


The upper floors (3rd and 4th), which are covered in a golden veil, house the Natural Science Library as the most prominent area. The significance of the library is emphasized by the metal texture of the façade, with strip openings of different sizes creating a sense of rhythmic transparency.


©Jürgen Landes


同时,人性化的空间设置结合专门设计的家具,使学生们在伏案学习之余,也可俯瞰窗外的校园景色 。

Through the stairs at the north entrance, people can directly enter the library, where the layout of the book section and the setting of the top floor are overlapped on one side, and an airy reading section are created on the other side, prioritizing a natural atmosphere and a comfortable learning environment.

Meanwhile, the library incorporates the specially designed furniture. Students can enjoy their studies at desks with opportunity for short breaks, during which they can take a moment to appreciate the beautiful campus surroundings.

图书馆上层 - 以书籍区为主

©Jürgen Landes

图书馆下层 - 挑高的阅读区

©Jürgen Landes


©Jürgen Landes


2层设有专门的研讨会议区,拥有多个可灵活组织的研讨室,能满足不同规模的活动需求;1层于南入口附近设置了自助餐厅,面朝校园,并配有户外就餐区域 。


Stepping down from the library, people can notice a gradual transition in the spatial atmosphere from "quiet" to "lively".

On the second floor, there is a dedicated seminar area with multiple flexible rooms to meet the diverse needs of various events; On the first floor, there’s a cafeteria near the south entrance, with an outdoor dining area facing the campus.

These public spaces with more vibrancy are located within a glass box on the lower floors. it not only provides a bright environment for the activities, but also contributes the appeal of the floating golden bar as a subtle support.


©Jürgen Landes


©Jürgen Landes



Hidden Courtyards in Grand Stairs



The bottom floor of the building is transformed into a base on the east side serving as a connective space, which in a way weakens the sense of volume in the building’s appearance. Here, a grand stair is embedded in the campus plaza.

The number of steps gradually increases from north to south, inconspicuously dealing with 3.5-meter elevation difference. At the same time, the surface of the grand stair is made of natural stone, which integrates the stair into the plaza with consistent color and texture.


©Jürgen Landes




Even more inconspicuously, six lecture halls as one of the important functional spaces are concealed beneath the grand stair.

The grand stair features 3 cuts, which transform into 3 garden courtyards, each with diagonal bridges above that connect different stair areas in a dynamic manner. These garden courtyards provide lateral natural lighting and ventilation, allowing sunlight to permeate the lecture halls below, as well as extending the atmosphere of learning and communication to outdoor spaces.


©Jürgen Landes


©Christian Richters


奥托斯特恩中心 -分层平面图

©Gerber Architekten

奥托斯特恩中心 -剖面图

©Gerber Architekten

项目信息Project Data






建筑面积:11,404 平方米

Otto Stern Centre at Goethe University

Client: Land Hessen vertr. d. Hessisches Baumanagement RNL Rhein-Main

Service Scope: Architecture, Interior

Design: 2006 (1st Prize in Competition)

Construction: 2009–2012

GFA: 11,404 sqm

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